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Kimberly Clemens Jan 2014
The angels looked down and assured me I'll walk heavens golden gate
But the devil came around and like a fish lured by bait-
Sweet lord, I gave in to the sly ploys of fate.
Kimberly Clemens Jan 2014
If tears could speak, they'd have a lot to say.
Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
I could lay here and wonder a million times over
What it is that keeps you smiling and sober
But nothing in the world could change what
Your eyes have seen and ears have heard

I could lay here and listen for a thousand whispers long since lost in space
But like the wavelengths of the words never said; I cannot hear a single trace.
I know what you feel hurts you to endure- so
I will run to cease the pain for you.

I could lay here and hurriedly paddle down the river of tears flowing from your eyes
Like waterfalls every drop is a reenactment of the rapids reflected in mountain skies
Falling as fast as they are rushed out of broken wishing wells straight from your heart
I cannot tell you how much I want to save you from the pain tearing you apart

Let me heal the wounds you keep mercilessly opening up
I want to stop the blood from rushing out of your soul
I want to keep you safe-I want you to heal-I want you to be okay
Stay with me, please- stay with me, I know I can help you if you'd just let me

Let your walls break down and open the curtains of your barrier
Let me in
Let me in
Let me in.

**Let me save you.
Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
I forged her smile
and placed it on my face-
Hoping no would would see
I am a fraudulent disgrace.
Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
You heard all the things I never said in the empty silence between us.
It's funny, when I say nothing at all I'm telling you everything.
But when everything is nothing and nothing means everything,
the words you don't hear can't exactly feel empty anymore.
And it's not empty space surrounded between us,
there are ghosts of the past flying by
whispering chills down our spines.
Our weak, foolish spines....

We are a throng of bones and blood that we tried putting together
yet standing here in front of you I find I am only falling apart.
The dissonance of our energies is weakening us,
as are the futile attempts at mending something
that was always broken.
And what broke gave us scars that burned
brighter than what we once had.
Like the air between us, we are hesitant to move.
Moving past and moving forward is as hard
as two pedals on a bike going in opposite directions;
we are broken but stuck chasing after one another in circles.
We can get so close but never touch.

I feel the swollen heartbreak from these missing puzzle pieces to our masterpiece
We merely have pain and incomprehension of what we know but can't say
To console the absence of space that will nevermore be complete.
Wavelengths slow, saddened by our disconnection.
Fighting no longer, all that is left to say does not need to be spoken
And so we stand here in silence.
Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
Suddenly, my mind feels broken
          I've realized I am far too
    To even think for a little
           That my bones haven't gone
     Running away from my constant distress
            I'm hesitantly giving in to the devils
     I'm being pressed out of my boundary
             I created an enmity between the world and
      So it's safe to tell you I feel anything but secure
             I couldn't say how much longer I think I can
      But my eyes are bright (and smile is fake)
            Aggression is present so they don't see my body
       One way or another you'll finally see
             That all these things have been eating away at
     Then, one by one, my weaknesses will walk into the light
              And at my grave you'll see the girl who grew too tired to
Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
I have no enigmatic inspiration
To provide any rhyme or combination
To accurately convey my opinionated inclination.

My thoughts are merely another fed up indignation
Towards all the people with egos far too high in inflation
To really understand what it is to have a substantial imagination.
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