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kirk Feb 2016
Id love a big fat ****
Or a wrinkled up *******
An ugly looking hag
Who wants a ******* ****

If I had a big fat *****, with a big fat bucket
I'd lay between her fleshy thighs, and definitely **** it
My thrusting **** inside her ****, is where I'd like to tuck it
Spunking up would be sublime, when I lick and **** it

When your about to **** the fat, it takes a certain knack
Stuffed up fishy **** *****, or **** ******* round the back
A nice piece of chunky ****, with a big long sweaty crack
Fatty *** holes make you hard ,my **** would not be slack

I would ride a big large Gal, just like a waterbed
Bathroom ******* would be fun, as well as in the shed
Spunking up between her legs, cream cheese would then be spread
When both holes are full of ***, she can **** my **** instead

And after I have finished, with all of those fat *******
Something different I would want, maybe some old wrinkled witches
All wearing apple gatherers, and big large ******* britches
Older ***** long overdue, scratching long lost itches

A lot of fun I could have, in an old folks place
Disrobed willing grannies *****, stuffed right in my face
At least eight bits of gristle ******, a display of my disgrace
With each granny ****** in turn, if they can stand the pace

As I lift their skirts up their knickers I would sniff
I'm hoping that old fannies good, and they don't smell or whiff
The smell of old used granny ****, is probably just a myth
But I won't let it bother me, as long as I get stiff

I wouldn't even care, if they wore crap NHS glasses
As long as I could **** and ***, inside there wrinkled arses
I would **** them old ****** , all from different classes
Some of them in wheelchairs and some with heart bypasses.

It's irrelevant how fat you are, I really do not mind
As long as you are willing, and your *****'s wet and kind
And if you like it up the ****, then I'm that way inclined
******* ***** is quite fine, so is ******* from behind

So come on girls fat or old, all slags are a possibility
Your sexuality can flood out, there's no need for negativity
I'm willing to **** who comes along, to the best of my ability
Just make sure that I stay stiff, and maintain my agility
kirk Feb 2016
I miss you in the morning I wish I could see you smile
As the day is dawning your arms around me for a while
I love your happy feelings, we can go that extra mile
Instead of lonely lovers felt, assessing love's on trial

I wish our love had lasted and it never did get torn
Why's your heart grown weary, why do heart's get worn
Our love forever bonding, of this I could have sworn
Lost without your beauty not wanting a new dawn

Your the only one I love, you mean so much to me
Heart's locked away forever, only you will hold the key
My love for you has always been and for eternity
Special feelings should not be lost in love's own destiny

When our love was growing with each and every kiss
Your body was so beautiful so much love and bliss
It's your hugs and kisses that I will always miss
There's no sense in broken hearts drowned in love's abyss

Feelings remain heart's not changed held in a lovers clutch
Your beautiful face, your lovely smile, I'm missing you so much
Vacated feelings without you here, I need your loving touch
Separate heart's hurt so much on love's snapped broken crutch

Bells of heart's ceased ringing, and they no longer chime
Hands of fate on broken clocks ,for me the end of time
Beating hearts no longer beat with knowing your not mine
And special days are no more now I've lost my Valentine
kirk Feb 2016
There is a certain lady who's the mother of them all
Although she's only 4 foot she's always standing tall
In a town called Beccles the pose is a good call
When she has a lighted *** the ashes always fall

To her son and daughter she is known as Titch
But her name is Fagioni the boss and the top *****
Her smoking is an art form a craft just like a Witch
If its Cigarettes or roll ups she doesn't mind the switch

You may not even see her through the clouds of smoke
The plumes always surrounds her like a ******* cloak
If she has run out of smokes to her it is no joke
Her **** are her companions she's not like other folk

She is big on **** just like cheese in macaroni
So what I am telling you I'm not telling you baloney
As far as smoking goes she is definitely no phoney
With her tobacco and her **** she is Titch Fagioni
kirk Feb 2016
I am sick of this effing town ****** ****** Rotherham
it simply isn't no **** good It should be called Botherham
because some of the people who live there are complete arseholes
most of which are ******* ***** out for there own goals
some of the ones that you thought you could trust and where on your side
are nothing more than tossing gits and out for a free ride
kirk Feb 2016
You remember when we
thought that Dardo was Dad,
Maybe we’re right or
we’re just going mad ?
But if we are right
and if it is true,
Then he must be
the crimson pirate too,
Dardo and Vallo
are but the same man,
can he be both
I believe that he can,
If you think of if logically
it's no surprise,
I've already said
Dads a master of disguise,
The conclusion is obvious like a blade in a sheaf,
It's said both of these men…Well there all teeth
Part Two Of " My Dads A Master Of Disguise " Part 1 (He's Dardo To Me)
kirk Feb 2016
Is he the Arrow or is he the Flame ?
could my Dad and Dardo
be one in the same ?
Dardo is handsome,
dashing and true
Wait for a second
Dads like that too
Could he be Dardo,
just believe your eyes
Maybe my Dads
a maser of disguise
I know what your thinking
Dardo he cannot be
But hay my Dad is my Dad
And he’s Dardo to me
Part One Of " My Dads A Master Of Disguise "Part Two (The Crimson Pirate He May Be?)
kirk Feb 2016
I love naked bodies a lot them I would love to handle.
but I'm not so sure if your skin was dripping like a melted candle.
I would feel you up  if your bodies nice and cute.
but maybe not if you have a wrinkled birthday suit.
I know as we get older our bodies seem to sag.
and it gets ever harder to get a decent ****.
if your old or young lets not be to picky.
even if you have a dripping ***** or your body is a bit ****** .
it really doesn't matter if its a bit more sticky.
because getting inside a floppy **** its just a bit more tricky.
so I don't care or even mind if your a bit more waxy.
then what the hell I would just flip you over it stick it up your jacksy. with each year we get a little older. and it seems our bodies begin to smoulder.
if only we could cool down and be a little colder.
then our bodies would be fine without wax upon our shoulder.
would I **** a wrinkled **** yes I probably would.
hay who knows with a bit of wax it could be really good.
I just hope that when I get older I would love to dip my wick .
even if it was soggy and I had a candle for a ****
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