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 Sep 2012 Key
if you think that i don't love you?
well then, i'll write a poem for you,
scrawl it on the walls for you,
and cast it out to sea.
i'll sing it to the corners for you,
wrap it round the world for you,
i'll tie it to the sails for you,
and cast it out to sea.
i'll breathe it through your lungs for you,
hold it to your heart for you,
i'll try to find the words for you,
and cast them out to sea.

i'll write it on the walls for you,
i'll wrap it round the world for you,
i'll breathe it through your lungs for you,

we'll cast it out to sea.
 Sep 2012 Key
My First Real Love
 Sep 2012 Key
Seems to have captured me
Locked me here with her essence
To yearn for her presence
Though im not her preference.
Is this a joke
That you poke?
Do you laugh
While I sulk...
In your honor?
I can't bother!
I hate to sound so trill
But "do you think about me, still"
Are there feelings you'd spill?
If you had the will...
To change what we had
Cuz it wasn't all bad
Would you take the chance?
I need a handbook, a demonstration
Rules for our relations
Because you're losing participation
And I feel like im waiting, impatient.
I know another girl holds you, ***** you.
Takes you into ecstasy
Pleasures your every being.
Is this just a test for me?
To see how long, I can hold on.
It's slipping cuz , im not too strong.
Or do I have it all wrong
And you just want me to move on?
I'm wasting my time,
But I'm stuck on you
With no clue
What I should do
And just so you know,
I'll probably never stop loving you...
 Sep 2012 Key
Senor Negativo
No sirens are heard the morning is still,
Hope awakens, a vibrant animal
It was never dead, only hiding.
Modern individuals, can reveal
The root of their plight, let old wounds heal
Daughters, allowed to make their own decisions,
Mothers, remembered for loving care,
Fathers, passing wisdom to their children,
The hibernation of falsehood.
But what of those who never found these things?
To them we must give our fullest kindness,
We all were children once, and we all deserve love.
With forgiveness, justice, and harmony.
Let no further judgements be passed,
Let lovers rejoice,
Let shots ring out in celebration
Not as signals of termination.
These cycles never end,
But what festered yesterday,
Today can be healed.
Let lovers lie together in bliss,
Absorbed in communion of affections,
On this day let us heal each other,
As we heal our world,
One individual at a time.
 Sep 2012 Key
Elizabeth Smart
You are buried in my pillow of fever
And burn heavily in my eyeballs. Your odour
Pervades my bed, and will not be laid.

Though you offer me an orphan future
Which I leave untouched on an unknown doorstep
Medicine is the touch of your lip.

If you called as you do call from the bottom of the sea
I would hear you in my grave easily
I would step down to join you happily.

Brushing the lies aside I shall leave my bed
I shall find you under the Rumanian dead
Under the wreck, still arched for attack.
 Sep 2012 Key
Poet 5068
 Sep 2012 Key
Poet 5068
There is a six year old boy with a bike and training wheels in tow  
He is zooming up and down the culdesac on a tuesday
afternoon because it's sunny and that's what he knows.

I can see him.
He's been there for an hour and a half.

The whole time he's been focusing on the road and his goal to get to the other side and back again. It reminds me so much of my childhood. When the wind whistled in your ears just because it could.

It's 1pm on a tuesday afternoon and i'm watching him have the time of his life while i'm shut up in my room. I can see him grinning and laughing and smiling.
on his red race bike, fast as lightning.

He doesn't know yet that there are kids faster than him, he doesn't know what lies around the street corners on both end. But he's living life to the fullest extent.

He barely realizes that his mom is dead.

I think his name is Dylan.

I think he has ambition. I think he sees the world in high definition. And i’m jealous of his position, for while he races and dips. I droll on in the rolling doldrums of tuesday afternoon.

He zooms, while I’m shut up in my room
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