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Lately I haven't been saying much
chillin' in the corner, that kid with
those eyes, high as ****.
My mind's been working on some
next level ****
about the dimensions of luck
but look,
It doesn't even matter
because in the morning my notes
make less sense than this
mad scratch of an excuse
I call a
© Daniel Magner 2013
My ex almost lover slides down the page of my messages.
I've got a whole book of faces, and his is the only one I'm looking for.
I have to click the 'see all' button to even catch a glimpse of him,
And even then, it is only his back in the mirror as he walks away.

I count days, hours, moments.
I memorize lines, words, syllables.
Soon, I will make the decision to try to forget him.
The lovely ex almost lover does not know this.
He thinks (at least I imagine he does) that I've already forgotten.

But he beats a staccato song inside my chest, like a hard rain on packed, dry earth.
He wakes me every night with his silence,
Like summer coming to an end, the cicadas ceasing their chorus.  
You don't know how accustomed your ears have become,
How much you need that sound, until it vanishes,
Becoming nothing more than an echo of memory.

A week goes by before you ever realize what it is that has been intruding on your sleep.
There is an absence of the familiar,
and to keep yourself from falling off the edge into the abyss,  
'dear God, will I spend the rest of my life alone?'
That habit of loving shadows reinvents itself.

*Once, I believed in fairy tales.
Maybe, I always will.
I was once a beautiful, & colorful girl.

I had a lover of my own,

and hair of great bouncing curl.

My dearest and I had the truest of loves,

the kind that sent pangs,

through the hearts of white doves.

Ages ago, we were out on a sail,

t’was a beautiful day,

with a marvelous gale.

‘Till, in seconds, there came,

a downpour of rain,

and a scene that would change,

life of this poor dame.

I discovered my dear,

he was shrouded in fear,

clutching and fleeing and never looking back.

He abandoned our ship,

while we were under attack

I was thrown overboard,

with a most violent shove.

There I felt hands,

not of the usual class,

but thinner and sharper,

like that of broken glass.

It was then I was pulled,

roughly down to the dim.

The endless depths of the sea,

without him.

I looked up to the sky,

but oh, by & by,

the light of the world,

was shrinking rapidly.

The vixens and creatures of the dark,

surround me.

I would float, breathlessly,

among a world, under water.

Where the sea-souls of men,

are taken for slaughter.

It wasn’t the vast sea,

of splendid blue-green,

you know the kind,

that you see in a dream.

It was red and green and horrid, pitch black,

and he never looked back.

Didn’t toss me a float,

or a rope for my throat.

And when I rose to the top,

I swam to the shore.

The tide came and went,

a swift, gentle roar.

I stood there for what,

had seemed like years,

and your back facing me,

couldn’t fathom the tears.

The world spun on,

as she always does,

and my heart broke again

a million ******, pieces it was.

you had left,

you had gone,

but I was still holding on

to a past full of lies

and of tainted goodbyes.

my cries,

should have been,

for all of my wasted time.
Nice people
Make my heart

It is childish
I know
But I cannot help but
Think this way
 Jan 2013 Katrine Lif
Who decides the sun is yellow
The sky is blue
Green is envy, red is passion

Who's to say my cat is not a lioness, ferocious and proud, but who's to say a lioness is dangerous?

I determine my own reality

Where white is the color of evil, and black is not worn after Labor Day
The Eiffel Tower is my bathtub,
And my bathtub?
The Taj Mahal

I can touch my toes to the moon, swish my fingers in the infinite storm of Jupiter

The River Styx is my backyard, and I live in the center of the sun's hottest point, where no temperature is recorded other than 0 degrees Fahrenheit

How do we name the animals?
Language of origin please, root word, Greek, Latin, Romance languages,

Why can't my fish be called a shmeeeffflaarnaa?
It's much more interesting than 'neon tetra'
And as for the dog, I'd much rather have three daphnaria's running around my house

You should come live with me,
it's much more fun here
when the day arrives that the venom you spit doesn't get absorbed by your lover and turned into honey, you know its done
when it reflects back at you with more power and velocity, you know its over
when the love for your angry, once ****, fire turns into empty eyes after the smoke clears , you know you ****** it up,
real good
just like you wanted  to
melancholy is your only  true friend
bathing in loneliness is your way
it's what you deserve
thats how it should stay
i love you so,
i am reverent to every poorly healed broken bone
the ones that click
and never quite fit
i respect your dark memories,
because though  they haunt
they made you what you have become
i am awed by the way you cloak your emotions
it makes every  escaped smile much more potent
i am relieved by your insecurities
because they fit well with my impurities
i adore the way your palms sweat
before any sort of test
your ADHD,
fascinates me
i love you so,
from your concussed head to your ugly toes
She said i went to sleep thinking of you.

With the bitter taste of loose ends in the back of my throat.

She said i went to sleep thinking about how I'm more lonely with you than i was by myself.

She said i went to bed thinking about the empty glass globe inside my diaphragm,

You used to fill it warm loving liquid,

and now it chimes and echoes in the cruel hollow ways only glass empty things do.
I wish I could say beautiful things, but I can't
only bitterness
from these
cracked lips
and drops into your warm sweet mouth
in the form  of  a "kiss"
like black ink it expands
into all spaces it can
leaving you rather breathless
in a horrible self doubting kind of way

I wish I could say beautiful things, but I can't
beauty only escapes from where it exists
I've been searching for years now
I've been wanting to create it
but never known how
it is too dark to see
into the depths of me
into the black hole that is I
why do I feel the need to make you cry
so much of the time.

I wish I could say beautiful things, but I can't .
if I could,
I'd tell you how you shake me
and have opportunities to break me
yet you don't
I'd tell you I wish I knew how to love,
I wish I had the ability to hug,
the way you do
I yearn to do
so much more for you

I wish I could say beautiful things, but i can't.
because you are the only beautiful thing
about me.
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