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9.3k · Sep 2013
Seasons Change
KM Sep 2013
Mister Sun was out
Lady Wind did whisper
Baby Clouds did not pout
Birds chirped for a listener

And now the seasons change

Through the tall grass
The autumn breeze blows
A warmth the air lacks
As summer does go

And now the seasons change

Winter comes with clouds
Heavily they sure will weigh,
Over the city over the town
Loom those clouds of gray

And now the seasons change

Back to the beginning
We return from where we came
Everything must start over
So it can continue the same

And again the seasons change
4.0k · Apr 2013
KM Apr 2013
In the middle of the forest,
There is a little sun,
Like a dream of every florist,
It’s shine, the night begun.

Hidden in the glowing walls,
Of moon lit petals,
A young star at her night fall,
Within, the heart settles.

A bee who finds sweet pollen,
Hiding with the evening star,
On the emerald ion,
Gazing at the earth’s quasar.
Wrote this with a friend of mine about a year ago.
3.1k · Jan 2014
Coffee Shops
KM Jan 2014
I want to go to coffee shops with you
See the world from your point of view
Watch the ocean waves break and crash
Run through the rain as the thunder cracks
I want to sing with you in the morning light
Hear you whisper between us in the night
Stand atop a mountain and take in the view
I want to go to coffee shops with you
3.1k · Sep 2014
KM Sep 2014
My mind has run off on an adventure
And left me far behind
Incomplete? Finish it.
2.8k · Oct 2013
Far Away
KM Oct 2013
Sometimes far away
Is in regards to distance
And sometimes
Far away
Is a time
And a place
In certain ways
So very far away
Can be the space
Between two hearts
But my love
You and I
Are always close
Side by side
2.2k · Aug 2013
Pessimistic Sunshine
KM Aug 2013
You know, for a girl with
Such a wild imagination,
She argues with
Logic, far too often.

She's pretty pessimistic
For a girl with sunshine eyes
The darkness makes her tick
And a soul that's full of lies

Sometimes she gets so morbid
I scare my friends away
She's fascinated by blood
I like it better that way

An enigma in her randomness
She is a song that holds no words
Staring down life's rabbit holes
Both the blessing and the curse

Time is always standing still
The sunshine never lasts
She dances to her own drum
Waiting for the one who understands

The voices that softly whisper
From the outside in, to the inside out
Putting reason out of mind
Adding an inkling of doubt

The boy who sees her light
And can hear her dancing beat
As they explore the darkness
Fighting voices of deceit
At the rate we're going, Mike Hauser and I could write our own poetry book ;) check out his work! He's a fantastic poet.
2.2k · Feb 2014
KM Feb 2014
She quietly sits,
Evaluating the words she
Let escape her lips.
Fighting with the anger,
Igniting her naked
Soul; being her only danger.
Her words are so devastating
2.0k · Mar 2013
Rapunzels Parody
KM Mar 2013
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, clean up your golden hair,
For in the way is thy golden stair.
I work and I clean and I just want a rest,
Maybe a hair cut would be for the best.
A small amount, a trim and a snip,
Please my dear, I constantly trip.
For your locks are beautiful and golden and fair,
Even with a cut, still your beauty no one can compare.
Just something fun and light that I wrote for a class a few years ago.
1.8k · Apr 2013
Folklore Of A Girl
KM Apr 2013
Lonely little elven girl, sitting in her yew tree seat,
Around fair lips your words do curl, in a way that's pretty and neat.
You dance and prance and shine so bright.
In beautiful circles you do twirl, you dance to your own heartbeat,
Silently you jump and whirl, the swift ease of your bare-feet.
You are the most brilliant star at night.

Traveling little mermaid, on your way to find your love,
Your heart has been remade, as you gaze at the stars above.
Swim as far as you can with daylight.
On your shoulders your hair does cascade, long and of
The softest strands it is made, more gentle than a dove.
Lay your head to rest in the moonlight.

Peaceful fair young princess, your prince will surely wait,
On your heart is a deepness, a light and heavy weight.
Close your eyes but not your sight.
The morning air holds crispness, as you silently sneak out the gate,
Run because you feel the nearness, leap in the arms of your soul-mate.
Hold your love and hold him tight.

Quite silent dreaming one, don't lose the things you admire,
Always let the imagination run, and with your heart conspire.
Let your dreams take over tonight.
Speak aloud any question, and let the answers transpire,
Inner depths have been awoken, you darling precious sapphire.
Fall in love under starlight.
1.7k · Jul 2013
Red Wine
KM Jul 2013
A kiss from red wine
On my red lips
Is a little sweeter
When my heart
Is falling to bits
1.7k · Jan 2014
Instant Gratification
KM Jan 2014
The constant mental banter
    Back and forth yes or no
        Do I disappoint my love
            For a moment of instant gratification?

            Do I throw away recovery
        Three solid months
    Itchy skin and hateful thoughts
For a moment of instant gratification?

                                                               ­                                                         And I'm so full of regret
                                                                ­                                                     Because it wasn't worth it
                                                              ­                                                       And I hurt my best friend
                                                          ­                                         For a moment of instant gratification

          A moment of instant gratification
          That wasn't even gratifying
          Wasn't in the slightest, satisfying
          Harboring a moment of regret
          For something he won't forget
          But I tried in vain to justify
          The actions I couldn't dignify
          Words that trickled like thorns
          Oh how I wish I waited a minute more
          And not let their whispers win
          Screams rather, as they crawl in
          They soothed their shrieks
          And gently brushed my cheeks
          And convinced me it didn't count
          If it didn't bleed on my account  
          But he held my close and said it did
          I can't swallow it, but it's true, I backslid
          "But it didn't leave any marks to show"
          My mind screams and my heart does echo
          "I didn't bleed in the slightest my dear"
          Disappointing him is a biggest fear
          As immaturity grasps at my soul
          I have to accept my repercussions in whole
          Three months down the drain
          And causing my best friend pain
          Not a scar to show for what I've done
          But away from me, he'll never run..
Wrote the first two stanzas in late November.. The rest is from this morning..
But if I'm being honest that last chunk is really cool and written well in my opinion.

I'm so sorry love.. I'm sorry my sky..
KM Aug 2013
Take my hand, we'll run away
I understand more than you think
Our future shouldn't be haunted by my past
I pinky promise our friendship will last.

You don't have to tell me everything
But I won't ever judge your heart and soul
You don't have to always be strong
I can be the place you belong

Let me show you your worth
Let me show you how great you are
You told me you were safe
I'm sorry this is the best I can do from afar

We don't have to be dating and romantic
You and I being just friends is alright
But you need to know how deeply you are loved
By your friends, by me, and from up above.

I know that's a cheesy Christian line
But the cheesiest things are often true
Like the things we say late and night
Between just me and you
1.6k · Oct 2013
Creepy Girls
KM Oct 2013
I wear a warning sign
It's on display to see
"Careful! Sharp Edges
Run far from me"

Sharp and jagged
I rip flesh from bone
Sadistic pleasure
To make you moan

The funniest mood
Grabs my soul
Being a good girl
Requires much control

I might let go
Have some fun
But regain control
When I'm done

Just a moment
This mood will pass
Though I may abuse
This hourglass
1.5k · Apr 2013
Heartfelt Distance
KM Apr 2013
I don't mean this to be sad dear,
My writing for you is from the heart.
The way you hold me closely and when
You whisper it makes this world bearable.

You make the world crisp and clear,
Our souls are together, bodies are apart.
I promise it will be soon when we shall again
Be together and our worlds stable.

I get overwhelmed when you whisper in my ear,
And the things you tell me inspire my art.
Near you I am calm, collected and zen.
You make the worst of the world tolerable.

There will come a year when we shall not shed a tear,
For the part when it's time for one of us to depart
Will become the past "then" and we will say "when"
For this distance makes us humble and we'll longer grumble.
Goodness I miss you abcd abcd abcd, aabbccdd.
1.5k · May 2016
KM May 2016
I used to think
bright blue eyes
and long blonde hair
was my weakness
But it turns out
it was your blue eyes
and your blonde hair
that made my knees drop
made my heart flutter
And now
All I see is you
When the others stare
and their dull blue eyes
don't light up my room
And the smell of their skin
doesn't help me sleep
doesn't make me feel safe
Your eyes are torrential downpour
into my soul
drowning all that I was
Leaving a changed woman
stranded in my place
Not that I've given any a chance.
I am still so repulsed by the idea
of a mans touch..
1.3k · Nov 2013
KM Nov 2013
Tear stains through these empty halls
Fists have broken these crumbling walls
A place made for help and education
Violently became a place of hurtful rejection
1.3k · Sep 2014
KM Sep 2014
Stupid girl you never know
Never know just what to do
When you stay or when you go
Hold you breath until you choke
Say goodnight and sleep well
You're under such a selfish spell
1.2k · Mar 2014
Blushing Bride (Part 1)
KM Mar 2014
There's still a bit of innocence
Deep within my heart
And my lover
My best friend
You're in so deep
You found it
And you make her blush
KM Oct 2013
I need to know from others
Is there a male version of a muse?
Because that's what he is for me
My inspiration my love, who I choose,
Sometimes we have our own reality
Where we can escape all those rules
I need to know from others
Is there a male version of a muse?

I know I've written other poems
And I've written for other guys
But those ones walked away
And said their dramatic goodbyes,
But this ones says he's here to stay
And my heart doesn't fear any lies
I know I've written other poems
And I've written for other guys

Just a look on his gorgeous face
And my soul starts spilling art
And the things he says to me,
There are no words for my heart
After he's gently held my tormented sea,
He's my best, my love, my counterpart
Just a look on his gorgeous face
And my soul starts spilling art
I kinda made up a form for this one :) I'm sure I didn't really make it up but I haven't seen it before so woo hoo.
1.2k · Aug 2014
Borrowed Clothing
KM Aug 2014
A shirt that smells like you
Feels like a tight hug
and sweet kiss
On my heart
As it renews
1.2k · Oct 2013
Silverware and Silver blades
KM Oct 2013
A growling tummy
Itchy scars
But you just want to feel
Feel anything really
Other than the darkness
Trying to bring you back in
As an old comforting friend
1.2k · Aug 2013
In a New York Minute
KM Aug 2013
Reports are that New York City
Has washed out with the tide
Give my regards to Broadway
The starless Manhattan skyline

The coffee shop patrons are oblivious
To what is going on outside
With latte in hand they don't realize
They'll soon be swimming for their yuppie lives

All the business men on Wall Street
Are stuffing money in suitcases
Hoping that they'll double as
Life saving flotation

All those spotless high fashion models
Are in heels trying to run-away
It's far too late for that now
Shouldn't have gone to work today

With Central Park underwater
It's now New Yorks finest fishing spot
Tossing fishing lines out of every high-rise
Using what ever bait they've got

From Escargot to caviar
Along with diamond rings for shine
To attract the fish for that special dish
On which the rich can dine

Once a place of so much fun
The island became it's own ride
When Coney Island washed away
As New York was pulled out with the tide
Collab with Mike Hauser :) seriously love working with him, even though I was kinda lazy with this poem and he did most the work ;)
KM Apr 2013
There is a little waiting room
On the second floor
Where he sits, the groom
Intently watching the door.

Being late for your wedding
Doesn't seem so awful now
The news that he is dreading,
But - it's time for the vows.

Rain rain go away, why did you take his bride today. Rain rain, return here not. For she is gone, now he will rot. A slow slow pain, consumes his soul. What a bad bad game, he's lost control.
@Mike Hauser posted some work called The Waiting Room, and this was my brains interpretation or spin off of it.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Vegas Wedding
KM Jul 2013
Woke up in a motel
Don't know where I was
How on earth I got here
What it is I'd done

Made it to the lobby
Breakfast being served
The look they gave me had no need
For the spoken word

Eggs and bacon filled my plate
And orange juice on the side
Stares and whispers overheard
"Sorry, did you say bride?!"

That's when she sat down next to me
My new blushing bride
I hollered to the waitress
Could I also get a side of cyanide

Was I just hung over
My mind was so clouded
What was I thinking
She moved closer and crowded

"My darling lovey
You seem confused"
Her soft sweet lips
I had to refuse

With teeth of green and looks that screamed
Of farm animals on the loose
Forget the fairy tale wedding
I think I married Mother Goose

Not quite and old hag
But no beauty was near
Or maybe that's the liquor speaking
I just need to get out of here

She huffed and puffed
When I would not embrace
But oh my heavens
I couldn't bear her face

She spoke about our future
And the children we would spawn
All i could think, if we had triplets
We could name them Wrong and Wrong and Wrong

I couldn't handle the thought
I had to get far far away
But "what happened last night.."
Was all I could say

So we went to the little white chapel
And found Elvis...of all places
He sent us to Marylin Monroe
Who handles all of his divorce cases

My darling bride was rather upset
But I couldn't handle being her groom
So I did what any man would
And rid myself of my gap toothed bride and her broom

Next time I wake up in a notel motel
And don't know who or where I am
I'll pack my bags right away
And call the quickest cab
Another wonderful collab I did with @Mike Hauser, he's truly a joy to work with
1.2k · Feb 2014
KM Feb 2014
Sitting heavy on the sight
Filling her bones full of fright
Yet comfort and peace within
As she starts to feel some wind
The autumn leaves so damp together
Her bare feet in such cold weather
A tattered dress upon her figure
She calls to him and waits for answer
Time goes by and silence surrounds
Beating down like a hundred hounds
Till a sudden stir in the darkness nearby
As clouds roll in and cover the sky
Sneaking and creeping out of the dark
A man whose bite is worse than his bark
He takes her hand and twirls her about
Pushing away any fear or doubt
Holding her close and easing her pain
She sings to him, doing the same
Ballroom dancing in a graveyard scene
Keeping to the shadows to remain unseen
Sweet words and laughter fill the crisp air
And with each other, their hearts lay bare
Their bare feet in such cold weather
And the autumn leaves are so damp together
They start to feel the chilling wind
But warm from the peace within
The two of them, shining so bright
On a foggy autumn graveyard night
I've always wanted to dance barefoot in a graveyard on a foggy autumn night..
1.2k · Jan 2014
Mocking Laughter
KM Jan 2014
Oh the mocking laughter
Gets louder and louder
As the heart I broke
Sits silently in front
And I sit across
Useless and hopeless
Can't fix a thing
Can't be trusted at all
And the mocking laughter
Gets louder and louder
I feel like my heads going to explode
I can't say I'm sorry enough
1.2k · Jul 2013
Lukewarm Coffee
KM Jul 2013
I love the taste of my coffee
But I'm really terrible at remembering
To drink it before it stars chilling.
I write
I draw
I sing
I am art.
But my coffee grows old.
So I've become okay with the taste
Of lukewarm coffee.
It's become a familiar kiss
Across my mouth and these lips.
I've noticed I have a habit of using the word kiss
1.2k · Sep 2014
Little Things
KM Sep 2014
Little things always change
They all build up
And I always forget
To watch for it
Though not always for the worse
Little things always change
1.1k · Dec 2013
Irresistible Happiness
KM Dec 2013
My love you're irresistible when you're happy
The way you glow and shine so brightly
The way you smile with such infectious joy
Sadness doesn't stand a chance with you around
1.1k · Jul 2014
Deaf Ears
KM Jul 2014
Help Help Help
The echoes reverberate
Ringing loudly
Of these empty prayers
Falling on
Deaf ears?
Are you there?
Are you listening?
I don't feel you
Where have you gone?
Or am I the one who left?
I've been pleading
Desperately praising
Desperately praying
Are you still there?
It feels so empty
So vague
So dusty
Why aren't you close to me?
Or is this what it fees like
When they say
"You're closer than ever
When He feels far away"
Well I don't believe it
This can't be right
Where is my God?
Where is my Saviour?
Are my choked prayers
Falling on His ears?
I don't know what I feel
Am I angry
Am I sad
Do I just give up?
Do I keep chasing?
Where are you?
The echoes reverberate
Ringing loudly
Of these empty prayers
Falling on
Deaf ears?
I won't give up
But I feel so lost
My Saviour My God
1.1k · May 2013
Unconditional Love
KM May 2013
You are love joy peace patience

Kindness goodness faithfulness
Gentleness self-control.

And you, in comparison to me,
Are the most pure human example
Of love, that I have ever seen.

You are patient and kind, you
Don't boast or get angry
And you don't keep records of
My wrong, even when I do.

If you need your space and time
To discover what you need to be
I will patiently wait right here.

Just as you were always there for me
I will be here when you are ready

I won't give up, best friend.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Preemptive Stomach Ache
KM Jul 2014
Shove your fingers down your throat
Farther farther till your choke
That never was
A friend of mine
No, I am not going to make myself *****.
1.1k · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Infectious smile
Like the sweetest disease
My lip have never touched
Such a delicate taste
As the gentle toxin
Secreting from your lips
I love these words and they're too often said negatively.. I don't at all mean them in a negative way..
1.1k · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Watching him enjoy something
Something he knows
No matter what it is
Is such an honor
Of the highest degree
The way he glows
Beams and smiles
Knowing every word
I am beyond blessed
To see that side
That no one else gets to
My pride my joy
My best my love
Thank you
For sharing with me
Without using words
1.1k · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
Why is it, that such simple
Inventions keep the world held
Right where it's meant to be.
Everything forever in it's place.
1.0k · Nov 2013
KM Nov 2013
All my life
there have been guys
this one, that one
this and that
But this time..
With this guy..
I had to take a step back.
My whirlwind was calmed,
And everything was right.
I looked in his eyes
Such beauty and love..
And suddenly he was the only one in sight.
November 12 2013.
Don't know why I didn't post this back then.
1.0k · Jun 2013
A Rough Draft Poem
KM Jun 2013
Sweetie I wish to write you a letter
But finding words I haven't said..
Well I could always call you my anchor,
Though that might get erased once I proof read.
I think if our lips pressed together..
Not necessarily in a romantic way,
We wouldn't need to speak forever.
Goodness your smile can make my day.
KM May 2013
It's not fair, it isn't fair
But with such a heavy glance of despair
You break me you mold me
I can't help but hold an overwhelming love for thee.

My poetry isn't bland, simple, or plain.
It's beautiful, a mess, and all sounds the same.
I use the same pattern, beat, and rhymes,
Eventually it will be used one too many times.

I am fighting the urge to love you so pure
God help me I have a poison and you are the cure.
Ignore me, push away, leave me to a thought.
It makes me miss you so much that I rot.

I'm a tree in the wind, I push but do not break
Will loving you turn out to just be a mistake?
Sometimes it's perfect and you're my closest best friend,
Other times it's like it was all just pretend.

It's not fair for me to desire your full attention,
And the sorrow in my soul is beyond comprehension.
I will never forgive myself, and you shouldn't either
I understand you need a break, your heart needs a breather.

I feel so worn thin, so little butter over too much bread
These thoughts and emotions must get out of my head.
What do you want can't you make yourself clear
But please don't tell me it's what I fear.

It's a sick sort of enjoyment, I get from this life,
It's hard to accept you seeing anyone else as a wife.
But that's what it's come to and that's my fault too
I just hope she makes you happy and her love is true.

You told me have patience to see if it's in my favor
I know I've had inexcusable behavior.
You probably didn't see that it was about you and I,
Waiting to see what you choose makes me want to die.

The heaviest burden I ever have bore,
I'm so sorry for that time, your heart, I tore.
It makes me feel ill to think about my choice,
But you don't understand, he stole my voice.

I won't talk about him because he isn't what I want,
Will my choice forever be over me, a ghost that will haunt?
I'm so sorry my dear, I'm so sorry my precious love,
You always treated me like a gift from above.

And sometimes I think about how bad is the pain,
When the person you love does not love the same.
Then I recall yet again what I did to your heart,
I wonder if it would be best, if I just chose to depart.

I get so beyond torn when I try to decide
Because no matter what, I won't leave your side.
Sometimes it just hurts too much, I have to write it out,
It comes it waves and I'm sorry for my doubt.

I'm sorry for the way my emotions turn and twist,
I never want you to have to deal with this.
I'm such a mess and I want to tell you all that I feel,
But I fear if I do, you will leave, and my nightmare will be real.

Oh my oh goodness me this has turned into a mess,
I can't form my words even when I try my best.
I'm sorry if this isn't clear, doesn't help, or bring peace,
I have no one to talk to, it just sits and festers, this is my release.
1.0k · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
Ocean has tides
Ocean takes a slave
Slave to money
Slave to power
Power over people
Power to control
Control the life
Control my love
Love your world
Love earths nature
Nature is pure
Nature has flaws
Flaws are here
Flaws are perfect
Perfect dates exist
Perfect isn’t hard to reach
Reach for the stars
Reach for hearts
Hearts are for love
Hearts are for emotion
Emotion makes you feel
Emotion breathes life
Life is a gift
Life may recycle
Recycle the trash
Recycle to be clean
Clean your home
Clean everything
Everything exists
Everything is creation
Creation is you
Creation feels
Feel it
Feel the breeze
Breeze through life
Breeze by
By the way
By your side
Side with me
Side of the sea
Sea spray
Sea decay
Decay is rot
Decay means bye
Bye my love
Bye from above
Above the world
Above the crowd
A fun blitz poem I wrote 3/25/2013
964 · May 2013
A Home in the Forest
KM May 2013
We should find a favorite spot,
Go camping there once a year.
In between the traveling about,
From there, to there, to there to here.

Put daisies up in my tangled hair,
And I will you help with yours.
Kiss me when I stir from a night mare,
Kiss my lips and make me soar.

We may only own a single teapot,
Living in the wilderness is an odd career.
But we'll never wish to be elsewhere,
In the morning when we wake to a herd of deer.

The little pitter-patter of tiny feet
Running to daddy and mommy.
A sound that would be so sweet
Even if sentences are a bit clumsy.
April 19th 2013
956 · May 2013
Conflicting Messages
KM May 2013
I must determine when I need to let you go,
and when I need to just hold close.
But the voices in my head,
send conflicting messages.
And the words that you speak,
Don't help me in the least.
I won't give up on us,
We hold something precious.
I post poems out of order so I seem really emotionally unstable but guys I'm not that crazy I promise I just save some as drafts and go back to them later :p
953 · Nov 2013
Sweet Dreams
KM Nov 2013
Do you ever wake up
More exhausted than the night before?
As if your sweet dreams
Opened another worlds door?

No white rabbits here
This isn't Wonderland
You won't be young forever
For it isn't Neverland

Here the sandman drags his bag
Through the recesses of your mind
Covering up your childhood dreams
To forever be lost in time

Every crack every crevasse
No rest will be found
Nightmare or dream
Screams make no sound

So run, run, run as fast as you can
For in dreams you have no choice
When being chased down by the unknown
Like I said screams have no voice

Toss and turn and fight to awake
Your body will stay departed
In this dream or reality you're stuck
In a nightmare, vastly uncharted

Struggling to get through the underbrush
In the jungles of your dreams
Where your never sure what lays in the shadows
And nothing is as it seems

So again I ask, do you ever wake up
More exhausted than the night before?
As if your sweet dreams
Opened another worlds door?
Did this with Mike Hauser! Such a great poet.
937 · Aug 2013
Twisted Bobby-Pins
KM Aug 2013
My hair doesn't exactly flow right
Like the way it does for other girls
I know I'm a pretty messy sight
It's a bit of a fuzz rather than curls

I hope you don't mind my eyes
I never really wear any face paint
It just feels like such a disguise
Without it, I've never gotten complaint

Not much effort is put into my looks
I hope that doesn't disappoint you
I learned to flirt from my books
Not too brilliant but it'll do

I always prayed to be who everyone adored
For my looks, my heart, and for me
Took me a while to learn I was made by the Lord
And that allows me to be me, and free
925 · Nov 2013
Voice of Truth
KM Nov 2013
God, Father, Creator
The most perfect artist
Flawless work
Every time

Like the contrast
Of the deep blues
Greys, and purples
That make up rain clouds
As the deep oranges
Reds and yellows
Of the ever present sun
Fight the darkness

Or the contrast
You've created in me
Imbalanced, broken, a mess
Dark corners and scary halls
Constantly being fought
By my joy, my hope
The cheery bright child
That won't stay silent

The love you've created
The love you've allowed me to feel
And experience in full
Is more than I, a broken human, deserve
But regardless you show me
Mercy, grace, love, forgiveness
Because all the darkness
Within me or without
Will never take away my title;
Your beloved child
And with that, the sky cleared up.
918 · Jan 2014
A Long Day
KM Jan 2014
Soggy noodles
And the chili I've added
Stinging my dried
Cracked and bright pink lips

Freezing air
And my delicate skin
Stinging and burning
My now rosy raw cheeks

I deeply long for the stinging in my chest of the crisp winter air and I've found an affinity for the rawness of my cheeks after the bitter wind bites me
916 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Oh lord
My loving lord
Aside from you
And the love you provide
I am beyond speechless
Beyond my words
I thank you so passionately
That he is mine
912 · Dec 2013
Little One
KM Dec 2013
Oh little gentle soul
Long dark hair
Bright green eyes
Favorite red dress
Twirling and dancing
Leaping and smiling
The living room
Your stage
The sunshine
Your spotlight
Rows of teddy bears
Your adoring fans
Don't give up
Oh little gentle soul
Don't ever stop
Twirling and dancing
Leaping and smiling
900 · Jan 2014
Sleeping Sky
KM Jan 2014
he* and his words
gently caress
and pass heartfelt whispers
to wrap and comfort
my sensitive soul
in his sweet
and unmistakable
1/6/2014 00:59
898 · Dec 2014
Good Morning
KM Dec 2014
Oh my sweet lover
With the safest arms I know
Hold them close around my skin
My flesh my soul and bones
Encase me in your sanctuary
Wrap me up with delight
I'll see you in the morning dawn
Gently kissed by the days first light
891 · May 2014
KM May 2014
If your lover
Your mate
Loses zeal
Loses beauty
Looks twisted
When you disagree
Then you aren't loving

But my friend
My best
My favorite
You are as handsome as ever.
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