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How do we know
we are in love?
I know, its when
we feel funny inside.
we might sweet or
keep saying nice things.
Where happy when we
talk with that person.
We might crack some
jokes with that person.
We even say, I
love you so much.
Some people are to
scared to hear this.
Their scared they might
be slaped or rejected.
But when love strikes
we do crazy thinks.  
Stay with the person
you love, its worthwhile.
Te queria como una ventana abierta.
Con sus cortinas volando en el viento como un velo volando por el mar.
Te queria como una ventana sin barras, sin modo de protejerse.
Yo dejaba tu viento traer lo que queisiera, lo fantastico y lo malo envelto en arena y hojas de colores. Yo lo queria todo, porque eras tu.

Te quieria como un rio sin represa.
Moviendo y bailando por la tierra sin dudas y sin hinibiciones
Yo dejaba que tus hondas me llevaran a donde quisieran.

Yo te amaba sin piel.
Te deje ver y sentir cada musculo y nervio, cada memoria
y cada sueno.
Pero la piel que yo deje, tu la recojiste y te escondiste en ella,
no me dejaste conocerte sin las capas que parecian   paredes de un fuerte.

Yo te amaba con mis ojos cerrados,
Solo veia estrellas y constelaciones.
Tu con tus ojos abiertos,
Solo viste consequencias y razones.
inspired by the Great Pablo Neruda
(i swear everyday is harder than the last)
Can one die from bitterness?
        I surely hope so.
I want all of you
I want your messy morning hair
Your sleepy smiles
Your tired eyes
Your sloppy kisses
I want to wake up with your arms around me
I want to wake up warm from your body heat
I want all of you
I want your soft pajama pants
I want your smell on my linen sheets
Your hand in mine
Your soft touch
Your anxieties and tangled thoughts.
I want to get up with you
I want your toothpaste lips
I want to watch you while you pick out your clothes
I want to watch you as you get ready
I want all of you.
I want your scrambled eggs in my tummy
Your freshly squeezed orange juice on my table
Your hum in my kitchen while you cook
Your silly morning things
I want a whole bunch of magnetic poetry words on our fridge
I want to see the silly things you put together
I want to see all the lovey things you wrote
I want all of you
I want to curl up with you
I want to lay by the fire
I want to paint our minds on the walls
I want all of you
Your warm kisses
Your fingers
Your skin so smooth
I want your passion
Your skin running against mine
Your fingers roaming
Your lips tracing
Your mind yearning
Your heart racing
Your exaggerated breaths
I want to be with you
I want to do things and know your mine
I want you to tell me everyday how much you need me, in person
I want to lay with you and watch movies all day
I want to lay under warm blankets and drink cocoa
I want to feel you touch me
I want to feel our two souls becoming one, our hearts beating in rhythm
I want to go on adventures
I want all of you
Your curiosities
Your wonders
Your fascinations
Your skills
I want to discover every inch of you
I want to conquer amazing things with you.
I want to hold your hand every day while we drive
I want to kiss you in the rain while we stop to watch it fall
I want all of you
Your ways of making me smile
Your ways of comforting me
Your beautiful eyes and your beautiful words
I want to shop with you
Picking out our favorite foods
Dancing through the isles
I want all of you
The way you pick out soaps
The way you push the cart
The way you gently place sodas to keep them from fizzing
The way you hand the cashier money
The way you politely give her a smile and make small talk
I want to spend every second with you by my side.
I want all of you
I want the way you sing to music in the car
Your walks
Your jumps
Your skips
Your hops
I want to dance with you at random times
I want to know that you care about me
I want all of you
The way you stick up for me
The way you do what I want
The way you're always there.
I want to go home and catch you staring at me while I'm sitting in our chair reading
I want to feel you kiss me randomly
I want to feel you lean against me
I want to know that I'll never lose you.
I want all of you.
The way you look when your scared
Your nerves
Your happiness
Your shakes
Your ponders
I want to garden with you.
I want to rake and **** with you
I want to watch you work and wonder how you became mine
The way you tenderly water plants
The way you pull weeds right from the roots
I want all of you
Your ***** hands
Your sweaty pores
Your delicious produce
Your never ending breaths
Your sunburnt nose
I want all of you
I want to cook dinner with you
I want to sit outside listening to crickets while I watch you grill
I want to talk to you when you chop vegetables
I want to set the table for two
I want to light candles and turn on music
I want all of you
The way you tenderly mix foods
Your ways of buttering breads
The condensation on your water glass
Your fork clinking
Your way of  making me laugh
The way you talk about your day even if I was there
I want to clean up with you
Washing dishes with your hands on my hips
I want to wipe the table and look at you
I want you to be my encouragement
I want to go for a drive to the beach
I want to hold your hand as we watch the sunset
I want all of you
Your glistening eyes in the sun
Your breath as you talk closely to me
Your giggles
Your frustrations
I want to put my feet in the water and feel you follow me
I want to wave goodbye to the sun, knowing it wouldn't matter if it came back or not, because I'd have you.
I want to listen to seagulls with you
I want you to tell me stories
I want all of you
Your creativity
Your needs
Your wants
Your pleasures
I want you to build a sand castle with me when the orangey glow of the sun is still around.
I want to go get ice cream with you
I want all of you
Your ice cream on your face
Your napkin hands
Your chilly tongue
I want to go home and do laundry with you
I want your way of separating darks from lights
Your clothes intermixed with mine
Your socks
Your detergent
Your breaths as you pick up socks
The way your fingers seem to dance as you fold clothes
I want to fall asleep with you
I want to crawl into the same bed as you
I want to lay on your chest
I want you to play with my hair and sing me sweet words
I want you, all of you
Your heart beating in my ear
Your closeness
Your hands tracing my bare skin
I want to kiss you before falling asleep.
I want to know you're right there with me
I want to trace hearts on your skin
I want to share cold feet and fluffy feather blankets
I want all of you
Your dreams
Your snores
Your beautiful eyelids
Your limp muscles
Your head soft on my pillow
I want all of you.
I don't just want you, I need you.
happiness built on mud and sticks
most days i still crave your kiss
your lips;
oh your lips.

happiness fabricated out of good intention
most days i wonder how i got in this direction
good intentions;
without direction.

my new toy has left me too;
now all i do is think of the two of you;
mostly you.
always you.

(but I fucken hate you.)
and i kinda like him
maybe one day
you'll let me win
Oh these walls, let's tear them down.
Let us fill their voids with everything we want to tell.
Cause I have so much I want to say.
I've been lost in your eyes for days now.
I can walk along the walls and stay close, but there's no way over.
We can each stand on our hills on the other side and see on another.
Imagining what it would be like to lay down together right in the ruins of these walls.
So may we tear them down, please?
Can I be honest with my beating heart, tell you that you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Or shall we build them higher, so high that I can no longer see your sun.
Be warmed by it's rays breaking the top of these stupid walls.
A room full of names
scratched from the walls
or peeled back in layers
leaving white spots on the
trim, but this vine winds
and never wavers and although
occasionally it is mislead down the
drains it finds its way up the shutters.
(c) Brooke Otto
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