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Sometimes, I wish I could fly.
Soar above the endless spacious sky,
Run my fingers along the fluff of the clouds
And look down at the world from above
viewed as nothing more than a speck,
Why did you not create me to be able to fly?

Sometimes, I wish I could climb.
Grapple with the backs of rocky mountain sides,
Touch the tippy tops of sharp, jagged peaks
And shout my accomplishments into the wind
heard as nothing more than a slight breeze,
Why did you not create me to be able to climb so high?

Sometimes, I wish I could swim.
Dive down into the deep, flowing depths,
Plunge myself into a whole new world filled with danger and mystery and beauty
And pour my discoveries into this magnificent and vast sea
becoming nothing more than my swept away dreams,
Why did you not create me to be able to swim so far?

Sometimes, I wish I could run.
Dash into endless forests and over countless hills,
Race alongside cheetahs amid the golden savanna
And let my strong legs carry me to wherever I may go
with nothing more than sot sunlight on my face and stars above my head to light my path,
Why did you not create me to be able to run so fast?

Sometimes, I wish for too many things in life.
That I could be someone or something I'm not.
But I am who I am, you made me this way, God.
A limited and restricted being,
bound to exhaustion and pain and ensnared in materialistic desires.
I hope that one day, I will be able to experience it all,
Free of the way of human life.
Seeing the world the way that wild animals do,
Truly living, like today is their last day. +
This was in assignment for my English class my sophomore year.
Will I ever know—
As insects walk on water,
Bliss, stillness on pond?
Oh my God I miss you!
I guess it's a bit strange,
to miss some one you
never really had in your life.
A phantom, a wisp of smoke,
from a fire burning miles away,
on which you have never
warmed your hands or heart.
At least not in 50 long years.

But this is my dilemma,
My emotional burden to carry,
My moment to moment distraction,
The quandary of my boundless joy,
And the struggle of my internal frustration.

And yet I do, in every sense miss you.
A 600 mile courtship, emails and three hour phone calls,
of wishes and dreams and as of yet unfulfilled expectations.
What is real an what is not, only time will tell.
For the now it is all long distance bliss.
For "C" Happy New Year, I hope the last one for me,
without you in it.
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