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I’ve always wanted to play chess with you
But I never thought it’d be like this.

I never thought you’d bring me onto this battlefield
As your Queen
Promising to shield
Me. Promising to wield
Your ponderous power
Any day, any hour
I needed you.

Never thought I’d be fighting this war
Giving up everything I owned
For you

Never knew I’d have to battle other queens
On this chessboard.

Never guessed you’ never budge
From your square

You sit comfortably on your chair
Without a care
In the world
(But yourself)

It’s just a game to you.
I am just game to you.

I always thought
You’d have my back
Any attack and I swore
You’d be
At my side
I thought this was a ride
Built for two.

But there are too
Too many


That I can count on
Before I can count
You as
The One
Who truly loves me.

But one day it will hit you
Hard in the face
That my place
Is empty
On this black and white field
When the real
World smacks you straight in the heart
I won’t be there to be a part
Of it all.

One day my King,
I will not be on your board
And what a twisted twist of fate
When there’s a white King standing stately
Before you
Shaking your hand as he says

Don't wait for the right boy
He does not exist.
Fairy tales are not reality.
There is no waking up
From this nightmare.
No falling asleep to
Sink into a dream.
She wonders how
Many apologies
She will have to make up for.
How many good bys
She will have to say.
She wonders if
The man she
Will have the
Right words
To patch the holes
In her
Fragile heart.
I look back on conversations
Full of excitement
I look back at these moments
That ruled and enlightened
This looking back makes me sad
& It's all that I have now
I'm frightened and mad
That this sad has my throat
Pressed down to the mat
Laid flat on the ground
& forced to look forward
I'm twisting my neck  
Cause I haven't learned how
To let go of you yet
Feels a lot like heartache
good morning kisses
goodnight kisses
kisses to taste the cinnamon on your lips
happy kisses
middle of the night kisses
gentle kisses
kisses because i like you
sleepy kisses
movie theatre kisses
oh god we're in an elevator by ourselves kisses
the stolen kind of kisses
kisses because you're too cute
wake up and see you and think you're the best person ever kisses
kisses just because
monday 30th june '14
Heart skips,
Stomach falls,
Cupids bow curves up.
The words you speak,
Communicate in every way
Gives me a constant
Roller-Coaster Ride.
I am begging for a pardon
This is only one mistake
And it's not intentional
When I miss something
I will become hard as a stone
Never let new things come to me
Don't put me far from me
Because I don't want to miss me
The feeling of guilt can be bearable
But misunderstandings lead too far
I cannot hold them anymore
Let us settle this
Put an end to this
And I want to be normal
# Misunderstandings which are main cause for many break ups
A Big Hug and Great Appreciation to my Fellow Poets who step out in them selves and share such Inspiring, Touching, Mind Blowing Poetry that gives me the Gift of Connection, Warmth and in particular Hope for a future so full of Love, so Evolved, so Free.... so Wonderful
I Thank You from the bottom of my Heart

Much Blessings
From: Venusoul7
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