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I just couldn't bring myself to say it
Let's hope we've seen the last of the hued moon poems
You want to be his everything
When you saw him interested
In the actions of a squirrel
You found yourself wishing to be
That squirrel
In that moment
Your utter fascination in him
Is so predictable
He finds it impossible
To be fascinated by you.
In poetry
You can do whatever you want
You can pull a Dr. Seuss
And create a skiddelybont
You can travel to the future
And also back in time
You can imagine you're a unicorn
Or even be divine
In poetry
The world is yours to mold
Warm, sunny nights
Or stuck out in the cold
But it is no bother
The trials you may find
Are over as soon as the next poem
Forms itself within your mind
Is it against the "rules"
To comment without giving a thumbs up?
(I commented on someone's poem, and she sent me a private message about how rude it was to comment, when I hadn't given it a like.  I told her to just delete my comment.)  I'm interested in your opinion.  Is it an unwritten rule to only comment on poems you "like?"  If so, I stand corrected.
She complains to you how she's so fat
So you'll tell her that she's so slim
Backwards fishing for compliments
And the line is way too thin
But you better disagree with her
As soon as she drops the bait
If you don't, it will be you
Who tells her she's overweight
Saying something
With nothing to say
Is saying
Less than nothing

Guilty as charged
It is an issue
That you are everywhere
The guy standing there
The poem over here
A glimpse of you
Is all I see
But you are everywhere
I be
That Boy
(My Gosh.  If he could see this stuff, his heart would be singing.)
Mother Nature
Best Chef in the world
Every Apple
Perfectly done
Every orange, peach, or pear
Raspberries, strawberries
Perfection itself
No other chef
Can be quite as good
As Nature, Herself
And Her Motherhood
And dont forget cranberries!  (Frais)
If you were to ask him
He would claim it was me
Who broke his heart
And he'd really believe it
To be true
The emergency room will still send a bill if the patient dies.
You don't get a refund if the plane falls out of the skies
Nobody enforces if the psychic lies
Contracts aren't binding in matrimonial ties
I'm not sure fast food uses potatoes in their French fries
If you see it on tv
It is probably lies
All obvious truths to anybody with eyes
We keep taking this Earth
For all she's worth
Pretty continuously
What if our Maker
Didn't intend it a gift
But a responsibility?
I commented on someone's poem, and they changed the poem, because of it, without even responding to my comment.  Leaving it just sitting there, all our of date and out of place. It drives me nuts when people do this.
When your favorite poet shares a poem, and you're like....
This is not you.
(Maybe it's the accidental finger spasm)
It could happen so
That one day
The word "******"
Would be taken as a compliment
I would like to see that day
Would've, could've, should've, didn't
Played the game, but not to win it
Angry at the referee
Blame him, or her, and even me
Ah, the guilt comes flowing free
From those who take no responsibility

Aha!  Made ya look!
I wonder if you know
When I mean you
And also
When I don't
To everybody
I had to write a poem for Jake
Because he takes the cherry
Hmmm.  Enough said.
Jaker the cherry taker
(It's not nearly as interesting as it sounds, but Jake will probably find it hilarious)
I get that you want him
You want him so bad
But it isn't my fault
He wants me, instead
Trying to change that man
Is like trying to ******* with your non-dominant hand
It's only going to end in frustration
I think men should start wiping after they ***
I could be wrong; maybe it's me
But I can't help but notice
No matter how much they wiggle and dance
Guys always come out of the bathroom
With a few drips on their pants
I'm hoping I'm not
The type of poet
Who will be thoroughly
After I'm dead
It would be just my luck
To be famous
All my poems
Shared for free
No money
For my family
That seems to be
The luck of me
I can't even remember who this is about.
This will be wildly unpopular
But I'm prepared to take the heat
Someone's gotta say it
And get right to the meat
I've noticed someone who is depressed only talks about themself
And perhaps they'd be much happier if they concentrated on someone else
But the problem is,
It's become practically a crime
To hurt someone's feelings
If they cry all the time
I don't pretend to understand
Or even really care
But if you stay stuck in your own  ego
You'll find little happiness there
Nobody talks about race anymore
And in a way
I wish we could open the conversation
Because racism is there
But we all pretend it is not
I would rather we could
See it
We allow racism to maintain
By keeping it in the shadows
Nowadays, racism masquerades as assumption.
There are times
When non-English speakers have
Specific similarities in the
Way they interpret English
I notice it most in Asian cultures
And it forms a Kaleidoscope of English
That is, to me
Beautiful to see
Those with bad karma
Always curse their luck
What goes around
May come around
But it is
Perpetually tardy
Poverty is the fault of the poor
We will not admit it
But we're surely keeping score
From the start to finish
We won't question
Karma's bad luck
Unless, of course
It's aimed at us
Covering your hands with glue
Letting it dry, to peel it off, like a thin layer of skin
Sticking pins through the top layers of your fingertip skin, to make a wimpy Freddie Kruger
Watching hydrogen peroxide bubble on your scrape
And then, picking off the scab
Unbending a paperclip, to fashion a makeshift retainer for your teeth
Swinging your arms around in the sideways helicopter, so it can make you run faster
I'm sure I'll be adding to this in the comments.  Please add too, if you can think of anything
He is the boy from the ghetto
Who was the example
That made me set my standard
So high
Everyone told you he was a bad guy
And of course, why would they lie
Keep your distance, they all say
But you will not go down that way
You're too good, at the very least
You can tame that wild beast
But wild beasts are not for taming
And anonymous horses are not for naming
He left you less than what he found
Dug your ego into the ground
He did this to the next girl, too
And never, ever thinks about you
Still, you're stuck right on rewind
Until your heart, you can re-find
Come on, girl, please move past
Heart breaks are too sad to last
Next time everyone warns you away
Promise you'll refuse to stay
Today's your lucky day!
And let me tell you why...
Oh, I'm sorry
I was talking to that other guy
We don't want to be led
But we love being
This Boy done disappeared on me
I know he'll be back soon
Shortly he will need a fix
Of what only I can do
I keep him on no leash, you see
For I know there is no need
All women in the world
None of them can be like me
I read your heartfelt
Explaining how you had learned
So much
Which would have meant Something
If you weren't still
So ignorant
I think the first lesson
You need to learn
Is that it is important
To want to be a good person
Let go of that *******
Who didn't love you back
Let go of that selfish *****
Who stabbed you in the back
Let go of those stupid kids
Who teased and taunted you
Let go of that pig face girl
Who picks on everything you do
Let go of that boy
Who lied and broke your heart
If you carry everyone who hurt you around
You're gonna need a bigger cart.
Sometimes, I read peoples' writings of God
And can't help but feel
If any other name were inserted
I'd be reading about
A controlling boyfriend
In a co-dependant relationship
With a writer blissfully unaware
I am stingy with my "likes"
I can't just give them away
What if I might need them
For some far-off rainy day?
I need someone to earn them
With spectacularity
But I won't protest one bit
If you give a like to me
We are all the little drummer boy
Who had no gift
Bought or bartered
But share our inherent gifts
And heartily
Making beautiful music
Listen, Mr. Poopie Face
Wearing all that pout
I'm not sure how it happened
But you let the Grumpies out
We've got a long, long day ahead
No time for all this crap
But one thing I know for sure
Nana needs a nap
Ugh! You little ****
In my mind you sit
I suppose I'll get over it
Loving a little ****
When the baby has a fever
So bad
His shadow is sweating
It was lost
But not at such a terrible cost
For, you see
It's not possible
To find something that's never been lost
What do you say to the girl
Considering *** for the first time
She wants to know what it's like
And will it make her heart shine
Will it be tender, oh so movingly
No, I said, it's pretty gross,
And when you do get some
It's  a lot like sliding  straight
Down a staircase on your naked, sweaty ***.
When you love someone
Their voice sounds like a Beatles concert
Put on just for you
Do not blame someone for falling out of love with you when you have behaved unlovably
Your love poem to that girl
Felt like your declaration of gay
For her ex boyfriend
You can't love someone into loving you
Either they don't
Or they do
If you can only go by what they say
You know they don't love you anyway
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