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i remember catching fire flies in jars
and playing policeman in the cars
catching grasshoppers even though i was scared
all those special moments we've shared
you bring me such pride, such joy
you will always be my favorite boy
you make me want to be better than i am
and someday you're gonna be an outstanding man
because you're already so wonderful, so great
and it's all been worth the wait
we find hope in raising sons
nerf wars and shooting b.b. guns
funny movies and video games
star wars, you know all the names
and teach me things i'd never know
the greatest gift has been watching you grow
action figures and playing army men
sometimes i wish i had this time again
but you grow up too fast, too soon
you used to think i hung the moon
and now it's me, realizing it's you
roping the stars & hanging the moon
17 hoodies all in a line
a teenage girl wears one at a time
when it gets hot she rolls up a side
not the other because there's something she hides

she wakes up on a monday with a tear-stained face
and runs to the bathroom with quickened pace
so as to not let her parents see her mind
she hides from others because her emotions blind

she goes to school
walks though the gates but no one notices her not her mates
all else ignores her but she stays calm
as her emotions will pour from her palms

she need to be rescued from her own hands
but no one no where understands
crimson tears fall from my arms my life seems worthless so i self harm
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
Cassie King
Arms out
Wrists up
See the scars
Burns and cuts
Examine the marks
The world can see
From losing my fight
With the enemy
You joke around
Point at the burns
Laughing only
Makes things worse
Everything temporary
Nothing Permanent
Our hearts set free
Just to get hurt
My soul cries out
I cannot live
Trapped inside
This fragile skin
If it breaks
It be my time
For I am not afraid to die
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
This One

I’m still me
Albeit cowardly
If there is a lion in me
That’s something I wish to see

For if a lion’s roar could find my lips
Maybe my lips could find their way to yours
If our arms found each other and your head my chest
You’d hear a kitten’s purr I’m sure

Of that, yes
I am Sure
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
Anon C
In a fit of rage you were
Breath thick with liqueur
A shotgun in his face held
Such anger could not be quelled
Screams of hatred impure
Naive, I jump in unsure
Now a gun held in my face
Unaware of the danger I brace
Shouts to move, nothing heard
Life I protect, I hear no word
Stop, just stop, this makes no sense
What triggers a crime so immense
A crime of passion you would regret
Put down the gun, you are the threat
It is not worth your lover interred
Sighs of relief, that night no boom heard
I don't remember how this ended so at a loss on how to end it other than as it is.
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
Anon C
I am broken glass beside a lake
Your reflection pure, mine distorted
Helped along a path in my wake
My love is not needed, it is contorted

Out of sight, out of mind
Push me to the farthest reaches
It is alright to leave me behind
As long as you're well, I pick up the pieces

                 ­                                            Glass

Your reflection refracted in my shards
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
Anon C
Hate Me
 Nov 2012 Kendra Hall
Anon C
I will pretend I am alright
that I am sane
I just lost it
swallowed whole by my darkness
I need you to hate me
all of you
vilify me, justify my own self hatred

— The End —