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Sep 2013 · 552
Kathryn Sep 2013
We are old friends,
But in reality we have only just met.
Apr 2013 · 520
Kathryn Apr 2013
We are floating,
Drifting among the people,
In our own little world,
Just you and me.

Wishing, wishing it never to end,
Hoping that this one desire will come true.
Standing with my partner,
Twirling around and around.

The music moves our feet,
We are no longer in control,
Following the orders, the music's command,
Until the music comes to a close.
Dec 2012 · 799
Kathryn Dec 2012
The wind snaps at my coat and lashes out at my nose,
But I ignore it; for the allure of this scene makes my forget everything.
I see my reflection on the glimmering frozen lake.
It is like a mirror, frozen and beautiful.
I look up and see icicles with sun shining through them.
Their miraculous beauty slowly fading as they drip to nothing.
The snow crunches softly below my feet,
And I ponder whether or not to resist the urge to make a snow angel.
This wonderland will eventually melt,
But the moments I have spent admiring the sight will stay with me forever.
I actually was doing this after a heavy snow and it truly is a wonderful thing.
Dec 2012 · 354
Kathryn Dec 2012
The waves rise and fall,
Attacking our feet with its icy teeth.
It opens its watery arms for those who dare to enter.
Dec 2012 · 924
The Moment When
Kathryn Dec 2012
The moment when we are born.
The moment when we see our parents smiling faces.
The moment when we say our first word and take our first steps.
The moment when we see our first rainbow.
The moment when we first experience fear.
The moment when we go on our first date, or have our first kiss.
The moment when we stand at the alter and say I do.
The moment when all of this starts over with our children.
The moment will come; wait for it.
Dec 2012 · 440
The Artist
Kathryn Dec 2012
He dips his brush again
It drifts across the canvas in smooth motions
And in time, it slowly forms his emotions
The picture is done; he still feels the same
He knows that no matter how many paintings he paints
His emotions will never disappear
The artist tries and tries, but he is only human.
And humans are flawed no matter how you look at the picture
Dec 2012 · 367
All of us
Kathryn Dec 2012
are all
dying from
the moment
we are born.
So why must
we bother with
the worry that
it tortures us with.
Dec 2012 · 394
Forever....or not
Kathryn Dec 2012
She told me we would be friends forever.
We were so close then I probably believed it.
But we split apart and were left alone like a broken toy.
Now we have families and what we had didn't matter.
We thought about where life would take us and our children, but nothing more.
Neither of us giving the other one a single thought.
And eventually we fade away slowly.
Some faster than others which is why forever can never be.
Dec 2012 · 488
Kathryn Dec 2012
If we were all combined as one
Would we be kind?
Would we all be understanding and compassionate?
Would we try to hurt others?
The answer to these questions is no,
Because if we were combined and hurt someone, we would hurt ourselves
Think about what you do, because if you make the wrong choices,
In the long run, you are only hurting yourself
As if we were combined.
Dec 2012 · 397
The One
Kathryn Dec 2012
You are the one
The one who has been there for me when others have not
The one who has pushed me through hard times
The one who asked me out first
The one who gave me my first kiss
The one who bowed down and asked me to marry you
The one who gave me my last kiss as I faded
The one who stayed with me through everything, even death
You are the one
Oct 2012 · 554
Veterans Day
Kathryn Oct 2012
The best things in life are not truly free
That is why freedom comes at such a high cost

The men and women who give up their lives,
They are the ones who truly give us hope

They leave their families
Not knowing if they will ever see them again

They stand strong and fight
Just to protect the red, white, and blue of our great flag.

They are our United States veterans
Those who have died and those who have lived through the war

They are the ones who give you a place to call home
Oct 2012 · 6.4k
Kathryn Oct 2012
The whistle is blown
The ball is thrown
Up into the air
For anyone it's fair

Grab it up quick
Get ready for the pick
Here it comes, there you go
and now it's two to zero

A few seconds on the clock
The other team is in shock
I can still move faster
And blow right past  'em

Scoring right before the bell
We say farewell
To the worry we had
Of losing too bad
Oct 2012 · 536
Kathryn Oct 2012
Fear is a giant hole
Following at every turn
A mass of terrible darkness
Coming to swallow those who have no courage
Oct 2012 · 467
Kathryn Oct 2012
They look so frail
So old and sad
Their  wrinkles make them look pathetic

Have you thought about what they have gone through
Wars, depressions, deaths.
If you went through that would you look tired too?

They're tragedies, and pains have made them strong
Stronger then you and I will ever be
We must not look at them as old but more as strong and powerful.
Sep 2012 · 494
Too Young
Kathryn Sep 2012
Are you ever too young to die?
Are you the perfect age when you die cause that's what God decided for you
Even if you were very small

Where do you go when you die?
Is heaven really a place for comfort,
And if so then why do we not want to die?

These are questions I wish I knew the answer to.
So I wouldn't be afraid,
Afraid to let go of life and go wherever we are meant to be
Sep 2012 · 5.1k
Dragonfly (Haiku)
Kathryn Sep 2012
Flying in the sky
Quicker than the speed of light
It fills me with joy
Sep 2012 · 494
Bad Things
Kathryn Sep 2012
With out the bad things what do we have to write about?
We would be and have nothing.
Our hardships and miseries make us better writers, they make us stronger, they make us who we are.
Sep 2012 · 579
Kathryn Sep 2012
Darkness, that's all I see
Since the day I was born,
No colors but black.

People say look at the flower,
Or they tell me their favorite color is blue
I don't know what blue looks like so I say my favorite color is black

I can smell the fragrant air,
I can tell what perfume the teacher is wearing, and how well the janitors cleaned last night
My nose is very strong

I can use my ears better than anyone else,
So even though they don't know, I hear them whisper  about me,
I hear everything they say.

I am in constant darkness,
I have been since the day I was born,
I am blind.
Sep 2012 · 592
Leaving Me
Kathryn Sep 2012
What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
Was it running off for training,
Was it leaving me to go fight a war that is not yours,
Or was it leaving me forever when you promised to come back.

I will always wonder why you left in the first place
You told me it was to protect peoples freedom
But it must have been something more
And now that your gone I will never know the truth

When I got that letter telling me what had happened, I cried
I don't think I have ever cried that much in my entire life
I took my engagement ring,
and I hid it away where I would forget about it and hopefully you along with it

I never could forget about you though
Your smile and just us being together
I am sad you had to leave,
But maybe heaven is better than this messed up world I live in
Sep 2012 · 397
Books are My Refuge
Kathryn Sep 2012
Books are my favorite thing in the world
They are there when I need them
And still there when I don't

They help me escape
Escape to the most most wonderful places
Places you could never imagine

They can make you cry
Or smile, or laugh
They have no other friends besides you, the one who started reading them

They are full of the amazing words that fill you with joy and wonder
They are my refuge
And my best friend
Sep 2012 · 331
Kathryn Sep 2012
Home is where you can sit down at the end of the day
Home is where you eat your meals
Home is where you tell your stories
Home is where you feel wanted

Moving is the opposite
Moving is running away from what is familiar
Moving is leaving your memories behind
Moving is going somewhere different

If you move do you still call that place home
Will it ever get easier
Change is hard and leaving everything behind is worse
But home is home no matter where you are
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
The Truth
Kathryn Sep 2012
The truth is, I do bother my sisters,
I do leave the milk out,
I never make my bed,
The words "clean up" aren't in my vocabulary,
I always forget to practice,
I love basketball more than anything,
I'm not as smart as people say,
I do study and work hard,
Whenever I say I'm hurt I actually am even though some don't believe me,
I enjoy the color pink, and I like talking to guys,
I like for people to notice me,
And I do so much embarrassing stuff it's amazing I get through the day.
Sep 2012 · 1.6k
Kathryn Sep 2012
An imagination is what helps you understand life as a child
You could be whatever you want
Where ever you want
Whenever you want

As we grow older we lose the power of our imagination
We lose our sense of creativity
And the idea that we could do anything in the world
If we only put our mind to it

The idea that even if we were the one singing the loudest
We would still be cool
The idea that even if we stood up and said something meaningful
We would still have the confidence to do it again and again

If it disappears what do we have
Maybe one lonely thought
Maybe a thought that you stole from someone else
Without our imagination we suffer

Begin again, get your own ideas
Even if you sound odd
Be yourself
And take you imagination back

— The End —