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Each day someone cries out
Never to be heard
Each day dreams are killed
Never to be sought out
Each day hopes die
Never to be fulfilled

Remember that every day
Is someone's last
That every breath
Is someone's last
Everyday there is a loss
Never forgotten
Scared to smile around you so I stumble.
Tumbling and fumbling and shaking
Under your spell. I've been
Mistreated and defeated I'm a
Brambling idiot. I'm afraid of
Loving and living and leaving.
Eternity is such a long time to go without love.
(Isaiah, xii.1)

I will praise Thee every day
Now Thine anger's turn'd away;
Comfortable thoughts arise
From the bleeding sacrifice.

Here, in the fair gospel-field,
Wells of free salvation yield
Stream of life, a plenteous store,
And my soul shall thirst no more.

Jesus is become at length
My salvation and my strength;
And His praises shall prolong,
While I live, my pleasant song.

Praise ye, then, His glorious name,
Publish His exalted fame!
Still His worth your praise exceeds;
Excellent are all His deeds.

Raise again the joyful sound.
Let the nations roll it round!
Zion, shout! for this is He;
God the Saviour dwells in thee.
Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
With healing on His wings;
When comforts are declining,
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
To cheer it after rain.

In holy contemplation
We sweetly then pursue
The theme of God's salvation,
And find it ever new;
Set free from present sorrow,
We cheerfully can say,
E'en let the unknown to-morrow
Bring with it what it may!

It can bring with it nothing,
But He will bear us through;
Who gives the lilies clothing,
Will clothe His people too;
Beneath the spreading heavens
No creature but is fed;
And He who feeds the ravens
Will give His children bread.

Though vine nor fig tree neither
Their wonted fruit shall bear,
Though all the field should wither,
Nor flocks nor herds be there:
Yet God the same abiding,
His praise shall tune my voice;
For, while in Him confiding,
I cannot but rejoice.
It was a mistake to push you aside,
I’ll never understand why I lied.

My heart said yes, but my head said no.
Like with you, I pushed my heart aside and let it go.


You learned to move on and I became passé.
With your heart in fate’s hands, it led the way.

I tried to do the same and carry along,
but my heart proved not strong.

Alas, my head was ready to say yes,
it was time for me to profess.

I said: I want to love you well.
You said: I’m seeing someone now.


Though I said okay and appeared brave,
inside the pain was grave.

Believing we were meant to be,
I waited for you to be free.

Once again, I expressed what I was feeling,
this time, the blow caused internal bleeding.


You said: I’m meeting new people and dating.
And I began to realize I was fading.


Last night, I dreamt of happy life of us forever,
and awoke to realize we are not together.


You continue to move down the path you’ve chosen,
Meanwhile, I remain here...eternally – heart…Broken.

copyright © 2010 by T.L. Dalid
Take it slow...
Cherish the moment.
It will come
In its own time.
Keep going as you were;
Lay your feelings aside.

Life is messy;
Life is fierce.
Nothing happens
In an instant--
But slowly,
You make friends.
And slowly
Are revealed,
Their flaws
And qualities.
And slowly,
Through them,
You learn about
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