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 Jun 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
No slur, hear the pride
I was Mother Warrior
fighting for my charge, my child.
If I had not so much to learn,
the path would have been other
than playground of victory and loss.
Adult now, evolving still
aging scars and complex psyche
stories of bright riches savored
but do those boots still have a use ?
 Jun 2013 Keith J Collard
K Mae
Single cells no organelles
with membranes permeable
respond with will to live

Prokaryote so simple
no nucleus  no lack
nearing food evading harm
Membrane assures survival
  expanding one to two

Membranes of the human
process mystery
When shall we admit
our brains do not direct
our intricate survival
understand membrane as membrain, Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief
At seventeen I am almost grown.
Almost old enough to own a home of my own.
Yet, i remain viewed as young, naive.
Told I am too young to know what i believe.
At seventeen the world drowns me in a sea of questions it doesn't want the answers to.
At seventeen everyone thinks they know whats best for me,
"....grow up, be a part of your society."
Don't worry about happiness that's a selfish priority.
"...grow up."
But at seventeen its hard to differentiate between hopes and reality.
It's sad you can do anything you believe,
but i fear it's a lie, we've all been teased.
The proof?
On the streets.
An endless stream of people who've had their dreams seized.
I dread the thought of this stream consuming me.
At seventeen I don't know if I am me.
Or just everything that's ever been crammed down my throat into a part of my brain I cant pronounce.
At seventeen I've fallen down a rabbit hole.
The queen of hearts pounding me with every cliche ideal every adult has told me to believe.
The white rabbit screaming to me the time.
I just want to leave.
I am only seventeen.
But if not this rabbit hole where?
Just a new nightmare?
Filled with symbolism I should get.
Things I should know.
Seventeen is plenty of time to grow...
grow up.
But I am only seventeen.
I am only seventeen.
Am only seventeen.
Only seventeen.
I am seventeen.
At seventeen the world says I am almost grown.
At seventeen I am scared to have a home of my own.
At seventeen I question everything I ever knew.
But remain unchanged.
Remain floating through life without a clue.
dear goldfish -
if I'd been you
I'd have jumped, too.
my mom's fish killed itself while we were out of town
I need to stop writing 10-words.
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