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In memory of Rosa L. Parks


You carried that banner
For us all
And for all of us you stood
The test of time
And weathered every storm
In order to bring
On FREEDOM as our goal and place
FREEDOM in our sights.

You sat down
So we can move up,
You sat down
So our children's children
Won't give up or give out.

You carried that torch
Of FREEDOM in order
To bring hope for others
Even in a dying world
Where race is an issue
You were the one
The barrier of that light....

(C) 2005
inspired by my wife Vanessa....

Can you walk a mile
In my Sunday shoes?
Go to places I've been long and wide
Or some places you'll pay your dues?

Can you wear my shoes
That danced in God's praises
Cutting a step or two
Head reared back and voice raises high
Those old dusty Sunday shoes.

I walked places far as well a near
And back again to anywhere
To any place I want to go from here
And then again.

To marches long for freedom's cry
To church on a dusty country road
To the fields where cotton grow high
In my old dusty Sunday shoes.

Can you just walk in
These old dusty shoes?
Being foe or either friend
In those old dusty shoes.

If i have to walk to hell and back
I would in these dusty old shoes
But I only walk to church in them in fact
These old dusty Sunday shoes.

I'll keep walking in them until
The Good Master calls me home
Hoping someone will someday fill
These old dusty Sunday shoes.

Dec. 2007
in memory of the children of South Africa

Lifted out of the ashes and into a river of hope
A river of joy
A river of peace.

Cry freedom!


As a country dies
And children die because of
What they believe in

Cry freedom!


You jail them in your jails,
You ****** them,
Torture them,
Burn their schools and home
But we still

Cry freedom!


You can do all these things
And make spoils of it
And yet tell them they are not free
But we will with all our hearts--

Cry freedom!


No matter the strife
Feeling powerless at times
When there is no power
But yet we will forever---

Cry freedom!


You break us down
Break our spirits
But we forever

Cry freedom!!
Traffic jam
City limits putting limits on me
As traveling long these streets
And from far as eyes can see,
A crowd of people piling one on top another
As I travel these *****, dusty city beat.

Sirens blow their same refrain
As it wails and wails like an old song
Beating, beating across my brain
Not softly but continuously wrong
As I travel these *****, dusty city beat.

Urban renewal still old
Never changing, maintaining by leaps and bounds
Never changing, still maintaining so I am told
And all hear are the sounds
Of these *****, dusty city beat.

Smog clutters the brain
As I deal with these so-called problems
And walking the streets making me so insane
Trying to find work in hopes the solution to solve them.

The suits are telling me economics is fine
But if it's fine why the hell I am here?
Feels like I am running out of time
As time runs me down and it's not clear.

Cursed by lost time
As I walk these *****, dusty streets
And the world ain't kind
While I walk these city's beat
Now I sit waiting on my time
My time to shine onward and beyond...
Freelance writer,
Godfather too.
Christian in transition
Whose life changed in so many positions
Through so many persons and faces
Changing from many places.

Dreamer of dreams
Poet of the extreme
A deep thinker of thoughts and ideas.
Undercover comic relief
A man who had its share of sorrow and grief,
Walker of many miles,
And who puts on many smiles.

I'm no ego tripper
But a man who reaches for the Big Dipper,
Commanding dreams to come true
And a person who also encourages you.

People lpver
never undercover
But face 2 face with you
A thinker so deep like an ocean blue.
A dreamer who goes beyond the stars
No matter how deep or how far
This is who I am!

I maybe a gem in a rough place
But I am the person with that face
You'll never forget
But in time your mind will set
On the things I told you
And all of this is surely true
Of who I am to me.

Child of the '60's long ago
i write these verses to let you know
Of who I am so listen well
As I finish this to tell
For this is who I am!

Black Man
Trying to do what's right in this land
For this is who I am
This is who I am!
(C) 2006
Listen my people!
The cost of love
Cost your lives
In order to get along
Without somebody.
No excuses
Or taken!
We live in this world
So get along!
Go beyond race
And race for the common goal of love.
Stop putting guns in each other's hands,
And hand them an olive leaf of peace.
No hate!
With open arms
Show compassion
Show love.
Let's tear down the wall
And love again.....

You are invited
To a life eternal
With an Everlasting King.
You need not a thing,
But to accept Him,
Into your life
Just let Him in TODAY!
You need nothing else
But be willing to except
The Invitation
To let Him into your heart
Just let Him today!

Copyright (C) 1999
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