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Oct 2013 · 626
KM Oct 2013
Such a sensation
Holding your breath
Till your toes tingle
And you wish for death
Your heart starts pounding
And your vision blurs
And your ears are ringing
As your body stirs
From the sensation
Of holding your breath
Till your toes tingle
While you wish for death
Oct 2013 · 429
The Ending
KM Oct 2013
I'm not afraid of dying
I'm afraid of getting older
And the demons of my past
Never letting me find closure
Oct 2013 · 358
The Middle
KM Oct 2013
Being a teens isn't fun
But it's worse being an adult
Our dreams start to fade
Life becomes more difficult
Oct 2013 · 337
The Beginning
KM Oct 2013
When we all start out
We all have extravagant dreams
Just can't wait for the day
When we become teens
Oct 2013 · 727
A Firefly's Song To Her Sky
KM Oct 2013
My inspiration my love, who I choose,
Sometimes we have our own reality
Where we can escape all the rules
Where our hearts can feel at ease
To sit and watch the east sun rise
With joy my heart cries
I love you beyond all measure
And darling no doubt whispers

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea

Our love can be violent
Or slow and calm
A world above us
Or a world below
A sort of fullness
You and I,
We overflow

I'll be by your side
Hold you up when you're down
You won't be all alone
I won't let my darling drown

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea
Taking parts from various poems I've written for him/about love and smooshing them together as a song kinda messy thing. I really wish I could write songs and not just throw words together.
Oct 2013 · 479
Erase Me
KM Oct 2013
I'm sorry you have to see my scars
The ones on my arms old and new
The ones on my hips, those too
The ones on my thighs
There are more there than I thought
I did them there to not be caught

But the good news is, my love
My broken heart has been healed
So a new start for you can be revealed
My body is a mess
But my heart is yours, pure and clean
Now I feel beautiful, you make me gleam
Oct 2013 · 339
KM Oct 2013
I think we could be
(you and I, we)
The most delicate harmony
KM Oct 2013
I need to know from others
Is there a male version of a muse?
Because that's what he is for me
My inspiration my love, who I choose,
Sometimes we have our own reality
Where we can escape all those rules
I need to know from others
Is there a male version of a muse?

I know I've written other poems
And I've written for other guys
But those ones walked away
And said their dramatic goodbyes,
But this ones says he's here to stay
And my heart doesn't fear any lies
I know I've written other poems
And I've written for other guys

Just a look on his gorgeous face
And my soul starts spilling art
And the things he says to me,
There are no words for my heart
After he's gently held my tormented sea,
He's my best, my love, my counterpart
Just a look on his gorgeous face
And my soul starts spilling art
I kinda made up a form for this one :) I'm sure I didn't really make it up but I haven't seen it before so woo hoo.
Oct 2013 · 494
I Hope You Don't Mind
KM Oct 2013
I brag about you
To my friends
My parents
My God
I tell them all
About your beauty
The way you shine
Make me whole
I tell them how
You're the most handsome
With the best smile
Most sincere eyes
And how you're genuine
I tell them about you
And how you are
Everything I want
13:02 10/7/2013
My darling my sky. I love your darkness, your light, your everything.
Oct 2013 · 2.8k
Far Away
KM Oct 2013
Sometimes far away
Is in regards to distance
And sometimes
Far away
Is a time
And a place
In certain ways
So very far away
Can be the space
Between two hearts
But my love
You and I
Are always close
Side by side
Oct 2013 · 606
Lovers Eyes (Part two)
KM Oct 2013
And darling no doubt whispers
The distinct difference from others
Who filled my heart with lies
But there's love in your eyes
We support one another

Pouring rain, hiding under covers
Cuddling close and finding comfort
In the clouds, my heart flies
And darling no doubt whispers

A love that does not smother
I will never want another
To sit and watch the sun rise
With joy my heart cries
I love you beyond measure
And darling no doubt whispers
So there was a serious stretch with some of the rhyming here but I hope you guys like it :) 9/7/2013-10/4/2013
Oct 2013 · 709
Easy Poetry
KM Oct 2013
If a poet ever tells you
Writing is easy
Writing is fun
If they say this to you
They are lying
Lying a ton
Being a poet
Isn't easy
This is hell
But writers have a place
To call home
To dwell
Where they live comfortably
Is a dark place
A dark cave
And the only ones who enter
Those who love
Those who are brave
Poets are deep creatures
Endless thoughts
Endless pain
If one lets you see inside
Don't injure
Don't be vain
Just quietly sit there
As their soul
Takes you as part
And absorb what you can
As their words
Come from the heart
9/7/2013 & 10/4/2013
Oct 2013 · 448
Beautiful Love
KM Oct 2013
Everything I want
All that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed

You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the sun set
Over the sea

Hold me close
Hold me tight
In my heart
I know this is right

I love you much
With all my soul
My darling one
You make me whole
Oct 2013 · 327
KM Oct 2013
You saved me once
But where are you now,
Now that I'm bleeding.
Is it true that
I need you more,
More than you need me?
Oct 2013 · 533
KM Oct 2013
Shaky hands
Soft flesh
Cold metal
Warm blood
Deep stains
Sep 2013 · 377
KM Sep 2013
And now the sun is gone away
Come here my lovely rain cloud
Fill my sky with your beauty
Sep 2013 · 391
Pathetic Love
KM Sep 2013
Tell me that you're always mine
I'll tell you that I'm always yours
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
I won't do everything right
But you have every bit of me
I want so badly to be with you
I hope you want so badly to be with me
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
You have your own problems
And you know I have mine
But we could do this together
We don't have to be alone
The weird kids can share a love
Just stick with me forever
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
Sep 2013 · 549
Slashed Smiles
KM Sep 2013
Let me feed off your negative vibes
But negative is such a relative term
You're so much ******* fun
When we both get like this
Are we destructive or are we perfect
Come one baby just be mine
Embrace our inner freaks
The scary kids the creepy kids
I always wanted to be that
You and I can be that couple
But only if you really knew
The mess that is inside me
I joke and tease constantly
But this is really part of my soul
Always been the demented one
Always been the morbid girl
You and I should stay together
You aren't scared away from my thoughts
Lets go play lets have some fun
I'm pretty sure you are the one
Sep 2013 · 774
KM Sep 2013
Creepy is a compliment to me
I admit I like to bleed
I just cannot help my crush
Oh the way it makes me rush
The way it flows
The way it grows
The saying "make blood boil"
Causes me such turmoil
Do I prefer it cold
Though that's pretty bold
Or maybe, should I heat it up
Before I go and eat it up
Baby what's your recipe
Share your secrets with me
Sep 2013 · 803
Destructive Addiction
KM Sep 2013
What if I sew your lips shut
With my needle and thread
Liars shouldn't speak to me
They don't know how mean I can be

My favorite red lipstick
Is the shade of your blood
As I color my soft lips
And entice you with my hips

Such a bad boy you have been
Your punishment is overdue
Choose your weapon knife or gun
Come on baby this'll be fun

You didn't know this side of me
You didn't know I was this kinda girl
I'm craving for some blood to spill
Not mine though, that's the thrill

You and I can have a grand time
Staining carpets just for fun
Off with their heads
For all those things they said
9/30/2013 not geared towards anyone in specific.. Just thought this was fun and I've been listening to less-than-positive music today
Sep 2013 · 547
The Good One
KM Sep 2013
The good ones are weighted down
By the weight of the world
The weight of themselves
And all the see wrong
The bad ones don't care
They don't see the faults
They think their alright
My love is a good one
The best that I've seen
I just wish you'd remember
You're only seventeen
You have time to grow
To be what you want
You're all that I need
That I want and adore
We'll make it through
Any level of war
Sep 2013 · 472
Be Good, My Soldier
KM Sep 2013
Don't give up love
You'll make it through
And if you want to change
And be someone new
I'll be by your side
Hold you up when you're down
You won't be alone
I won't let you drown
Sep 2013 · 9.0k
Seasons Change
KM Sep 2013
Mister Sun was out
Lady Wind did whisper
Baby Clouds did not pout
Birds chirped for a listener

And now the seasons change

Through the tall grass
The autumn breeze blows
A warmth the air lacks
As summer does go

And now the seasons change

Winter comes with clouds
Heavily they sure will weigh,
Over the city over the town
Loom those clouds of gray

And now the seasons change

Back to the beginning
We return from where we came
Everything must start over
So it can continue the same

And again the seasons change
Sep 2013 · 528
A Healing Soul
KM Sep 2013
Choosing to love
Is an open lesion
Something that can last
For merely a season

Other lacerations,
For a very long while
As we chose to love
Those deemed worthwhile

Certain injuries
Leave lasting damage
Moving on from pain
Takes tremendous courage

A hearts recovery
Takes patience and time
Give it room to breathe
It will be free of past grime

Let yourself love
Let yourself be free
Let yourself be
What you need to be
8/31/2013-9/17/2013 finally finished this one :) I wrote the first two stanzas back in August, the third and fourth yesterday, and the last one right now :)
Sep 2013 · 571
My World
KM Sep 2013
My world is bigger than yours
And all the people I know
Somehow know each other
Your world is a single town
In a single state
In a single country
My world is vast
My world is deep
My world crosses oceans
My world is the beating hearts
The joyful smiles
Tear stained cheeks
From tear filled eyes
By every happy smile
And every breaking soul
My world is you
9/17/2013 I don't know.. This was weird and I just kept typing and this is what happened.. Sometimes my heart hurts for everyone on the planet at once and I just can't bare it..
Sep 2013 · 659
All Yours
KM Sep 2013
Gods made me patient
And He's made me kind
Love is a choice
But it also is blind
At least for a little while
A very small amount of time
True love that lasts
Love that stays around
Is love that sees your flaws
And stills loves what they found
Nothing good comes easy
Nothing worthwhile is free
I see your flaws and you see mine
But I still want you and me
I still was us to be
Sep 2013 · 580
KM Sep 2013
Stay strong
Little warrior
Hold fast
Brave soldier
It won't last,
The heavy pain
You won't break,
Though heavy weight
You're loved
Little warrior
And so worthwhile
Brave soldier
Sorry I've been so inactive lately.. 9/12/2013
Sep 2013 · 440
KM Sep 2013
Lots of times
I tend to
Everything is real.
Sep 2013 · 508
1:12 am
KM Sep 2013
Your words are so gentle,
They melt the walls to my heart.
A chill runs down my spine,
Racing the tear on my warm face.
To be loved, to be loved,
Isn't that what we all desire?

Gods will is never accidental,
He created love as an art.
I hope we someday entwine,
Though for now, our own pace.
But oh my darling beloved,
We could be a slow burning fire.
9/6/2013 I wrote you another poem
Sep 2013 · 678
KM Sep 2013
I am a woman of society,
I am conditioned to believe my body is not my own,
but the man who decides to take me.
I am helpless without a man because I am weak.
I was a woman of society.
But now, I wish to be, a woman of my own devices.
I am vulnerable, but I am strong.
I am clever, beautiful, and know my own limits.
I, just as all women, have my ways of finding my strength, courage, and confidence.
I will be confident, though you will judge me.
I will be strong, when you try to harm me.
I will be beautiful, because I am me.
I can be all these things, still love a man, and he will still love me.
Wrote this maybe.. 4 months back? Got frustrated with woman not knowing and understanding that you can be strong, independent, beautiful and not be a man-hater at the same time.
Sep 2013 · 668
Silent Sufferer
KM Sep 2013
I've decided to ignore everyone today
I'm just so tired of getting in their way
So quietly I will sit, with my red lips zipped
My mind is buzzing but outside is like a crypt

Let memory of my eyes fade from yours
Just lay in bed and listen as the rain pours
It won't be long to forget, I existed in your life
Because after all I would have been a terrible wife
Sep 2013 · 568
The Voices That Mock
KM Sep 2013
The loneliness haunts me
And it never truly goes away
Only when I'm constantly chatting
Then I can deceive myself
For a while I forget how alone I am
But on the mornings when everyone
All my 'friends' whom I chat
Are gone doing this doing that
Only then do I feel the crushing burden
The heaviest weight I carry
Being alone
Aug 2013 · 477
Lovers Eyes
KM Aug 2013
If you can't see love in someones eyes
Truly see love in them
The way the smile
The way their eyes glitter
The way they gaze at the person whom they love
If you cannot see these things
Is simply a word uttered
By a lying tongue
And a deceitful heart
Aug 2013 · 911
Twisted Bobby-Pins
KM Aug 2013
My hair doesn't exactly flow right
Like the way it does for other girls
I know I'm a pretty messy sight
It's a bit of a fuzz rather than curls

I hope you don't mind my eyes
I never really wear any face paint
It just feels like such a disguise
Without it, I've never gotten complaint

Not much effort is put into my looks
I hope that doesn't disappoint you
I learned to flirt from my books
Not too brilliant but it'll do

I always prayed to be who everyone adored
For my looks, my heart, and for me
Took me a while to learn I was made by the Lord
And that allows me to be me, and free
Aug 2013 · 535
Yin And Yang
KM Aug 2013
I'm the ocean but you're the sea
You're what flows inside of me
A harmonious flow
From dusk till dawn
Our love can be violent
Or slow and calm
A world above us
Or a world below
A sort of fullness
We overflow
Something I wrote a while back but couldn't find an exact date for. The last two lines I finished yesterday or the day before.
Aug 2013 · 532
Let's Go Home, Love
KM Aug 2013
When I awoke I sat alone
Goodness me that's a large mushroom
Or have a gotten small once more
All I can recall was a mist of blue
Surrounding my eyes
Choking my lungs
I'm late for a very important date
It's my drug of choice but it controls me
Though I lie to myself
And say I have it under my will
I crave my tea-of-tears
I'm late for a very important date
And I feel so large today
Larger than my house
Goodness me curiouser and curiouser
We'll never dry off this way
Nothing seems right anymore
Why am I always too tall
Or just too small
I can never fit quite right
Will I ever fit anywhere
I'm so alone
I just want to find my way home
But this is home
This new wonderful land
The key isn't on the table anymore
I have it right here
In my pocket
It's been there the entire time
I don't guide my own steps though
Forever lost looking for home
These people here are simply mad
'Round the bend
This must be where I belong
Home amongst the curious
The mad
My own asylum
Built in my mind
My very own
Aug 2013 · 721
KM Aug 2013
I've written a few stanzas
We can call it a poem
But none of it will flow
It all sounds so dumb

How ironic the timing,
My inspiration has gone
I miss my recent dream
I hope it's not away for long

But when it returns to me
I hope it has found
What it was looking for
So we can stay on the ground

I promise I'm patient
I can wait a long while
Doesn't mean I won't miss
Your handsome smile

Just friends, you say?
I can do that, ***
I just want you in my life
No pressure, just fun

And if you come back to me
Saying you want more
That's okay with me too
I just want what God has in store
Aug 2013 · 516
KM Aug 2013
Bottle it up                                                               ­ 
Like tears in an hour glass

Hide it away                                                        
Like the skeletons in the closet

Keep it quiet                                                
Like the secrets between you

Let it build                                          
Those walls around your heart

Cover it up                                
The scars you hid for so long

Ignore it now                    
So it can fester and putrefy

Let it break                              
Even though you swore it wouldn't

Let it be                                              
Even if it's just for the time being

Let it flourish                                              
Because you know it's going to

Give it time                                                          
I promise it's worth the wait

Let it go                                                               ­     
It's not always in your hands

Open it up                                                          
So your wounds can breath

Risk it soon                                                
Because sometimes you need to take action

Take it now                                        
Because not everythings given to you

A delicate balance must be held
Between knowing when to wait
And when you need to work for it.
It's easy to say you cannot control
When you don't know what to do.
Things are given to us, rarely
Without risks you get nothing.
Fear and history make us cautious
But we can't let them control us
8/27/2013 This poem is a mess. Sorta like my brain right now.
Aug 2013 · 765
My Fire, My Sky
KM Aug 2013
My beautiful mother just called me
And said so kindly, "her little pyro"
But oh if only she had a clue
Of the fire that burns within me also

Sometimes it's a subtle mellow flame
And other times a forest fire rages
My sweltering heart cannot be touched
Except for with him, the fire disengages

For so long the fire inside me was kindled
Burning up the things that upset me
I never saw the affect it had on what I loved
Till I was worn thin and my fire let me free

I was all burnt up and left charred from my faults
When a refreshing rain cloud hovered nearby
No hatred, guilt, fear or sadness was left upon me
And suddenly that rain cloud was my entire sky
Aug 2013 · 650
Stormy Weather
KM Aug 2013
The ocean never gets exhausted,
So it tries to ware down the shore,
Sand always keeps strong against the tide.

The sun weights heavy on the surface
As it smiles and shines, despite this
The ocean never gets exhausted.

People come and they always go
Hellos are fun, but goodbyes hurt
So it tries to ware down the shore.

Storms start far off the beach
They build till they affect the surf, but
Sand always keeps strong against the tide.
Another one from my ocean set 3/25/2013 (yes I did write all of them in one day, most exhausting day ever. 8 poems for a final project for school).
Aug 2013 · 971
KM Aug 2013
Ocean has tides
Ocean takes a slave
Slave to money
Slave to power
Power over people
Power to control
Control the life
Control my love
Love your world
Love earths nature
Nature is pure
Nature has flaws
Flaws are here
Flaws are perfect
Perfect dates exist
Perfect isn’t hard to reach
Reach for the stars
Reach for hearts
Hearts are for love
Hearts are for emotion
Emotion makes you feel
Emotion breathes life
Life is a gift
Life may recycle
Recycle the trash
Recycle to be clean
Clean your home
Clean everything
Everything exists
Everything is creation
Creation is you
Creation feels
Feel it
Feel the breeze
Breeze through life
Breeze by
By the way
By your side
Side with me
Side of the sea
Sea spray
Sea decay
Decay is rot
Decay means bye
Bye my love
Bye from above
Above the world
Above the crowd
A fun blitz poem I wrote 3/25/2013
Aug 2013 · 416
Restoring Strength
KM Aug 2013
Thinking back I realize
The big mistake I made
Lending you my heart and soul
For more than just one day

You were so gentle
When we started out
But quickly turned sour
Towards such a bitter thing

The pain from the fights
The rough words you said
Now I can say I don't miss
Those rotten old days

Your words pierced my flesh
Your screams bled my heart
But I don't need your love
I'm learning strength, alone

So don't come crying
Back to the love we once shared
You just won't find it
It is not even there
A collab I did with Krusty Aranda, go check him out! :)
Aug 2013 · 2.1k
Pessimistic Sunshine
KM Aug 2013
You know, for a girl with
Such a wild imagination,
She argues with
Logic, far too often.

She's pretty pessimistic
For a girl with sunshine eyes
The darkness makes her tick
And a soul that's full of lies

Sometimes she gets so morbid
I scare my friends away
She's fascinated by blood
I like it better that way

An enigma in her randomness
She is a song that holds no words
Staring down life's rabbit holes
Both the blessing and the curse

Time is always standing still
The sunshine never lasts
She dances to her own drum
Waiting for the one who understands

The voices that softly whisper
From the outside in, to the inside out
Putting reason out of mind
Adding an inkling of doubt

The boy who sees her light
And can hear her dancing beat
As they explore the darkness
Fighting voices of deceit
At the rate we're going, Mike Hauser and I could write our own poetry book ;) check out his work! He's a fantastic poet.
Aug 2013 · 690
Your Lips
KM Aug 2013
Is it weird for me to say
That I really love your lips?
But I don't have to kiss them
I just want to trace them
With my eyes
With my finger tips,
And just admire them
And they way they form words
Or the way your cigarette smoke
Just slowly creeps between them.
Then they smile
That gorgeous smile..
That they create as you exhale.
But maybe if it's okay
Not too much to ask
I would really love if I could..
Can I trace them with my lips, too?
Just a poem inspired by a conversation I heard 8/2/2013
Aug 2013 · 678
Autumn Nights
KM Aug 2013
It whispers in your ear
A chilly wind that invites
It whisks away your childish fears

A subtle fire ignites
One of the most magnificent sights
It whispers in your ear

The darkness is full of frights
But also holds many delights
It whisks away your childish fears

Don't be afraid to embrace lights
Your emotions it excites
It whispers in your ear

Leaves fall as a tree recites
All the terrors and the fights
It whisks away your childish fears

The coolest of autumn nights
The coolest of autumn nights
It whispers in your ear
It whisks away your childish fears
Inspired by something I wrote 10/24/2012 01:16 finished 8/20/2013
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
In a New York Minute
KM Aug 2013
Reports are that New York City
Has washed out with the tide
Give my regards to Broadway
The starless Manhattan skyline

The coffee shop patrons are oblivious
To what is going on outside
With latte in hand they don't realize
They'll soon be swimming for their yuppie lives

All the business men on Wall Street
Are stuffing money in suitcases
Hoping that they'll double as
Life saving flotation

All those spotless high fashion models
Are in heels trying to run-away
It's far too late for that now
Shouldn't have gone to work today

With Central Park underwater
It's now New Yorks finest fishing spot
Tossing fishing lines out of every high-rise
Using what ever bait they've got

From Escargot to caviar
Along with diamond rings for shine
To attract the fish for that special dish
On which the rich can dine

Once a place of so much fun
The island became it's own ride
When Coney Island washed away
As New York was pulled out with the tide
Collab with Mike Hauser :) seriously love working with him, even though I was kinda lazy with this poem and he did most the work ;)
Aug 2013 · 635
Let's Sing
KM Aug 2013
I heard the faintest whisper
Just a hint of a melody
It was the tune of a song to sing
A song for you and me

A song that reaches your heart
A melody that sings with your soul
Something stirring within you
It makes you lose control

The vast sea of emotions
Endless late night smiles
Hearts are easily fooled
But the mind knows the miles

A song with a long pause
But lets not skip this track
Waiting can be beautiful
Someday we'll have each other back
Aug 2013 · 326
From My Father
KM Aug 2013
My darling child
You've given your heart away
A few too many times
But I'm here to tell you
I will make your heart anew
For the man I made specifically
To have all of you
8/17/2013 00:14
Aug 2013 · 524
Dear Hello Poetry Humans;
KM Aug 2013
I just wanted to say a thank you to everyone who follows me on here, and to those who just stop by for a moment. I reached 10,000 views and my heart is just soaring! I've only been on here for about 5 months but you guys are just so incredible. You all inspire my writing, creativity, and encourage me as a poet. I'm looking forward to making new friends and working with more of you in the future :)
Aug 2013 · 663
No Place Like Home
KM Aug 2013
Somewhere over the rainbow the land of Oz is burning
What you don't know won't hurt you
As this world keeps on turning

Oh, poor Mr. Scarecrow is on fire
And far away the monkeys flew
Somewhere over the rainbow the land of Oz is burning

Tin man with his rusty wires
Needs more oil than when he was new
As this world keeps on turning

The cowardly lions hair did flare
As his home disappears from view
Somewhere over the rainbow the Land of oz is burning

Soon to be the witches funeral pyre
As water from the bucket flew
As this world keeps on turning

Do yourself a favor, don't look behind the curtain
Watch your step, a twisters coming through
Somewhere over the rainbow the Land of Oz is burning
As this world keeps turning
8/15/2013 Collaboration with Mike Hauser :) truly an amazing poet and friend.
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