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KL Taguiam Sep 2020
Dangerous thoughts are swirling inside my mind.

Beckoning to me; begging me to free them.

But I can't.

For if I do, I know that I will be, once again, submerged into a state of nothingness.

And I'm afraid that I will not be able to come back.
KL Taguiam Apr 2020
As my mind wandered
this savage street
filled with misery and regret
I sighed, as the unending
and relentless whirlwind of agony
is all but child's play compared
to what this seemingly calm but deep,
seething resentment exuding
from all the tired souls waiting to be saved,
waiting for their own minuscule area of repose.
KL Taguiam Dec 2019
You sat on a bench,
In a cold night,
You looked up to the sky,
then closed your eyes

Your little hands held on to the seat,
while you moved your legs back and forth
back and forth
while feeling the cold night air

Little by little,
snow began to fell
you smiled
and began to hum

You opened your eyes
and felt delight
as twinkling lights
filled your sight

In your eyes,
there wouldn't be anything better
In your mind, you thought
"I hope this lasts forever."
KL Taguiam Apr 2018
My hands are itching to write once again.

But my mind is blank.

Words form a pool of blank ink inside my head that my hands fail to write that first letter. That first word.

It's like I'm playing hide and seek, and I fail to find what I am looking for; or what I want to look for.

It only gets worse.

And the sea of ink, turns into a gray slate of nothingness.

My heart is thumping. But I am not afraid nor nervous. I am not excited either.

My ears aren't covered, yet I can't hear what's going on outside.

The only thing I can perceive is the emptiness inside my head.

The only thing I can understand is the eerie silence of the words that I tried to write.
KL Taguiam Nov 2017
the relentless gale has once again come into the quiet night,
trying to wake me in my unending reverie,

never have i thought how tiring it would be,
to be the one to hold the onslaught at bay,
of things i would happily keep,
in the deep recesses of my deranged mind.
KL Taguiam Jan 2016
I thought I have gotten over my insanity.
But it seems that it is the only thing
that keeps me grounded.
I know it's a bit strange to say that,
but the thing is, it is the only thing
that never left me.
And instead of hating it,
I slowly came to like it;
like it to the point
that I don't want to part with it,
because when I do,
I will unravel.
I'll die emotionally.
And I won't be able
get back from it.
KL Taguiam Jan 2016
I am drowning
in a sea ravaged
by storm.

I couldn't keep up
with the onslaught
of waves.

My arms are getting numb,
my legs are burning,
my lungs are slowly
loosing oxygen.

Try as I might,
I can't swim back

And slowly,
I stopped moving
and I let the waves
bring me down.

And I am sinking.

Sinking deeper
in the abyss
of an addled mind.

Sinking in the
comforting hands
of insanity.

Sinking in the lilting
voice of madness.
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