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Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
I want my heart to stop beating for you
Although I told it to stop
So many months ago
It does what it wants
And it kept on thump-thump-thumping
To the rhythm of you

But this time
What my heart wants and what I want
Are the same thing
It, too, is tired of fluttering for you
So it started thump-thump-thumping
To the rhythm of something new.
Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
I'm sure the obscurities of the lenses clouding my vision
Are nothing more than a hologram of the world I never knew
But always thought existed in the window panes of my brain

The outside world my thoughts are too afraid to venture
For the warmth in the home of my realistic perception
Is the safe haven of who I am and what I know
And going outside my homestead into the dark forest of the things
That are undiscovered to my left but known all too well by my right  
Are what excels my lenses to constantly change when the room is the same tint of light

Transitions from one thing to the next don't necessarily need to have a change one can see
I feel the forest calling me as if I'm some bewitched prophecy
But the foreboding dank blackness that thickens my view
Has always stopped me from entering into the unknown of my own self

These hazy retractions of light may cast dark shadows
However right now my mind is a whirlwind of calamities that can only be tranquilized
By venturing into the unknown darkness inside of me

This time these obscured lenses draped over my glass orbs
Create a tint similar to what is within the forest
My transitions are nonexistent but all the more in constant motion behind closed curtains

So my first steps out of my safe haven are slow
The door creaks like an old mans rusted weathered body  
And I feel the pang of hysteria hit me as the outside air tests out my foreign skin

When I enter the blackened forest I begin running into what I have never known to my left but know so well in my right
The nightmare-conjuring mysteries of this realm are ready to be battled.
My epiphany of inspiration turned into this.
Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
I think I've finally met someone
I want to hug and kiss one moment
Then punch and choke the next.
Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
No more glistening eyes
And hiccuped sighs
Hush now, baby girl
Close your eyes and listen
To sweet notes of a lullaby
Sung softly by your mother.
Keep your rib cage steady
To the rhythm of the melody
And slowly, peacefully
Begin your journey into dreamland.
Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
I feel like I'm just slowly

Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
You need to treat my world like a glass globe
It is not a ball that you can bounce around
You can't throw it at walls when you're angry
You can't squeeze it like it's a stress ball

My world is precious
Just like yours
If you flip my world
Ill surely flip yours back
So we're looking at each other upside down
As if we're hanging from monkey bars
Because that's what love is like, isn't it?
A play ground.

Ill chase you around
You'll chase me around
Ill slow down so you can catch me
Somewhere in there one of us might fall
And I hope you're the type of person to help me up
Instead of laugh and watch me get up myself

If we'd play cops and robbers
Id steal your heart and you'd put me in jail and ask for it back
But the thing with thieves is we are selfish
I wouldn't hand over your heart because I don't want to give it back
You would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands
But you wouldn't have to worry, I'd give you mine instead

And we would play around in our imaginary world
Flipped upside down
As if we're on monkey bars
Because that's what love is like, isn't it?
A playground.
Kimberly Clemens Sep 2013
I am so tired of letting you consume me
What you do, what you say
I let it affect me in every which way.

I don't belong to you
Nor does it seem I ever will
Yet I think of you when my mind is still.

I want these feelings to end
Because for you it's as if they never even started
Now it's time for me to act just as cold-hearted.
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