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Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 16*

Second guessing
Unsure of what I'm certain
So doubtful
When I should know better.

Old insecurities
Raise their ugly heads.
Years of growth
Fade away in a moment.

But it's just a moment
This too shall pass
We all have days
Of feeling unsure.

I am a strong
Confident woman
Not the scared, insecure
Girl I used to be
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 15*

These are the last pages
Of my first real poetry book.
It's quite an accomplishment.
I stuck at this.

I developed and expressed myself.
I tried new things.
Now this is part of my life
And I have a new book.

I will have good days
And bad days
And it will all be in that book
As they are in this one.

Sometimes I will sound like a poet
Sometimes I will think "I am not a poet"
But always I will write something
I choose to call poetry.

So this is the last poem
In my first book
With many more books to come
This ending is a beginning.

The first of many lasts.
But the only one
That's the last of this first
A distinct point in time, and on it goes.
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, number 14*

Produce something
One day missed of my
From work to event
Then home, shattered.

One day missed
Now here I am staring blankly
Pounding headache
Stiff muscles
No idea what to do.

If I get behind
It's easier to give up.
Today I need to produce two poems.
One day missed
And panic sets in.

No poems left
Just rants,
Ideas, things to say
But no poem
Tomorrow I have work again.

One day missed
And in the squeeze of a one day weekend
Used to get other things done
If I fall behind more
It might slip completely.

So I have to produce something,
Anything.  We will worry about quality tomorrow.
Just don't stagnate.
Stay in motion
Starting is harder than keeping going.
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 13*

**** John Key
Why not, he has pretty much said '**** New Zealand'
We say we don't want something,
He says we are 'uneducated and ignorant'

Well guess what John Key?
You're responsible for the state of our education system.
We arrange referendums on important issues
He states he has no intention of abiding by the outcome.

******* John Key.
You **** us
You **** our environment
You **** our economy.

***** the masses to promote the elite.
The poor get poorer
So your rich mates get richer
There's one talent you do have.

You don't have a talent for handshakes
Or earning respect
But you know how to keep the poor down.
Take away everything.

Cut their benefits so they can't survive
(Just ask the food banks)
Make getting quality education harder without money.
Take away support systems.

Well you know what?
The poor might get knocked back,
Start to believe there's no point in voting,
Feel powerless... for a while.

But remember
As you make the number of poor grow
They  will realise they are the majority.
They will rise up, so...

You're going to be ******
Not sure this is actually a poem
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 12*

Heat radiates through me.
the heat of summer
The heat of an unventilated apartment
The heat of passion

And I love it
And I hate it
The powerful burning
Intense and overwhelming

the strength of the heat excites me.
No release from it exhausts me.
But if I had to choose
I would choose the heat.

It stifles the mind
and intensifies the body
Enhancing every sensation
Making me aware of every part of me.

Rather overwhelming heat
Than cold death
Where sensation is drained
As your body goes numb.

In this heat I am truly in my body
I honour it as I search for relief
Trying to escape it and revel in it
At the same time

But it's ok
The heat will come again.
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 11*

Late for bed once again.
Last minute scrawl with my pen.
What'll come out is anyone's guess
To make it half decent I'll try my best.

The other half might be indecent
You never know your luck.
On thing I do sense
My rhymes will run amok.

Rhyming couplets here and there
But you can bet they're not everywhere.
The rhyme shall be as the mood takes me
And self editing is not what I foresee.

So another poem not really about anything.
Just me rambling about the first thing.
That happens to come to mind as I sit down to write
My poem a day, so late at night.

So less for me this time
And more for my reader
And learning to create
Whatever my weather.
Kitty Prr Dec 2013
Poem a day, day 10*

Why can't I write poetry
About things that matter to me?
Or am I really that shallow that all I care about
Is my own feelings of love, passion and loss
Or how tired/busy I am.

I haven't written a single poem about
Feminism, ecology or politics
Or even Star Trek or Doctor Who.
No Red Dwarf, cats or Cat from Red Dwarf.
Heaven knows I've thought about it.

I've thought "there's more to my life than that"
"There's more to me"
"I should write abut such-and-such"
And then sit there
completely blank.

My cat looks at me, sniffing the air
"How could you possibly not write about me?"
And walks off.
His brother lying on the armrest
The world revolves around him in a different way.

Well be more inspiring boys!
Help me out here!
Okay can't blame you
If even Star Trek and Doctor Who aren't doing it.
Plenty of ideas, so few poems
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