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Kimberly Clemens Dec 2013
When the sky's grey I look up and pray
That it isn't actually filled with smoke.
Without the sun the clouds have nowhere to run
And I wonder if they realize in the heat they'll choke.

The wind will blow but only those who can feel will know
Of its attempt to skitter away what was never meant to be.
The invisible malicious flurry is constantly in a hurry
To knock over your ego and aid in escape what wants to flee.

I am a human but don't go assuming
That just because I wasnt born with wings that I can't fly.
We are all staring and we are all comparing
But nothing can hold us down if we reach for the sky.
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
I'm   so   scared
Don't   slip   away
I   need   you*
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
When your eyes are too tired to speak
And lips too tired to search
For the words you've been needing to say,

If your heart keeps stuttering
And eyes keep glistening
With no energy to seize the day,

Will your feet keep moving
Or mind keep working
To find the right way?

Stop worrying, child
You are a creation of God;
Just open your heart and pray.
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
The rain is falling glass
Shattering from the angels' eyes
They hit the ground in shards they splash
And if you look close enough you'll find a reflection of lies

The unwashable wounds of problems past
Awaken the demons that gush your logic out of mind
Half-remembering telling yourself that last time was the last
But everyone dances with the devil when they've been left behind

Something sharp, subtle pain, screams at the edge of the glass shards
And the angels cry their silent pleas that your deafened ears refuse to hear
A blinding reflection of white light (maybe white lies) stun your mind's composure guards
While the devil comes out to play in the glass rain, turning spatters into basalt ashes of burnt-out fears.
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
Curtain dust is like magic falling onto the stage
And the rickety crickety creaking of the aged floor
Holds all the birthrights to the moments constantly being born.

The sea of floating souls do not desire anything more
But to submerge themselves in the waves of the anthems
And underwater they try to bottle the fallen curtain magic.

Wavelengths of harmonies flow through space
Beckoning for a flow, a feeling, a connection between each other
Moments agilely fleet away, but here time is endless.
I feel like this isn't finished, but....
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
How do you have
the audacity to think
that her heart beats for you
When you are the bully
that beats her heart?
Kimberly Clemens Nov 2013
I should've built a bridge before I tried crossing your mind
because I'm falling fast with no safety net to catch me.

Your body looks stable, but inside your head
I find you are completely reckless.
Crossing any path you've built in there
is like walking through a mine field.

But I'm looking for heat;
Some sort of explosion or spark
to light up your mind with the thought of me.

And I've come to think that stepping on a bomb
wouldn't be too bad because then I'd scatter
all across your brain and you'd envision me
anywhere your mind wandered.

I'm practically as bad as a nocturnal bug
too consumed in the temptation of the flames
to heed the danger that comes with such a fatal attraction.

Mine fields may be for the mad but I think bridges are for the meek.  
And so I madly walk on wondering when I'll find the right misstep
that will ignite the fire to blow your mind.
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