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Queen of my heart
That woman was
And so, she'll always be
But every time I sparkle and shine
Nana lives on, through me
When your young kids are scared of monsters
You tell them
You know a witch who taught you
A magic spell
It goes...
Any mean monster that comes into this house
Will instantly be turned
Into a mouse...
It really works
And kids can sleep peacefully
I had to add the "mean" part, because my grandkids got concerned that Cookie Monster, or Grover might come over, and get turned into a mouse.  This goes to show that kids are incapable of racism.
"The blind must believe in the absence of sight."
-David O'Reilly
I'd invite anyone
Who's experienced this phenomenon
To come forward and tell me I'm wrong
You can pull that wishbone apart
And get the bigger half
But your wish will never come true
A waste of time to even ask
I was molested by a neighbor
When I was five, or maybe three
Although I finally got it back
That creep took something from me
I tried to tell my nana
But quickly put that idea upon the shelf
I could tell from her expression
She was going to blame herself
You're insisting to meet me in a battle of wits
And are woefully oblivious to the fact you are unarmed
I don't want to battle
But backing down isn't in my DNA
I'll outwit you every day
Nobody can fix you
It's an impossible task
It is way too much
For you to even ask
Nobody can break you
Unless you've been bent
And you hand the hammer
And make the first dent
Nobody can love you
If you hate yourself
Then you can't expect
Any lover to help
Your mother could die
And it is entirely possible
The hospital will charge you for
And all the procedures they tried and failed while failing to save her.
I'm that noisy neighbor
Who keeps you up at night
It's not that I like yelling
But I really love to fight
You feel sorry for my children
I've seen your pity stares
All the same I tell them
I'm the only one who cares
They believe their life is normal
It's the only one they know
They head to school and don't act up
They surely wouldn't dare
Mostly because they couldn't stand
Their noisy mother coming there
The problem is, too many people start off too many sentences without saying, "I believe."  Bunch of people acting like they don't know the difference between opinion and fact.  
Now watcha think of  that
A poem is an end and beginning
Unto itself
With everything in between
Don't be like the poet who must explain in light gray letters
What he or she did mean
Tee Hee....Just to make myself a hypocrite
I see people say
"Congratulations on the daily"
Can somebody please tell me what "The daily" is?
I was looking through some comments, and my thumb went over the "thumbs down" button, just before I lost my **** place.  I tried finding it, so I could take it back, or at least explain, but it is totally lost!  Anyways, I'm really sorry.  That was an accident.
I had a notebook
Yellow paper
Which I usually wouldn't go with
But there was something about this notebook
I put my poems in there
I lost that notebook
That is my personal
Library of Alexandria
In at least 50 percent, the notes are just as beautiful as the poem.
Notice me!
See how brilliant I am!
What is wrong with your eyes?
If you can't see my greatness
They're surely telling you lies
I'm not sure that being gay
Means you should hashtag everything you write
With #gay
You're discussing the weather,
And I'm just not sure Mother Nature is a lesbian.
Dear kids
When your tooth falls out
Put it under your pillow
Because this magic stranger
Will sneak into your bedroom
Reach an arm
Right under where
You are laying your head
And leave you a
Nice surprise
And at Christmas
Let's go and sit
On the lap of this creepy
Oddly dressed
Old man
Who Will sneak into your house
During the night
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can never hurt me
What a crock of ****
One man's A list celebrity
Is a **** star
One man's **** star
Is an A list celebrity
Observer word server
I'm a poet
I'll bet
Jimi Hendrix
Was a great lay
I am offended at how often you take offense
To the truth told to you without stroking your hair
And offering an apology
I find it offensive that you get so upset with me
Any time I tell you I disagree
The state of offense you're in constantly
Is not offensive to only me
None of us want to walk always on eggshells
I think you should be offended
With your own **** self
When I started writing poetry
We used notebooks
For those not familiar...OG means "original gangsta"
I've got a new crush
Though I don't know him well
I'm not sure how he looks
But his mind is **** as hell
Once upon a time
There was an island
Of big dicked men
The small dicked men
HATED the big dicked men
Of course
The small dicked men
Were busy inventing things  
And the big dicked men
Well, they didn't invent a lot
Satisfied with what they had
I suppose
The small dicked men
Used their inventions
To subjugate the big dicked men
Because they hated them
Out of jealousy
Which almost always turns evil
The little dicked men
Turned evil
And had to prove
They were better than
Big dicked men
All along
It made small *****
Evolution and Karma
Are great business partners
He's Mister Right on Time
Who always has a perfect line
It's nice to blush
My poem sits at the top
Ah...the one most viewed
I have never felt so amazing
When I was not ****
But wait
Oh no
And there it goes
Shooting quickly down
The top and I barely had time
To get a proper greeting
It would seem the place on top
Is all too quickly fleeting.
I'm the ******* who accidentally
Gives the two year old
A blazing hot
(But at least I'm not the ******* who purposefully makes blazing hot Cheetos)
I wonder if you get to wear your breast augmentation in Heaven?
This guy, all sexiness, yet he used the term "bestie."
I can't want to let him ***** me
Which is good
Because he didn't want to ***** me, either
Maybe he did it on purpose
Does anyone else experience no way moments, that seem so trivial?  The funny thing is, he thought I was saying he was acting like a woman.  I was like, "no...its because you were acting like a teenager."
So, Medusa and I were discussing ways we can protect children on this site.  We want kids to have a place to express their art, and we don't want to stifle them, but we thought about how dangerous private messaging can be for kids.  
If a child says something publicly, here, we are all here to protect them from harassment of any kind, and we all will protect them, but what about private messages?  Any perv can send a private message to a child, and none of us will be there to help.  Maybe hello poetry should have a rule that children under 17 cannot receive or send private messages.  
Does anyone else think this will be helpful and safer for Kids?
I'm not quite sure
You can call yourself
A down home
American made boy
If you weren't attracted to
Maryann over Ginger
One of the most painful experiences a woman can endure is to love a man who doesn't deserve her
Jesus would be mad at us
For revering him a God
He didn't start with "my Father,"
He said, "our Father"
His followers have lost their way
And he would be the first to say
Wouldn't it be great if America disarmed it's citizenry?
What an easy invasion that would be
If birth control pills could give a buzz
"Unwanted" pregnancy would no longer be a
As artists
We want to hold on to our creation forever
We want the reader to interpret our art with our intention
We want to control
But the truth is
Once we release our art into the world
It becomes common property
And belongs to the world
We do not get to dictate
How our art will be received
Or whether the viewer must laugh
Or cry
Or become nostalgic
The purpose of art
Is to let it go
I get a kick
When someone gets broken up with
And says
"They'll never find anyone like me."
Boo Hoo
"The Good *****"
Has blocked me because I told her I didn't want to hear about how she has been sexually harassed.
Perhaps we will finally accept
The true cost deforestation
When trees evolve to scream as we cut them down
You took up two spaces
With your motorcycle
Clearly on purpose
Maybe in your next life
You can come back as someone
Who is not a selfish *****
Thank you for inviting us all
To your pity party
Although the decor is intriguing
This place is not for me
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Then maybe you can see
No one wants an invite
To a pity party
Ladies and girls
The secret that will save you heartbreak
Here it comes....
Never, ever, ever
Tell someone you love them
Until you feel comfortable
Farting in their presence
We always say
"May s/he rest in peace"
S/he is resting in peace
All rest is peace
We should say
"May you survive in peace"
You really impressed me
Before you started trying so hard to impress me
Now you're not saying you
You're saying what you think
I want you to say
I gotta tell ya
It is unimpressive
And only proving
How little you know me
You were so much more impressive
When you weren't even trying
With your pep and positivity
You're forever watching a sunrise
At 1:35
You got it
All figured out
But everyone's waiting for
The nose dive
It's not fair
Or right
But peeps are uptight
We need to see
Fair share misery
Oh baby,
Something has been bothering you
I can tell by the things you don't do
You used to make yourself so fine
So pretty, I used to wish you were mine
You used to be so sweet and fun
But now, when I see you, I think "RUN!"
You used to laugh all the time
You used to be so **** fine
You used to make my heart do flips
But now, ****, it barely trips
So tell me....why do you
Look like you're in such a bad mood
Is there something I can do?
Eagerly awaiting the poem
Written by a man
Complaining he was used for ***
It does happen
I mean, I've used guys for ***
But they always took it as a compliment
My grandparents
(Who, by the way, belong in the Grandparent' s Hall of Fame)
Would call me
"Faccia brute"
When I cried
(Not if I was really hurt, of course)
Faccia brute means
"Ugly face"
In Italian
If I was a different person
I'd be dwelling
Oh, alas!
Poor me!
My grandparents called me Ugly!
And when I was crying, at That!
It all depends on my perception
And that's how I will tell it to you
Influencing your perception
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