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Evil Levi - The main character in the story.  Evil Levi was born into a cult named Sinister.  His parents gave him to the cult to so he could be the vessle for the spirit Cruelty.

Sinister - The name of the cult that Evil Levi was born into.  The goal of Sinister is to engulf the planet in Hatred.

Spectrum - The name of the planet where the story takes place.

Harriet - The mother of Evil Levi.

Liberty - The name of the city where the story takes place.

Iniquity - The name of the compound where the members of Sinister Live.

Priest - The father of Evil Levi.  Priest is the high priest of the cult Sinister.

The Book of Sins - The holy book for the cult Sinister.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
As Olive Spectrum lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person.  She thought her life would never end like this.  Olive's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.  It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.  Upset at the thought of being late for work Olive floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic.  Olive hoped she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of Funny Man.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't get stopped by the police.  Thought Olive as she sped past the other drivers.  As Olive Spectrum pulled into the BNB parking lot she checked the time.  "It's 7:55am.  I made it within five minutes" said Olive.  Getting out of her car Olive walked through the bank's glass doors.  As the time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.  One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.  Mmmmm yummy thought Olive as she walked up to the tall light skin man.  "Hello sir how can I help you?" asked Olive as she eyed the man up and down.  "My name is Akurra Wings.  I would like to open a checking and a savings account" answered the tall light skin man.  "Mr. Wings please follow me to my office" said Olive.  As Olive and Akurra sat in Olive's office filling out papers Olive made it up in her mind that she would get to know Akurra on a personal level.  After a day's work Olive got behind the wheel of her BMW and started her drive home.  On her way home Olive called her best friend Jewel StoneWall.  "Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Olive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her cellphone.  "I'm doing great Olive.  What's up?" answered Jewel StoneWall as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.  "Are we still on for Saturday?" asked Olive.  With a confused look on her face Jewel ask "Is the day Friday already?"  "Yeah girl what day did you think it was?" responded Olive.  "To tell you the truth Olive I thought the day was Thursday" said Jewel.  "No Jewel it's Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon" said Olive.  "You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Olive" said Jewel.  "Ok bye Jewel" said Olive.  Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissor getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is a gangster love story.
It's a shame when your feet look better than your face.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is just a joke.  This is not about anyone.
With lifeless eyes he forms the south side hand sign.  Represent his neighborhood is all he know.  No remorse for his actions banging on the other side he got his dope in his pocket and his pistol in his waistband.  He pulled his pistol aimed and fired shots with his left hand.  Hot steel spiraled out the barrel of the gun empty shells and bodies hit the pavement.  Elevating the crime rate he celebrates with his homies back on the south side.  Lines of ******* being snorted off the stomachs of ***** with bloodshot eyes they scream south side.
North siders come through gunning automatic weapons being fired screams of ****** echo through the night.  Unable to return fire south siders lay dying with lifeless eyes they form the south side hand sign.
Written Keith Edward Baucum.
Secrets are like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered
Like dead dreams being tucked away
Like the forbidden fruit waiting to be plucked
Like ugliness masked with beauty
Like deception shrouded in sincerity.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
How can they say America is united?
When in truth she is divided into so
many sides so many lines drawn into the sand
Rich vs poor
Republican vs Democrate
White vs black
What ever happened to the American dream?
But then again America was built on division.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
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