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Jul 2018 · 122
Everyone ignores your cries for Help
This vexes you greatly
You ignore
All your other cries for help
More than everyone else can
Jul 2018 · 95
Two wrongs don't make a right
Two lefts make an
About face
Jun 2018 · 163
Intimate atmosphere
It is an issue
That you are everywhere
The guy standing there
The poem over here
A glimpse of you
Is all I see
But you are everywhere
I be
That Boy
(My Gosh.  If he could see this stuff, his heart would be singing.)
Jun 2018 · 209
Lesson Number One
I read your heartfelt
Explaining how you had learned
So much
Which would have meant Something
If you weren't still
So ignorant
I think the first lesson
You need to learn
Is that it is important
To want to be a good person
Jun 2018 · 168
No Free Parking
Your mother could die
And it is entirely possible
The hospital will charge you for
And all the procedures they tried and failed while failing to save her.
Jun 2018 · 148
Poetry Club
I wonder if a "daily aasignment"
Would be popular
Like, each day,
New subject
We might get a lot of
Interesting poetry
And feed creativity
Jun 2018 · 149
Bragging is only effective
If someone else is doing it for you
If you think this is about you, it surely is.
Jun 2018 · 132
Of course I wasn't talking about you
I don't respect you enough to
Hide your identity
I woulda said it was you
But if the shoe fits
Strap it on
I'm not hiding your identity by not naming you, now, I've just forgotten who you are.
Jun 2018 · 214
The group
With the Guy Fawkes mask
As if it isn't clear
Anonymous is a
Jun 2018 · 97
I'm starting to think the definition of "*****" is
"someone my man wants to ****."


"Someone who will **** someone, but not me"
Jun 2018 · 133
Care Factor
The first lady
Wears a jacket
That is wrinkled
And looks like she bought it
At a garage sale
And people are concentrating
On the graffiti
Telling us
What we already knew
Of course she doesn't Care!  That woman has to give Donald Trump oral ***.  There is a woman who clearly does not have a care factor.
Jun 2018 · 125
That Boy
There's a Tennessee kid
Who knows he has my heart
He just knows it
And he's so right
But he's so wrong,
Jun 2018 · 303
Actual Headline
An actual headline I read today...
"I'm a good parent!  CPS has been called to my house over 20 times, and never found anything"
**** that teen mom show
Jun 2018 · 144
Even if it appears to be not
It always is
You can't have an upside
Without a downside
Or even an
In the middle
There is even a
To the downside
Jun 2018 · 369
The One
The one is
One whom with you can have
On a regular basis
A conversation
That feels
That Boy
Jun 2018 · 218
Bumm Tailfeathers
When you have gone on a limb
In what you thought
Was a really cute pose
To gain someone's attention
And they took no notice
And that's what everyone else
Took notice of
Jun 2018 · 220
Prima Wanna Be Donna
She is smart
And she does stand out
But she is too resentful
At society
Because it does not adore her
This is probably about me
Jun 2018 · 208
It is an important rite
Of passage
That every adult
Should read
"Oh, The Places You'll Go" out loud
To a child they love
At least once
Jun 2018 · 270
"Virgin" Mary
That she was not ****** to death
For becoming pregnant
Is a miracle
In itself
Jesus was most certainly born
Under a fortunate star
Jun 2018 · 219
King with no castle
He is the boy from the ghetto
Who was the example
That made me set my standard
So high
Jun 2018 · 135
Last time you saw me
I was so sick
So skinny
Near-death ill
Would I love to see your
When you saw me now
Jun 2018 · 610
A lot of people
Seem to dislike me
I suppose
I could claim
It's because I'm a (bold)
Or because my kids are biracial
Or blah, blah, blah
A lot of people don't like me
Because I'm me
Jun 2018 · 162
I do not bleed over the page
Poetry is not sweating from my pores
I tend to ***** out my words
Jun 2018 · 176
I wonder
I wonder if you know
When I mean you
And also
When I don't
To everybody
Jun 2018 · 168
Dumb luck
I am the unluckiest
Human being you will ever meet
Jun 2018 · 184
Ass Backwadds
The truth is the least popular entity in the room
And everyone seems to prefer to crowd around the *******
But that's what we do
Jun 2018 · 241
You can't thumbs-down the truth away
But apparently
You can blame the one who told it
As if they somehow made it true
By pointing it out
Telling someone they are making a mistake does not make you a bad person.  Allowing someone to continue to make a mistake without telling them does not make you a good person.
Jun 2018 · 686
Very often
It is the
To accept constructive criticism
That will cross a person
From mistaken
To ignorant
Jun 2018 · 252
Awkward English
If you rip something apart
You put it together
If you want to be a part of something
You put it separate
A part
Jun 2018 · 316
Boo without the Hoo
I do, sometimes
Ache for you
But I never cry
That boy
Jun 2018 · 200
Name dropping
Must be reciprocal
Or else
It's called
(Suggestions anyone?)
Embarrassing yourself?
Jun 2018 · 184
I am a racist
I must admit
I honestly beleive black people
Are better
Than white people
They are kinder
To each other
And everyone else
I am a racist
I am a white person with
A black family
And a white family
And I can heartily testify
Black people
In my experience
Are superior
I love my entire family
Black and white
I'm simply calling it how I
See it
Not trying to be a racist, but it is my view
Jun 2018 · 190
When a person commits suicide
They should examine their teeth
A toothache has the power to make someone feel suicidal
Jun 2018 · 285
Almost exact
I miss you
I wish you
Were not
Exactly you
I wish you could be
A better version
Of almost exactly you
That Boy
Jun 2018 · 207
Dings and dents
Bill Cosby broke my heart.  
Well, maybe not
But he certainly
Dented it irreparably
I loved and respected that man
And now,
When I see him
I can't help but pity him
I'll even go so far as to wonder
If it was a set up
But I suppose that makes me a terrible person
Because I am empathizing
With a ******
And that's all I got to say about Bill Cosby
That man dented my heart
Jun 2018 · 184
How long
How many years before humans can have a gender addition surgery, instead of reassignment?  Why can't I get a *****, and keep my ******?
Jun 2018 · 161
Title titties
Titillating poem titles
Is poetry
In itself
Jun 2018 · 162
Yuck (but darn it!)
Whenever I see a dog lick itself
I can't tell if I'm disgusted
Or jealous
Don't act like you've never tried it.
Jun 2018 · 164
Self esteem
It is difficult for me to have a
With a person who has
Low self-esteem
I have a hard time trusting
Someone who does not like
Jun 2018 · 168
Whatever you do
Do not love me
More than you love you
Jun 2018 · 278
Iron Chef Supreme
Mother Nature
Best Chef in the world
Every Apple
Perfectly done
Every orange, peach, or pear
Raspberries, strawberries
Perfection itself
No other chef
Can be quite as good
As Nature, Herself
And Her Motherhood
And dont forget cranberries!  (Frais)
Jun 2018 · 277
On the carton
Of my Newman's Own
It says
"Pink ****** Lemonade"
What a heartless *******
Newman must be
Not even allowing
Those poor pink lemons
To get laid
At least once
Before he squeezes
Out their
Lemon life
Jun 2018 · 239
Alaina Moore blocked me
Because I called her on some ****
That she obviously had no reply
She could admit to
And then sent me a private message
Expecting me to explain
To her
Just silly
Jun 2018 · 999
Happy Poet
Nobody seems to care
About the happy poet
It can get very depressing
Being a happy poet
I just can't seem to let that dirt sit
On my shoulder
And so I remain
Happy poet
The poem with the obvious
Grammar problems
Has been trending
For a while
Yes.  I am a judgemental *****.
Jun 2018 · 274
140 million miles.
That's the answer to the question I asked that I can't find anymore
The distance between Earth and Mars
Jun 2018 · 384
Father's day
For me
Is all about you
My father's parents belong in the grandparents hall of fame.
Jun 2018 · 237
I appreciate your worship
Until you are a hypocrite about it
I cannot understand why humankind
Has been such a failure
At religion
We fill it with hypocracy
Probably because we are
Unwilling to make
Jun 2018 · 219
Branching out
When your last ****** relationship was with someone you never had *** with.
Jun 2018 · 355
He willingly walked into my branding iron.
His pet name for me was "Sunshine"
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