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kitty hart May 2017
1 am You are lying in your bed,
2 am You cant sleep,
3 am You are rgreting your chocies,
4 am You are finding your sight fadeing,
5 am You are batteling for your life,
6 am You are takeing your last breath,
7 am There are wakeing up finding you
kitty hart Apr 2017
1 Lie isn't enough,
2 Lies your in hand cuffs,
3 your sitting alone,
4 wondering has the world grown,
5 your letting them understand,
6 that you are in your last bed,
and 7 lieng there dead.
kitty hart Jan 2018
A flower is love,
your heart is filled with doves.
Take a step away,
So I can see the next day.
kitty hart May 2017
For all of you that worry about me,
I'm getting better you see,
no more hiding anything new,
always making better chocies,
throwing away the past mastakes,
that I coverd with my pain,
no more knives no more pain,
everything I do will always stay.
kitty hart May 2017
For all of you that worry about me,
I'm getting better you see,
no more hiding anything new,
always making better chocies,
throwing away the past mastakes,
that I coverd with my pain,
no more knives no more pain,
everything I do will always stay.
kitty hart May 2017
For all of you that worry about me,
I'm getting better you see,
no more hiding anything new,
always making better chocies,
throwing away the past mastakes,
that I coverd with my pain,
no more knives no more pain,
everything I do will always stay.
kitty hart Mar 2021
this is a simple poem
I decided to make
my great aunt is in the hospital
for heavens sake.

im writing her a letter
hoping she gets it soon
I love her so much
hopefully before that afternoon
kitty hart Jun 2017
You can ask,
You can lie,
But you can talk to me anytime.
kitty hart Apr 2017
My life is a battle,
Deep scares,
Picking scabes,
Hearting heart,
Live a good life they will say,
But how could I if I'm in
kitty hart Mar 2021
She tells me to stop ad smell the roses
She tells me to take the smell of them all in
so I do so

Soon I cut her a flower
I give it to her
I then tell her
You stop and smell
kitty hart Mar 2021
My poems I find
They bring me peace
The words fall
All into place.

It helps me to cope
It helps me see
That some days
I just need to be me.
kitty hart Apr 2017
One cut,
Two cuts,
Three cuts,
Come on baby whats one more,

Old cut,
New cut,
Cut faded over,
Go get drunk and then cut sober,

Small cut,
Big cut,
Cut to deep,
Look at me now dead and sweet.
kitty hart Apr 2017
One cut,
Two cuts,
Three cuts,
Come on baby whats one more,

Old cut,
New cut,
Cut faded over,
Go get drunk and then cut sober,

Small cut,
Big cut,
Cut to deep,
Look at me now dead and sweet.
kitty hart Apr 2017
One cut,
Two cuts,
Three cuts,
Come on baby whats one more,

Old cut,
New cut,
Cut faded over,
Go get drunk and then cut sober,

Small cut,
Big cut,
Cut to deep,
Look at me now dead and sweet.
kitty hart May 2017
There all right.
kitty hart Oct 2018
I have a wish,
not a nice one,
I want someone dead,
but I cant be the death.
kitty hart Jul 2017
The Dissaster is not the key,
The days aren't so weak,
The nights may be cold,
But the hours can't be sold,
The time will pass by,
Looking for a crime.
kitty hart Nov 2017
Please don't cry, They will say,
But that's same thing they told me yesterday.

Do they mean it,
They don't want to see me cry,
I say I will try.

But I wont make any promises,
So sorry to say.

I stopped crying yesterday.
to all those people with depression or suicidal thoughts don't give up.
you will get better soon enough. we all love you and care about you.
Hope this helped.
kitty hart Nov 2018
down the rabbit hole,
with nothing to spare,
through the tiny door,
just fallow that fluffy hare.

Down the path to wonderland,
with places big and small,
where people live in harmony,
and no one likes a brawl.

Down the road and up the hill,
sing a tune and stay awhile,
for there is more yet to come,
Down the road to wonderland,
with wonders big and small.
kitty hart Jun 2017
The fear I know,
The pain I face,
All add up,
Add up to life,
The life that I know,
The life I love.
kitty hart Jun 2017
The fire is burning in my heart,
The flames are growing,
I'm falling apart,
My skin has burns,
My heart is dieing.
kitty hart Jun 2017
She may be a little frail,
But she can fight,
Fight a war,
Fight a battle,
Fight for her life,
But someday she wont win
kitty hart May 2017
The night,
The fight,
The time to live,
The time to forget,
The people who don't care,
To watch them tear,
Tear the world,
Bits of thighs,
On the ground,
Every night.
kitty hart Jun 2017
Forget the pain,
Forget the slain,
Forget your time,
Never be back on time,
Just call the line,
You will be Forgotten in time.
kitty hart May 2017
The night,
The fight,
The time to live,
The time to forget,
The people who don't care,
To watch them tear,
Tear the world,
Bits of thighs,
On the ground,
Every night.
kitty hart Jul 2017
Fun is just a word,
Does anyone really want it,
Just to get your mind off of things you do not want,
To clear your thoughts,
Thoughts of darkness,
And pain,
Let your mind off of things.
kitty hart Jan 2020
Its national poetry day
Grab your pen and write
This goes from day to night.
Happy poetry day everyone
kitty hart Jan 2018
He is a poet,
He truly shows it.

His life is filled with words,
The words like singing birds.

His life he thought was perfect,
Then he nothings perfect.
kitty hart Oct 2017
Hello my love,
My phoenix,
My dove,
You look lovely,
Your as cute as a bunny,
Your hair is like silk,
Your lips are soft,
You are blushing,
You are my love.
To my girlfriend Abbey
kitty hart Jun 2018
Here I am behind the screen,
hiding away so no one will see.
this is the real me,
drowned in sorrows,
living life like there is no tomorrow.
kitty hart Oct 2017
Hold me and don't let go,
Sing with me and fallow the flow,
I love to hear your sweet voice,
I hope you know you made the right choice.
to my girlfriend Abbey
kitty hart Jan 2018
I watch her looking for hot pokets
lol my girlfriend is looking at hot poket memes
kitty hart Apr 2017
The howels that have grown,
The wolves are a crow,
The noise of people,
Have turned to screams,
of the ******,
but the misery is growing,
And the love is still
kitty hart Nov 2017
I can live a life,
A happy one,
A lovely time,
To get things done.

This life would be perfect,
With noting wrong,
A life that is perfect with nobody gone.
kitty hart Nov 2017
UP MY ***
kitty hart Mar 2018
I don't belive in god,
I don't belive in Hell,
I do belive in life,
But I'm not going to Heaven.
kitty hart Sep 2018
I don't know if I can write anymore,
my parents found out that I used to cut and more.
This will be my last poem for now,
I really hope I made you all proud.
sorry I wont be on for a while. my parents tool my phone away.
kitty hart May 2017
I'm still here,
bleeding out ,
lying on the hospital bed,
looking at my mouth,
All fooming up,
because I did,
what people do,
but I feel like,
I'm the only one,
that will get through.
kitty hart Dec 2018
I write for you,
A sentence or two.
Your life is better,
Than sweet scotch butter.
Your eyes are like candy,
That tastes like so many.
I love all of you.
kitty hart Jan 2018
You seem sad they will say,
Oh I'm just tired today.

But deep down I have a broken heart,
And outside I'm falling apart.

Death will soon take me over,
And I won't be here very longer.

Until that day I will always say,
I'm just tierd.
kitty hart Aug 2017
oh you seem sad they will say,
oh im just tierd today,
but deep down i have a broken heart,
and outside im falling apart,
death will soon take me over,
and i wont be here very longer,
until that day i will always say im just tierd.
kitty hart Jun 2017
Write a poem,
Late at night,
Leave your life far behind,
Just feel the keys far behind,
Lift that notepad,
And Write a ryme.
kitty hart Jan 2020
You go through life
And you go through pain
You wish that death would take away the pain.

Your arms hurt
Your eyes cry
As you are slowly saying goodbye.
kitty hart Sep 2017
With love comes a new,
A new day is what I drew,
Forbidden from this love,
But she is as butiful as a dove.
kitty hart Nov 2017
Love is like a box,
You have to think outside,
You must be a person,
Who has secerets inside.
kitty hart Oct 2017
You love her,
But you sometimes let her go,
Being lesbian may be a stow,
Love who you want but just be warned,
You love them,
They will keep you warm.
kitty hart Jun 2017
Love can ****,
Love can ach,
Love can be the last thing you feel,
Before its kills you from the inside out.
kitty hart Apr 2017
The mist has grown,
And the monsters have shown,
The town that was full,
Is now just a broken part,
Broken of people,
Broken of everything,
And the cemetery is full.
kitty hart Jan 2021
My flowers they bloom
bloom in spring
die in winter.

there is one flower
one I enjoy most
I put on in the vase and enjoy its company

violets are pretty
as well as tulips
blue roses are my favorite

this might be because I would lay in them
everyday like a kid in snow
or maybe its because they show me where to go
kitty hart Mar 2018
My love,
Its strong,
Like a sword thats stuck in a rock,
people know how i love,
i love like a girl who is hidden at night
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