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Kimberly Clemens Aug 2013
Watch the flow of the ocean
Each wave is its own muscle
Rippling to the shore
Then retreating back into its body
Slowly gaining strength to return
Singing never ending rhythms
That will not fail to calm you,

Listen to the sighs of the sea
Tumbling around
Caressing the sand
Somersaulting sea shells
Exhaling salt water breezes
That will free your mind
If only you'd let it.
Kimberly Clemens Aug 2013
If you were notified of every time
I thought of you
Since I got to know you
And I was notified of every time
You thought of me
Since you got to know me
I wonder if our stats would match up
Or be embarrassingly different.
Kimberly Clemens Aug 2013
I miss you
I heard the remorse in your voice as you said it.
Well, sweetheart, I guess I could say I miss you too.

I *miss
your judgemental demeanor
And your pugnacious attitude.

I miss you treating me like ****
And your constant complaining.

I miss your vicious words
And your pointless insecurities.

I miss your pissy glare
And your interrogating questions.

I miss your painful attempts at saying sorry
And especially your violent movements.

And do you remember the first day you came into my life?
Oh, love, how I wish I could have missed that too.
Kimberly Clemens Aug 2013
If I started
                          ­                                 far away
                                                                ­                         from you,

Would you
                           lace up your shoes
                                                           ­        to chase after me                                                                  ­                                       into the blue?
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
I burnt a bridge that didn't have any water under it.
No numbing temperature to shock you.
No tormenting waves to annhilate you.
No angry current to pull you under.
The bridge let across all the danger that I wanted to avoid.
But now that I burnt it down to the ground all that danger
came crashing down into the safe haven
that was protected by my bridge.
I was told to never look down when you feel inferior.
There was grass under that bridge but I was too blind to see it.
I was too busy looking up at the speeding cars crossing this turnpike.
I was suffocated and transfixed by the high beams of my problems.
I was so busy facing my problems head on
That I never bothered to look down and find the strength in giving in.
I didn't realize the bridge was what was directing the negativity away from me.
I listened to them. Society, that is.
And what a stupid idea that was.
Because they told me to burn my bridges.
They told me to strike a match to them
And watch it settle into an unforgiving blaze
Before walking away without looking back.
But they never told me some bridges were meant to save me.
They never said the real danger could be what was beneath the bridge.
They never warned me about the dam underneath that was ready to burst.
Karma is crashing down onto me like baseball-sized hail.
It's not the boomerang effect coming back around to hit me in the face
But instead the avalanche I created from throwing it too far.
And hitting a wall that was too fragile to be played with.
The worst part is I have no bridge to take cover under in a hailstorm anymore.
And no bridge to cross to get away from the incoming avalanche.
All I have are the ashes of what I thought was hurting me.
But it was actually what was saving me.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
You tuck me in and kiss my head
But I want to sit up and talk to you instead
Daddy, please tell me again what the doctors said
And why your cheeks were stained with water and eyes turned red
You can't hide this from me, daddy, so tell me when mommy will stop being dead.
Kimberly Clemens Jul 2013
I honestly thought you weren't like other guys.
I hoped you would actually go after me once I left.
I believed you would do more than what you really did.
(Which was absolutely nothing)
I wish I hadn't let myself do this yet again.
I fell for you so hard.
And it was that much more embarrassing
To pick my sorry *** up off the floor
And pretend like nothing ever happened.
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