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Almost to 50,
Just about half-way more.
I need a mass of poets,
Poets galore.
So to the new poets who've just joined,
We need your help,
Have you considered 300?
Life has been crazy lately, but I haven't forgotten about this project. I don't know just how much I'll be able to work on this still, but if you're interested in submitting a line please do. You can reach me through private message on here. I can answer any questions you may have. I'm also considering pushing this project out to other places online to try and gather some more poets. Thank you for everybody who has already participated, and to everyone who follows! Also, please please forward this to anyone you think would be interested, I can't do this without you. If you have any questions let me know.
Khadi Alza Feb 12
An act of kindness,
Big or small,
Is the finest
Gift of all.

A helping hand,
Or a sweet comment,
Can help someone stand
And live in the moment.

Eyes would sparkle,
Mouths would stretch.
Then we'd wrangled
A happy-faced sketch.

It would turn someone's day
Upside down.
From a frowny face way,
To a sweet, cheerful crown.

Things like this are rare.
We'd lose our way,
If no one cared.

But don't give up,
It's still out there.
But it won't show up,
In front of you to stare.

Instead, it's in you.
You need to make the first move.
Whatever it is that you do,
The world might have a better groove.

Who knows,
You might inspire someone too!
Been on the receiving end of this lately.
Makes me wanna spread love and kindness, and be just like them!
Khadi Alza Feb 7
We all needed that person,
Who'd hold our hand,
Or gave us a hug,
When things start to worsen.

Or they'd assure you,
And tell you,
That everything will eventually be ok.

But unfortunately,
Not all of us have the luxury,
Of people like that in our lives.

So here we are,
Learning to stand alone,
Lightening the weight we carry.
Khadi Alza Feb 6
She's selfish,
they say.
Always wanting things her way.

Such a know-it-all,
they murmur.
She sometimes makes us feel small.

What a bragger,
they rant.
She's too much, we can't!

A ton of confidence,
they utter.
Bet that made no difference.

High achiever,
they complain.
Oh, she's such a pain.

Too competitive,
they prattle.
Not at all sensitive.

All lies.
All lies
All lies.

  Feb 3 Khadi Alza
if I tell you what happened to me
you’ll never be able to unsee it
if you leave, I won’t blame you
Khadi Alza Feb 2
Small and petite,
Yet so sweet.
Kind and thoughtful,
Never awful.

But I wonder...
What secrets lie behind that smile of hers?

What did she went through?
What did she had to hide?
How much did she grew?
How much did she suffer on the ride?

Everyone's always looking for her help,
As if she were the problem-solving elf.
But who does she find,
When things start to get out of her mind?

When she gave them her sweet smile,
I wonder.
Is she fine?
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