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 Dec 2013 Emily
Matthew Walker
leaving town is leaving home
though I've only lived here
long enough to name a few streets
and memorize a handful of names

in three months time
a foreign city became
equally precious to me
as the place I was born

it's not the place
that cries out to me
not a feeling of belonging
that makes me sick to leave

it's the way you look
at me
i'm anxious to look away
from you

because you have become home to me.

 Dec 2013 Emily
Ellie White
 Dec 2013 Emily
Ellie White
For our anniversary I wrote you a love letter,
Because we were apart and couldn't be with each other,
So I wrote down all my feelings, in a neat little story,
And told you about how you changed my life for the better with all your glory,
I sent away the better part of me,
So that it could remain in your humble hands until we could see each other again,

But somewhere our wires got crossed,
And you decided that it was too much,
So you ended things with me before the better part of myself I had sent to you got there,
I wondered for weeks, had you opened that letter,
And sometime after I forgot about it, I heard through the trickle of friends,
That my love story to you still sits in its envelope, gathering dust in a dark corner,
And you have not opened it to see my words that I had crafted together for you,
You have not opened all my hard work, and my dedication to you,

I know that my letter, and the better part of me, is sitting somewhere out of sight,
And I know that in time, when you don't care anymore,
You will stumble upon it and dispose of it without a second thought,

But all that I ask of you,
Because I know you will find this,
Is that you open that love letter, and see what I was wishing for in time,
See my words and my penmanship, crafting together, everything that I was unable to tell you,
All that I ask of you, is for you to open my letter,
And finally release the better part of me,
Because I have been wandering through these unknown halls,
Waiting for her to be released.

 Dec 2013 Emily
I can't breath,
Will I cry?
Not just yet.
Another puff remains.
Through it all,
Wisps of smoke.
Pouring outta my lungs,
As fresh air fights its way inside,
Do I dare to dance this hopeless trot?
I think rather not.
 Dec 2013 Emily
Matthew Walker
feeling this morose and desolate
to the point of deep burning in my gut
is almost as tragic as the fact that
I feel this way with every inhalation

I have lost the ability to breathe
******* in death has become my life

 Dec 2013 Emily
Witness all the little things in life I can't seem to find..
I asked for your story because I wanted to feel your pain
to understand
So I found you, there in your post apocalyptic paradise
As you wrote the words to me slowly shedding light on the nature of your place
Lost between the words whispered from the lips of your so called dream..
Your puzzle to me summed up in the sentence
I'm not her
Its too late to ask you out with a stegosaurus card
My mom wont make you spaghetti
I don't have a soccer team you can guest play on, I cant meet you at a picnic
Compared to what you had I'm a shadow
And thats all you'll ever let me be
And I thought I could hear it, the nature of your inability to care for me...
but now it sits on my shoulder
Sometimes shifting its talons
I cry because you don't see me
And all the things I have done for you seem like nothing when I look at them through your eyes
But they were everything to me
each little offering offering of affection given to make you smile
every endeavor to make you happy
turned back and given to me as thorns
but you don't care
you are very sorry you say, but you just don't care
you can't
and the worst part is I understand now..
I can see how she's better in every way
except for that she left you all alone
So I can't fix you, I can't patch up the pieces she tore out on her way out the door
I can talk to you, I can be there, but
I can't make you see her any other way
I'm just nothing to you.. after all this time
You'll never talk about me like I'm a goddess.. you'll never look at me that way
and it hurts
 Nov 2013 Emily
Allen Wilbert
Frozen Pond

Buried deep under a frozen pond,
lies a brunette, red head and a blonde.
The brunette lived a simple life,
her name was Mary and my first wife.
Got married young, at age nineteen,
I was a king, she was my queen.
Caught her sleeping with my brother,
so naturally, I slept with her mother.
In the winter we went ice skating,
drilled out a hole, while I was awaiting.
As she got close, I pushed her in,
if only the ***** had a fin.
Two years later met a red headed beauty,
she was a little nuts and a lot fruity.
Ginger was this psychos name,
once again my brother was to blame.
Caught them in his back seat,
he played tricks, she gave him treats.
On the frozen pond we took a walk,
smashed a hole with a giant rock.
Pushed her in till she was under,
she screamed louder than Florida thunder.
My brother the blonde, his name Jake,
loved to go to that frozen lake.
Playing hockey with his friends,
him and his fancy Mercedes Benz.
One day we were passing the puck,
a hole in the ice and he got stuck.
I said, sorry brother but you deserve,
to fall in while I stand and observe.
Now my life is complete,
girls now know better than to cheat.
 Nov 2013 Emily
Rocky G
I know you better than you know yourself
I'm practically a stranger to you
I know just how to rile you up
How to make your day
When you're ready to cry, to scream, to laugh...
You don't have to tell me a thing to know what's going on
But you just know my face
My problems mean nothing to you, as if you'd understand anyway
I can't think of a time you were there for ME
You can't figure out the emotions plain as day on my face
Your life is perfect
The family, the friends, everything goes your way, your talents and a best friend who comes at your beck and call
You're not involved in my life
My life of pain, lack of trust and loyalty
I know the world for what it is
Your biggest problem is sacrificing a good time for things more important-not getting your way
You're happy with the way things are
But I can't help but think this is a mistake
That WE'RE a mistake
I'm not happy
I feel neglected and unimportant
I think we both should move on...
Rocky G Copyright© 2013
 Nov 2013 Emily
As tears streamed down her face
She cried in agony
Her knees were scraped
And her clothes were tattered

Her once beautiful face
Is now bruised and scarred
Eyes are red and swollen
Her hair is tangled, covering her visage

Once she was an angel
But now her wings are broken
She carries a heavy memory of abuse
A no escape situation

She was blamed by the fiend
Who didn't even took time knowing her
Her name, destroyed and neglected
Good personality, evanesced

She was never sighted again
No one even missed her
Because of the devil
She was shattered into fragments
A poem for the people who are being bullied. Feedbacks? Comments? Will be awesome.
 Nov 2013 Emily
Tana Young
I'm a puppet on a missing string
My love is to which I cling
A love that loves Unlawfully

I'm under the rain that wont stop bleeding
I take refuge under a blue tree
I didn't realize there is one place from where it feeds
And that is my blood sea
I climb and climb
Until I'm safe
I grab an apple to eat
My heart begins to no longer beat
The only thing that exist is the red night

And it is guarded by me, the dark knight
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