The tomorrow we hoped never came
As I am now been made aware—
With a certain picture of us I found,
Hidden in a rubble of paper stacks
Flimsy paper depicting us on a way
Some people may find enviable—
Arms over each other's shoulders
Smiling, as I remember, every single day
With the silent ticking of the clock,
The picture felt heavier on my hands
And as I regretfully trace your smile,
There I found the few words I said
The several times I told you—
Of all the people in the world,
You looked so perfect, like the sunset
Drawing me nearer to your presence
It felt real in my mind, seeing you again—
Once more, just as before, in my arms
Like three Augusts ago, I found myself
Imagining what things could have been
But just like the sunset, you disappeared
Into the darkness of my life, I search
For someone to replace you, but tell me—
Since when do nights last this long?