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Kathy Myers Jan 2010
The smell of coffee and black sharpie fill your senses
Dragging yourself out of bed, you wrap the sheet around your naked body
Your head hurts more with every movement, every thought.

The sticky note on the door
written in small, squished, boy-like writing
"I never promised you forever."
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
When the cop appears we go the speed limit.
When his tail-lights dissaper
His foot is back on the gas pedal.
Pushing us faster and faster.

We take curves at dangerous speeds.
And I feel my body like a rag doll.
My body disobeys me as I try to stay centered.
Gravity wins and pulls me close to the window when we turn right.
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
She counted the ringing bells.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
They echoed through the empty church.

She walked down the isle, a knot in her stomach.
Her father smiled at her from where he sat.
He's proud of her recently.
If only he knew.

She sat down and the minister said a prayer.
She went through the motions.
In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
It's been almost 10 years since I believed in God.
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
Ribbons in you hair.
Diamonds in your ears.

Magazine clippings line the floor.
Pictures clutter the desk.
Friends, lovers, family.

You feel like a faked ******, unwanted.
Clinging to what you know is right
and bordering what you know is wrong.

Playing Russian roulette with fate.
Rolling the dice and raising the stakes.
Neither will save you now.

But don't forget to smile and
Bat your lashes.
For when we leave you to rest in peace.
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
The door closes at three am.
Smelling of beer (not mine)
and cigarettes (I only had one).

The past week I don't report to anyone.
I don't have to tell where I am, who I've been with,
what I've been doing.

There is no satisfaction in that.
I want someone to care.
(Just like he said he did.)
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
I ripped you to shreds
and hid you in my drawer
(but you were real tonight.)

I miss the taste of cigarettes
with idle chatter
ending in a snowball fight
with smiling faces
(and dripping noses.)
Kathy Myers Jan 2010
The beer on your breath gave you away.
Your head nuzzling against my head,
(in all the right spots).
And you asked me what your Christmas present was,
and I let you unwrap me,

Later I told you it was also your New Years present.
You smirked and said it was only fair.
You don't even want a girl in your life.
I'm ready to move in with my (non-existent) boyfriend,
(but obviously only in my dreams).
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