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 Feb 2014 Kay Sullivan
Theia Gwen
My words aren't  graceful or eloquent
I've never been a good writer
And everything I want to say sounds inadequate
I can never find the right words to say
I could write volumes about you
But everything just comes out as a cliche
So I'll just listen to a love song
Because everyone's better at saying what I think
It's not unusual that you leave me tongue tied with no response
And everytime I try to string letters in a coherent  thought
I just get your name
Only your name
 Feb 2014 Kay Sullivan
Theia Gwen
How dare you call yourself pro life
And then make me want to **** myself

How dare you say that you're a Christian
And then act with hatred and intolerance

How dare you tell your friends about your new diet plan
While I'm silently throwing up dinner upstairs

How dare you ignore and insult me
And then get angry at the fact that I'm withdrawn

How dare you tell me you love me
While my tears flow down my bruising cheek

How dare you destroy me on the inside
And wonder why I'm showing it on the outside

How dare you boast about my high grades
When you used to call me stupid when I was slow to learn

And how ******* dare you call yourself my mother
When you've become my worst enemy
To my dear lovely mother, who else?
 Jan 2014 Kay Sullivan
man on the bus coughed
it sounded like a goat laugh
please don't get me sick
 Jan 2014 Kay Sullivan
Matt K
One word for the few.
One line for the many.
Is Meant for those people who,
Encounter some wonder.
One sentence for few.
One thought for the many.
That can see through the shades,
And witness some hunger.
One story for few.
One poem for many.
Who take time to realize,
The beauty in writing.
you spent so long
and asking
"how can anyone love me?"
and you counted  your flaws
but didn't have
any fingers left
for strength
and when someone finally
said they loved you
all you could ask
was "why?"
instead of telling them
that you loved them too
 Jan 2014 Kay Sullivan
i hold you in my arms
knowing it to be the last time
must this hug goodbye ever end
why do i feel this way for you
you who comfort me now as a friend

goodbye mixed messages
hello disconsolate heart
i would rather be here
in your unloving arms
in your unloving arms
than be home

this park i know well
its seasonal rise and fall
blows that warm december breeze
your mouth, your hair
my tears as you ride away
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