You need to treat my world like a glass globe
It is not a ball that you can bounce around
You can't throw it at walls when you're angry
You can't squeeze it like it's a stress ball
My world is precious
Just like yours
If you flip my world
Ill surely flip yours back
So we're looking at each other upside down
As if we're hanging from monkey bars
Because that's what love is like, isn't it?
A play ground.
Ill chase you around
You'll chase me around
Ill slow down so you can catch me
Somewhere in there one of us might fall
And I hope you're the type of person to help me up
Instead of laugh and watch me get up myself
If we'd play cops and robbers
Id steal your heart and you'd put me in jail and ask for it back
But the thing with thieves is we are selfish
I wouldn't hand over your heart because I don't want to give it back
You would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands
But you wouldn't have to worry, I'd give you mine instead
And we would play around in our imaginary world
Flipped upside down
As if we're on monkey bars
Because that's what love is like, isn't it?
A playground.