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ManVsYard Nov 2014
I live inside an aquarium
I do not need a boat
I fly around
in water
Sometimes I even float

Surfing back and forth
wafting, to an fro
all is still
most times, I just don't know

Where I'm going
where I came from
I have never
found the side.
Of the glass!
I must be dumb.

I know it's there.
Outside of it is stuff called air
I've seen the faces,
Oh! How they stare
As they brush their wavey hair.

Suddenly, there's a whirling
swirling, round and round
I have never
fathomed gravity.
Today's new word is: DOWN!

At last! I'm in thin water
then suddenly I frown
I search for
tiny dropletts
More! More! Before I drown.

I **** them all into me
bugs, insects! dirt and slime
I learn to breath,
dance and walk and sing
no more the aqua mime.

No more the fin man on display
no more the question, bake or filet?'
Alas, when rain
comes, I feel weak
Just why? I can not say.

I look deep, into my own eyes
I see, my old, friends in there.
CRAVING, begging
to get OUT
with glowing plastic
signs that read:"This Is Not Fair !"

As I gaze at my reflection
and brush my wavey hair
and pearl white teeth,
and spit.

Wish granted.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Are you a fruitcake?
Are you all kinds of nuts?
Do you eat poultry
turn in-to chicken butts?

If we are what we eat
I guess I'll say moo!
Oink cluck, glub glub,
****-a-doodle doo.

I do not eat crows
road runners,
turkey gizzards
monkey or elephants
or brown to green lizards.

So, guess what's for lunch?
Yum, fried Alligator,
with octopus legs,
bye bye
see ya later.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I go out to the Holodeck
fifteen times each day
maybe it is fifty.
The truth? I can not say

Suddenly, I'm in a place:
some place, far away,
or near.
Living out, some future life:
the hiding place of fear.

And other, "what if", emotions
tusnamis of thoughts
washed in blue oceans.

Hearing and seeing, like
I be slurping potions,

Love! Number nine?
No, Ten
outdated notions.

Action, danger, full color fantasies
Must be the "not here now", disease
must be the "pre-plan how" disease.

Not living in the present.
Saving on the fees.

Protection reckets for my selfs
My tiny inner syndicate, mob

who lie and cheat and laugh at me
then proceede to rob.
I'm deaf dumb and blind.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Searching searching,  out of time
for the place, where I'm alone
somewhere to loose the mime
the silent me, who smiles and waves
who pens a simple rhyme.

A chant, a song, some non-laments
about the ever frothing foam
that flows from gaping, spewing vents
the place of worry words, and fear
so many messages!
So many marked sent.

Somewhat like wolves locked in a cage
not wanting to leave, they snarel and moan
old scars from old wounds, still dripping in rage
cowering!  At the first beam of light.

Free the mad puppies!
Advice from the sage.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I saw myself, just yesterday
sitting on a roadside rock
contemplating this and that
What was once skinny
now seems fat.
What once was mouse
now is rat.

Doors once open,
now have locks
Looks like dog packs
sounds like *****.

inside outside underware
Hawking mudpies at
the County Fair.
Thoughts so thick, I yank my hair.
Suddenly frozen. I sit and stare

days, weeks pass. "was that a knock?"
I find my wrist.
A strapped on clock?

I see the lie-ing hand spin round
moon rises, sun rises, make a loud sound
what was lost, remains un-unfound
what was valley, now is a mound
Big toe rooting,
ventilated sox
both shoes missing, cardboard box.

Suddenly, It's today
at last!
Debris surrounds me. Shattered masks?
Stomach empty? Methusela fast.
No more future, no more past.

Large ships!
Arriving, at the docks.
Time goes crazy,
when there are
no more tocs.

A lovely world of only tics.
no more stealing,
no more tricks
no more soft talk,
no more big sticks
It's raining gold,
no axes no picks

chickens sleeping
with the fox-es
Un coveting of the neighbor's ox-s.

And his gougeous
brick house wife
and his so called
perfect life
Dict. : Deleting
words like strife
dancing to ditties
from a fife

Wearin fine hats shaped
like a Chinese Wok
sittin alone on a roadside rock.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I live in a giant matrix
of imaginary wierd-oooo's
A cast of coo-koos counting
and clocks.

Who are totally ignoring
a situation deploring
It's like they are all snoring!
There are locks,
on all
the tocs.

Yes! Ticks are piling up
at six, five, and seven
****** by gravity
dead or alive,
without even one debate
without Tocs: always late
Time slowed down is our fate.

The curse?
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Speedy data transfer vine
indexed in junk DNA
Instantanious communication
no possibility of delay?
Holo-fractal hookups.
Is everyone on the line?


are we listen--ing too slow
are our ears to big to tell
ack from nak, yes from no
The solution? maybe
Quantum time!

Just one eternal grandfather clock
with only a TIC,
never a TOC
delays maybe caused by reneade gyres
like intestellar,
"slowdown feller"
invisible, swirls, with gushing spires.

E-fracting for minutes, hours, years
decades, eons, epics and more.
As pools of whirls slow,
there appear open doors.
The locks are no where to be found
The keys?
All scattered on the floor.

What is that, hissing sound?
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