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 Apr 2013 katherine
Katie Lorenzo
I am more afraid of aging than I am of death
The process of dying does not begin when you develop a heart problem
or when you lose your ability to walk
The process of aging and the process of dying are the same
Once you hit thirty five your body begins to destroy itself
First your pigment stops working
resulting in grey hair and pale skin
Then the muscles in your face begin to weaken
and your skin fills with folds.
The next thing you know your skin is paper
and your bones are glass
and you must be careful about everything
and that is not living at all.
Aging and dying are one in the same
 Apr 2013 katherine
 Apr 2013 katherine
The dim morning light
Shone on her body
He admired her perfection

Her legs were thrown carelessly
Above the covers
They seemed to never end

Her hair spread about
Forming a halo of silk
Around her head

Her body leaned toward him
And seemed to sigh
In time with his bliss

Her fingers, long and thin
Were as beautiful as hands could be
And they were his

Her eyes, closed to the world
Were just as beautiful
As the soul they contained

Her arms reached to him
With her bare wrists showing
And on one was tattooed "remember"

He would never forget.
 Apr 2013 katherine
Eyes like a desert storm

Whispers of hidden truths

Look closer

Eyes not like windows
But like doors
To the soul

In a moment of

Catch a glimpse
The door is ajar

Soul is

Please don't reach out

You'll cut yourself
 Apr 2013 katherine
Em Glass
i knew something was off

because usually i like to
seek out the sad ones
and give them someone

but that day i wanted
to find you.
you were my someone.
 Apr 2013 katherine
I fatten them up first
by breaking their spine.
They sigh with thanks as they unfold
their tightly compressed pages.
Each dog-eared corner is a
goodnight kiss;
A place in which I bid to them,
"See you soon."
I am a surgeon to each of them as well;
a master in gluing and taping.
Because we all know a healthy book
is a worn book,
and as long as the pages
are all in order
it is craving to be read.
 Apr 2013 katherine
Curious Tales
The burn of the nectar
on her bitten lips.
the girl in heaven, she thought
tied to the floor.
this is it. she thought.

this is what she wants.

but this is what and
what is this?
A passing fad or

pathetic destiny.

Life once had a plan. Once.
Once upon a time.
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