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Those beautiful, empty eyes.
They pierce the smoky haze,
staring into me.
Through me.
They see me
but with the intensity and knowing of a
blind man.
That anger, rage, and challenge in the eyes of my
You are he, but he is not you.
My love,
you dismiss the world,
yet you cannot.
It has left its mark upon you.
A cruel paradox.
Beauty captured
but in a moment gone.
Come to me.  
Let my hand upon your face
restore the warmth into those
cold, foreign eyes.
Who is this spirit that embodies you,
who imprisons my heart?
Cast it away.
Look upon me, beloved.
Let me find favor in your eyes.
There is no rage there.
You challenge me
to explore the depths of your love
and nothing more.
It is you who sees me.
I'm sitting
On an invisible chair;
Waiting for you
My invisible friend,
I take a breath
And exhale;
The cold air,
While the waves pounding
Against the shore,
Shower me in it's mist,
Keeping me aware
Of the reality of it all,
I'm lost in thought;
Wishing you were here,
Next to me;
Because next to you
I'm alright,
But without you,
I might as well
Dive right into
This ocean;
At least it could
Embrace me,
And I could belong
At least for this moment,
Until I acknowledge the next
Like the tide you come in,
Batter me; erode me; crush me;
Great big blue;
Sand in my toes; I'm sinking...
© okpoet
you said you need me like water, like air
as you braided flowers in my hair
and whispered sweet words in my ear
the truth is now, it's all right here
you made me feel alive, free
like there was some good in me
you kissed my flaws, all my scars
and said in my eyes you saw the stars
and life before was just a blur
and you didn't know just who you were
but it was me, your saving grace
you knew it the moment you saw my face
the pain i'd hidden down so deep
unable to cry, it was hard to sleep
but you loved me, gave me a song
watched me breaking all night long
but it was in the morning light
that i found my will to fight
never give up, no matter the trial
learn to let go & how to smile
I like you.
I like you.
I really, really like you.
That goes through my head when I see you.
Why can’t I make that come out of my mouth?
Maybe because I’m afraid?
Afraid of rejection.
Afraid of humiliation.
Afraid of being hurt.
I’ve been hurt once.
By one I loved.
Will you be the one?
The one that will be worth my tears?
But won’t make me cry.
Those blue eyes.
I could look into them forever.
Your laugh.
I love to hear it.
I love it when I see you.

I like you.
I like you.
I really, really like you.
Maybe one day you’ll know.
But for now, I’ll keep it inside.
But I’ll be dreaming of the day.
That you say to me.
“I like you too”
 Feb 2013 Kendra Gibson
"Is that a birth mark?"
No, it's a cigarette burn, *******.
"That's so cool, it's a perfect circle!"
*I wanted to feel how it burned.
 Feb 2013 Kendra Gibson
When I was young
I would close my eyes and hum.
Hum away the pain.
Where were you when it rained?
I lie coiled up on the ground
wishing to be a pretty leaf on a tree.
Only to grow old and fall down.
whatever, bad poem, always, ugh
They are



               ­               aesthetics,




Do you not feel the heat – my wrist on yours
burn tales more rich than ours on nights more dark
than souls too tense to feel the eyes of God
draw shame on backs of necks so close?

Or is it

                                                             ­                                                                 ­        just me?




   ­                    ludicrous


I know its there I know the life that flows
through limbs of mine can move through cloth to touch
the skin of yours I hear your eyes I see your voice
I breath you in why else are we so close?






  ­          happy


                                        ­                                                                 ­                                    secluded.

How can you sit not feel those things I feel
not think those thoughts I think not see your wrist
sink in to flesh as soft and pink as lips
I long to taste? We are al-ways al-ways
al-ways al-ways al-ways al-ways

so close...

They are






            ­           incandescence

                                                  ­  maybe.

But still

               They are
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                             here.
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