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Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Did the turtle ever forgive the scorpion for stinging him and killing them both?
I know the scorpion forgives the turtle for being so naïve
The scorpion feels guilty
The scorpion is guilty
The scorpion is me
And I am guilty for caring
Guilty for trying to fix you
I am guilty for trying to understand
And guilty for letting you fall into the wrong hands
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 442
Dying to Get Out
I can’t take you anywhere, It’s too bad I carry you where ever I go
I have never once doubted you, only ever doubted myself in loving you
Tried making myself comfortable enough to tell you
Tried screaming it in my head to tell you
Tried writing you a love letter to tell you
You blow smoke in my face to tell me to back off
Talk cheaply to make me feel how I make you feel
But how else should I talk to you?
How else should I respond when trying to hide from you?
Just keep me in your circle and I will attempt to keep my heart silent
You’re secrets are safe with me
I won’t tell anyone
The one person I would die for and you’re huddled in a corner
Keeping your distance unsure of what I will do or say next
Just talk to me, I’ll be OK
Just tell me the truth, I’ll be OK
Yell at me, scream at me until you’re blue in the face!
I’ll be OK
I won’t tell anyone how you really feel, it’ll be OK
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 481
Insert Name Here
Dear, __
This is a story I’ve been longing to write to you
A story of truth and heart break
Nearly a year I have been lying to you
And for nearly a year it has been eating at me
Gnawing at me from the inside out
Like a pack of wolves feasting on a hot summers day

Dear, __
I dare not reveal your true name
Lights flicker around me in anger
As I still suppress my feelings and anguish
I keep quiet to prevent drama and demise
I keep quiet so I won’t hurt you
I keep quiet, I keep quiet
But this monster longs to break free

Dear, __
I’ll keep this empty space for you
And many others will try to fill it
Feeling their name meets protocol
Just because the space is bigger than your name
Doesn’t mean it is where they belong

Dear, __
I would breathe the air you breathe
Give you my breath if you asked
Gauze you wounds and stay with you till you’re better
In sickness and in health, I would not leave your side
Give you my pulse, my heart, my being

I am still looking for a way to tell you
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 642
Shining Through the Chaos
I’d rather die alone in the bathtub drowning in my misery
Than watch as the world shines around me
Because it is shining without me
The chaos and torment of my mind cages me
I feel ashamed and banished from my own world
Watching my memories collide with one another
Causing tiny explosions behind my eye lids
Violent colours of blue, purple, and green
All those happy memories
All fading into pain and lies
The damage has been done, revolt against me cruel world
I’ve had enough of this rain and wind in my chest
My eyes and nose bleed from the war inside my head
The twice sold tales of my virtue and heroic acts
It all fades into the mist now as I lay her drowning
It’s OK, I know this world won’t miss me
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.4k
Dual Hypocrisy
**** your life and your ways
Keep your hypocrisy
I’m tired of living this lie
It is ready to rupture inside of me
Ready to **** me from the inside, out, slowly
I’m in so deep it hurts
I want to lay here thriving and wailing on the floor
Until these feelings pass once more
I’d rather have my seizures and throw my angry fits
Than face what rejection that may lie ahead
I’ll keep my feelings to myself
I’m so in love…it hurts
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 878
Rainbows and Razor-Blades
Dark, romantic, suicidal and poetic
Dramatic, beautiful, glorious and pathetic
Whips, chains, straps and gags
Scars, blood, **** and feces
I’m nothing wonderful to look at
Beaten, bruised, and laying in a gutter
Maybe you’ll find me behind the trash bin in an alleyway
Rotting in my misery and shattered dreams

Everything is coming out now
I am not the girl made of puppy dogs and butterflies
I am made of rainbows and razor-blades
Hiding my sadness with a smile
Don’t let my laughter fool you
I am withered on the inside
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 680
Just an Excuse
Zoning is my excuse now, just to ignore you
To not see every move you make
Hear every word you hear
Pretend that you don’t notice everything about me
I ignore the heart break and heart beat you carry
I ignore the very feeling of lust
I disagree with your ambition
I long to stab you in the heart

So drink from my bleeding eyes and see what I see
Don’t hesitate to hate me
You’ve already drowned me on the inside
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 798
Couch of Shame
Stomp on my heart just one more time
Make me crave for what I will never have
Bang my head up against a wall
Blanket me with your lies and forgiveness
Cut my thighs with your insincerity
And rip my dreams from the sky
Mask every thought of hope I’ve conceived
And toss me into your quicksand of blame

Your unforgettable torture will not go unacknowledged
Every pillow of demise and sorrow
Every cushion of discord and ritual
Everyone will sleep on it
Everyone will feel it
Your couch of shame is famous
How about I stomp on your dreams…
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 741
Bleed Me a Suicide Note
Write down all your answers for me in a suicide note
But don’t bleed all the emotional ties that you carry
Let the blood drip from your fingers onto the floor
Staining the wood floors of the apartment
Staining your shoes and the cuff of your jeans
Let eternity stain your soul and your lips
Let your sanity hide under a rock until you are well enough to hold it again
Find your happiness at the bottom of several bottles of *****
Because not even the pills will help you now
Do not dream, do not glance
No one can save you now from this ****** dance
Give me your answers and leave me in peace
My heart has already been stapled to your wall
Stop staring at it and let me go
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 583
Let It Bleed
I can finally dream again and you’re
Walking me down the rain stained sidewalks of the city
Feeding me with your sarcasm and blood
I dream to dream again and never forget
Your soft broken heart does not faze me
I only ask that you drag that lonely heart of yours to the side
And let it bleed until the sorrow is gone
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 489
Pull Me Under
You just keep pulling me back under the stars
Keep asking me to loan you my scars
You drag me kicking and screaming back to the city
Back to the water front, back to the beginning

You keep pulling, tugging at my soul
I feel you, I know you’re there
But I’m going to dance through that burning house
I’m going to risk it all
I need some motivation
I’m sitting on this park bench waiting
Waiting for your call
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 861
Dried Up Forget-Me-Not's
Can someone take me apart and put me back together so I don't hurt?
Strip me of this ugliness and sorrow so I can feel again
Make me beautiful and stop the ***** looks from shooting my way
Bring me hope and innocence again
No more signs, no more lines, just a solid breakthrough
Something to hang onto

Breathing easy and taking names
Memorizing my dreams and playing them out
Forgetting all the hurts and lies
Forgetting all the broken forget-me-nots and promise
Burying the well that was dug and dried up from your constant thirst
I did all I could for you and you drank me dry

You took my freedom and made me sacrifice it all
Am I still breathing?
Am I repeating myself? Am I really just a broken record to you?
How important is your time with me?

I feel stiffened and toxic
As your green eyes penetrate me like I am nothing but a sheet
A ****** sheet that should be tossed out a window
A sheet you would hang yourself with
But only because you still live with your regrets
You still live in your rush hour nine to five days
Did I ever mean anything to you?
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Talk Dirty to Me
Remind me of where I stand and who I compete against
Make me jealous and blind again, my heart was left cold as ice
Make me feel ***** and cheap and used
What more damage could you possibly do?
Talk ***** to me, even though it doesn’t turn me on
Whisper in my ear the things you wish to do to me
And then put those dreams into action
Drag my soul through the rain and leave me high in an alley
And forget me in the morning

But before you leave me, withered and rotting
Don’t forget to tell me how psychotic I am
And how I cared too much for you
Or possibly didn’t quite care enough
Talk my face down into the pavement, kick my heart around like a soda can
Talk those ***** mean words to me, Because it’s all I can stand
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010
Does it hurt? Yes it does
But space is not a bad thing
It was going to happen eventually, so better now than later

Was I hurt by some of the things you said? 
Yes I was
Being told once again that I care too much
That I have made my significant other "uncomfortable" because I care
Yeah, that hurts
But you're right, I was giving you a lot of my time
I got a little derailed and forgot what I was doing

So space right now is not a bad thing
I feel I am doing right by letting you breathe on your own for a while
Giving you a chance to figure things out
Cause God knows I want that too
And all I can pray for is that you find what you're looking for in these next few days
And that you don't stop adoring me
That having this alone time
This time to meditate and regenerate
Will only make us stronger

I'm sorry your bewildered and confused
Everything happened so fast!
It's all apart of growing up and growing in a relationship
Discovering the lines that shouldn't be crossed
Finding the words to say when you're upset
And realizing that there is no waiting for a good time to have a serious talk
It's now or never

It's not over yet, we're ok
Just overwhelmed and tangled
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
Aug 2010 · 45.2k
Your Smile
Your smile is the reason I get up every morning
Your smile is what keeps me going throughout the day
It's what let's me know you still care
It's that little Ray of sunshine I need on a gloomy day
The only thing that can bring me out of my dark place
Your smile is amazing
From: Talk *****/Breathe Easy
© Khrystina-Lee 2010

— The End —