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Kelly O'hara Jul 2014
A starry eyed sky do the heavens provide,
Heavenly hurt does it give us.
The moon lies fair there's a certain slant of light.
The burning souls do shine brightly in midnight sky,
For they maketh the starry eyed sky.
Shooting stars shot from Orion's bow the sparks do glow,
In the far reaches of the starry eyed sky.
The outward light and the heavenly part the beauty does with purpose.
The sickening stars fade off the ethereal plane,
Closed one by one by dawn's approach.

Written By Kelly O'Hara 22nd July 2014
Kelly O'hara Jul 2014
A poets life the words fall out,
The words wax lyrical from the poets tongue.
Words form in the mind and flow onto the page,
Like wave after wave the words do flow.
A poet writes all forms of poetry from haiku, ode,
To free verse, it allows the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings,
To form into words.
A poet makes the words on the page come to life!,
Gives them a soul gives them color!.
The poet writes as best they can they're only human,
Try and love the words they write.

Written 17th July 2014.
Kelly O'hara Jul 2014
Being wiccan is my calling it's my religion.
It is the well i drink from it quenches my souls thirst.
The god and goddess are my rulers i heed their call.
I follow the call of the elements earth, air, fire and water.
Wicca is something i can count on when i have nothing to give.
Wicca is something that gives me a sense of safety and relief.
When i know i have nothing i know i have wicca.
Blessed Be! be the the ancients for they dance with me.
The knowledge of wicca the complex magic is food for my soul.
The deities walk with me i feel their love, their protection.
No fear will tweak my soul no outer force will break my strength.
I will forever seek to learn the wiccan ways and laws,
For being wiccan is in my blood.

Written 5th July 2014 By Kelly O'Hara
Kelly O'hara Jul 2014
Pills to dull the feeling to dull the soul.
Pills that will make me shake, rattle and roll.
Pain that thins the soul.
Heavy is the pain on the soul it thins the essence of being.
Tired am i of pain i can take no more.
Pain that drains it takes away the essence of me.
I wait for the day i shall be free of these chains called pain, So i can sing!.

Written 3rd July 2014 By Kelly O'Hara
Kelly O'hara Jul 2014
Worn thin my heart can't take no more.
The tears I've cried the sorrow i feel the pain inside.
Stretched impossibly thin i feel like I'm dying inside.
I hear the ticking of time passing,
I hear chips coming off my mortal coil.
My soul aches for release from confines worn thin.
All that remains is a grey husk a shell worn thin by life's endeavors.
Dark clouds loom over the horizon i guess it's destiny's call.
I stand looking in the mirror looking at the shattered remains of a strong will worn thin.
Maybe life isn't for me anymore i don't know who i am anymore.
I fear for the selfish pain the relentless tragedy,
The uncharted deception it has worn me thin.
My perception is altered my sense of self worth blurred, I can't decipher myself.
Constructed Illusion of that which is worn thin does not belong on this earthly plane.

Written 28th June 2014 By Kelly O'Hara.
Kelly O'hara Jun 2014
Unlock your dreams to unlock your passion
Unlock your motivation to unlock your potential
Unlock you Knowledge to unlock your experience
Unlock the wisdom to unlock life.
You only live life once.

Written 25th June 2014
Kelly O'hara Jun 2014
Being creative doesn't always have rhyme or reason.
Being creative can flow with the seasons.
Creativity is a celebration of color, of life, of words.
Creativity comes from a colorful soul, it needs light to ignite the spark,to give it life.
Being creative is a poetic expression of one's self.
Being creative comes with it's own creative price.
Creativity needs an open door for it to flow forth.

Written 25th June 2014
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