Lost in a desert of rights and wrongs,
With a list of pros and a list of cons.
I can't quite tell my left from right,
But I can't stand here figuring it out all night.
I know what you need, and I know what you want,
Yet you're stubbornly wearing these terms back-to-front.
You confuse me, you use me, you tell me it's Love,
But falling for your charms is something I could be above.
So I'll make myself happy, in my own ****** way,
Even though you won't support me, no matter what you say.
Leave him alone, leave me alone, please just let us be,
And you can do what you want, without a word from me.
For the first time in forever, I can feel a sort of trust,
But it isn't meant for you, and it's certainly not for "us."
I want to cut you out of me, for more than just right now,
And for the first time in forever, I'm starting to see how.
(c) Katie Eustace 2011