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Jul 2011 · 907
kate crash Jul 2011
I want to share u with all the world
but we must keep to eachothers pockets
sniffing in our secrets
laughing at the darkness

I roll into u
from the nowhere in which I came
and all that does not matter
suddenly matters again

I stare for hours
at this possibility

how can we touch forever

for ever   ever for ever

how can we stay good

when we are those who corrupt?

morning spills all over
lap it up
red flowers in a vase
black hair
all over the place
mirrors in my mouth
have a taste
this pretend world we have
is far too great

to make me go out
and face the day

sat 104am july 9 2011
kate crash Jul 2011
lost in time
lost in space
lost it all
lost my face

shivering through the afternoon
blue cloak on
no place no place

a green daffodil
wavers in the choice
of stand taller
or fall beneath the choir’s voice
they are everywhere ,

crumpled in my hand
a dead man to a
going through the motions girl
I can see the disappointment now
even when I shut myself out
from all the noise

the railroad track I flay myself on
I’m glad u smashed me into ur front train
I go
just go
and fall off again

who r we
beneath these daggers
feel the real
the real
that thing with which u cannot bargain

kate crash Jul 2011
I live in the land of concrete and flowers
of broken dreams that dazzle on gower
the end of america
The edge of the pacific
where the mad fEver rush
rolls the last minute carney hopes
in the sea swallowed by
Foam, gasp, foam, spread, foam, butter legs, sand *****, scabs, toxic waste, castles, meltdowns, stock crashes, dance parties, heroes, well -theives disguised as them, cardboard castles o **** n drugs n poverty,
some promise that one in several million will b truly rich beautiful and free enough to complain about meaning
Hello my ***** luv
That throws me up
After its feasted my youth into apathy
Hello oligarchy
Birth place of so many things I lust after
Broken concrete flowers peak through
Some neon sunrise
A prop to be used
a marketing strategy of humanity
living the dead end dream
Jun 2011 · 727
dark & in a puzzle
kate crash Jun 2011
ur so pretty & mean
    i give u everything
roaring horses by the sea
fields of bronze, my feelings
        off with my shirt
slow over my *******
my head
    blonde & in a puzzle                   
     unbutton my heart
pull off my screens
       on my knees
  if i give u everything
will u love me?

you go so deep
i scream
    the  misunderstandings
    of humanity
in every ******
    i can forget how much
  it hurt to love
        you yesterday

kate crash Jun 2011
i came in her mouth
  i can’t stop hurting myself
the patron saint of blood
       self appointed self affliction
  i only want her when she doesn’t want me
   an explosion of pain & misplacedlove
   it’s  4am & I’m lost again
      somewhere too far west
    in this bed
wrapped like a present
  with my legs around her head
& sheets lumped under my
on my back
she caresses my thigh
         she wants something
i don’t have

the ceiling is blank
         the room bare  & heavy
“where were you born” she asks
     starting to stand
face all wet
time choking the elephants
      hiding in the room
“i don’t  know” I say say                   say
   her eyes fall all over
          the place
she is a wire with a onion bulb head, onyx eyes, tiny fine young delicate hands the kind when i was a small girl i wish i had

“don’t know, don’t know,
i just woke up one day and was”

Jun 2011 · 2.3k
carnations of chains
kate crash Jun 2011
between    chains & carnations
my silent disavowal to the night
the tethered  ropes of humanity
the pulp that ripens & rots
   before the first bite
    before he get’s to have it all
     the promise of an america   (lost era)
    we all fall
       amongst the bricks & poets
   the machines & hoplessness
     the starvation of the heart
            once we could all
  finally reach across
the earth
    it falls
it ruins of rhyme
with too much reason
  too much of everything
      left the future with nothing
yet here we lay
     dreaming of a big pay day
   ******* hope
    from between my legs
i love you
i love you
         ‘til I go away

b4 midnite sunday
Jun 2011 · 1.1k
good boys who love bad girls
kate crash Jun 2011
the space between living & not
a thunder bold fire bird   bird
leather skirt
wife beater shirt
******* on the neon    suckin’ on the moon
black black black
so fast down sunsets
everything full throttle
  don’t bottle ( she/me)
her up
louder LOUDER
don’t wanna hear the
world falling
all over
       & over

John has a fresh pressed shirt
waits on the corner for her
her who smells like another woman/her
there’s no justice to love he thinks
tugging at his loafers with the back of his guilt  
mothers forbidding
he’s too young for such fast woman she yelps

time melts the pavement
he flips his nickel
the rumble old car rave
the ground shakes                                 he sees   the familiar
a flash fast smile
    it "phooo" nickel smack lands on heads
he jumps in the passenger

& off    off

   to get off

    to get lost

  in something he’s not
     nor will ever be

a woman


Jun 2011 · 1.2k
bandageless bedroom
kate crash Jun 2011
words lay
naked & afraid
across the carpet
burnt & loved
2 ft. away
the things i should say
a slammed door
the stillness crawls
all over
spindley legs darkness
stuck in the throat
like a rope
a liars bed
burning eternally
where do i go
i don’t know

May 2011 · 523
memorial of the old world
kate crash May 2011
the air full of suicide and mystery
      the sticky kids in the smoke of the flashing lights
Desitny destroyed
  the hunger of the times
  the belief in all or nothing
dripping from their mouths
        Bombs sing
Sink their teeth in the beauty of buildings
              spray brick and teddy bears and useless love stories
                            the guitars start
                            the kids scream
                                                                      the generation left to rot

amongst the carcass'd feast of their ancestry

                            Let the new world begin

kate crash May 2011
in this vast oasis of home
party streamers of the heart
faded stuck to the walls
pale pinks like the sinking sun
drowning in it’s own image
below the horizon
i feel that’s us
where we belong
laughing through our shame
the night calls without names
into the last party of the decades
rushed into goodtimes and struggles
flushed away into pollution
tv  static    nuclear radiation
here on this couch of your parents
orange and yellow
from some era I can never understand
or touch
as with each moment some new invention is formed
the past  is squashed
we strum along to the hum
of a world
never quite ours
but here we are

1258pm fri
May 2011 · 601
haunt me
kate crash May 2011
i wanna fall inside the black hole of us
lick ur insides and find out why u hurt
know these things that we cannot speak
Feel ur fingers ghost in my memory
        Forever we will be
in eachother a song of mystery
                     A haunted house of love
         Haunt me

So haunt me...
May 2011 · 944
kate crash May 2011
Bus stop
Limp walk
Sick talk
Boys flop
Seats shoes kick
Howlin kids
Tires stretch out
Yawning tourists
Backpacks full of nonesense
Hearts never make sense
In the heat of the worn day
Texting away
Blah blah blah about nothing
Wanting to feel important
But I'm poor
And I don't look like
A movie star
And that's all I c
What people want
But I'm worn out plaid
In a world of gold
And I don't care if they don't notice
That I appear to b broken
Where do I fit
Inbetween limosines and slips
Sweatshops and ******
Lies of a world sold
Untold who speaks for me
Who speaks for me?
May 2011 · 847
die die die heart wasteland
kate crash May 2011
a wasteland of the heart
    And stop and start
Engine in the middle of the desert
Vultures wizzing by
Legs in the air
Crying for good times
Die die die
kate crash May 2011
A man wailing chintown on his horn in the rain
Loose change spills from my brain
thoughts evaporate
as I scrounge for a meal and a mayday
marbeled stars dizzy under my feet
the million times walked over vine street dreams
the rocks in the gut
the things I can't speak
i see
        a broken down reality painted in gold leaf
           a mansion set face in front of a sewer
Dear hollywood,
       The everlasting last minute maneuver
kate crash May 2011
clinging to the night like a wet sheet
naked beneath it’s sweat dirt & stare
dreamin’ of nowhere   runnin’ runnin’
all of us movin’ movin’ movin
to whatever was out there
a great unanswered scream

I was starin’ at all the imperfections
of an orange    shapes, dents, pocks
nobody cares
    as long as it’s juicy


there was a street light
& all of us were movin movin’
dancing on shingles singles
bangles of tigers
claws & smiles
   fashionable dresses all torn like the moon
  sometimes I feel like I don’t know
where i’m supposed to be
       & if i do know i don’t
know how to get there

footstep, footstep
at least you’ll be


the car is blasting
boom boom boom
we all b movin’ movin’
parkin’ lot party
& then
   i twirl
        i twirl so fast
     flashes of blue satin
  black jeans, plastic
rings, beercans
       skin, rhythms i
  twirl    spreading
my arms  his eyes
        his eyes

May 2011 · 938
the drones in his smile
kate crash May 2011
Men hunting Men
Desire mixed in their molotav cocktails
a righteous dissatisfaction on each side
a twinkling dusk falling behind ruby hillsides
limbs and religions sway in the tide
Of the rupturing world
each wondering how will we
make it

& why

night undresses
her ******* are perfect
A slow dance towards the edge
A serenade of gravity dislodging itself
All the little creatures in the play
love money beauty grenades

survival of the most depraved
here comes another day
May 2011 · 870
vines of disoriented youth
kate crash May 2011


caves of women
     lips that swallow fruit
**** down holiness
strange tangled legs
     vines of disoriented youth

i met her at a beauty supply shop
    smacking gum& bad bleach
cherry lipstick pink
        i grabbed her hand
& took her out back
amongst the dumpsters
& orchid trees
     the orchard of our sour tongues
swung like a noose
in the sea

her blue contacts dried

    a shovel by her side

       this is what it means to

      be alive

      wanting but not waiting to do die

shoveling out a tombstone name
trying to force yourself

backwards in time

to make people & beauty stay
   on the broken ground we lay

    asphalt & fertilizer

    the afternoon sun
stinging shadows on our

red, blk, white
she is speaking
lips part      like a   c l a m
   braces shining with spit

the whole of human history
   in her imprint
“can you…”
     her soft fingers  stroke
       my face

indent stories
   slow mo
       i’m by her waiste
cars & dogs rustle
    brown clouds    shoot
from factories
& hover in our hearts
    her fingers taste like
     hunger & salt

“…. go faster?”
      fun so fast
hoping to make

   it       stop.
May 2011 · 561
the girls are all right?
kate crash May 2011
****** down a faceless hole
of love

      i imprint my chest on the stones
& sledge hammer out the breaken memories
of her

collecting in dark pools by my head
         she says
i’m sorry i cannot leave

the mystery of her legs        (butter)
still deceives me

i sing through the strings in my teeth
       of the pretty shapes
of lies


there are no velvet ropes
       from which to climb out

no glowing exit signs from her mouth

i once believed in ___,

but now
i don’t even see

soaked through my    china bones

the pools of her are all I


i rip off my skin & the clouds of my soul
       finally, emptiness     .
Apr 2011 · 618
swallowing the dark
kate crash Apr 2011
There r so many things I don't know
dreams I don't own

                       in the blue
                      of night

        falling through
                   the holes      in my

tripping on the noose
                       of my-mah-memory

sleeping with the spiders
            that sing cobwebs
          in the cracks
                    of the heart

swallowing the dark
                    in spoonfulls of

                    I find u ...
                     h-h-h-hideing there
everything in this ****** up world
               is suddenly       ok
Apr 2011 · 2.1k
i hate mondays
kate crash Apr 2011
toothless junkies
        rifle through trinkets
             hearts leaking tar
           onto the bus’s gummed out floor
hoodied heads bow
             begging for a break
    or a stake in the heart
        or a steak
          half burnt trees flay   flash by      pray         for one less day
                 dogs chase
           the beat up clunker                                        yellow
        gnashing blindly
         at the machinery
         screaming dust
              in the world’s
         I hate Mondays

Apr 2011 · 757
her midnight
kate crash Apr 2011
Midnight dresses her body
I can't spell her

my name
let me let me touch
her body the waves
of my confusion
i'm reaching for a silhouette
hand shaking

a light from the black ceiling sky
we r all lost in this hole in the wall in the void
of los angeles
or some imitation citytown in the middle of nowhere is where the heart is
this blackness everywhere
the blak and white liquor poseters
this red couch
the spotlight blinding
I want I want

oh midnight dresses her body
my hand
to know or lose adulthood
the spotlight on me
her silhouette
the taste of death
&right; when I touch                   She's gone

Apr 2011 · 673
his voice
kate crash Apr 2011
jagged silk & frog moans
vibrating the speakers
purple lights
a sea of people
the man at the piano
whales on it’s broken teeth
something so flawless
flawless misery

I’m not right
I’m  not right
boots everywhere
the days have disappeared
and here I am
congregating with the past
white hair and crooked faces
singing along
swaying with all of us
some lost world on a war path
another beautiful night we don’t care
a man leading us into a fairy tale
of something that can never be again.
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
brick walls, plastic flowers
kate crash Apr 2011
Hello ceiling
caving in
worldwind heart
the bad boys r whistling through my door    "phooo"
the bankers screaming through the phone
pictures of naked girls on the screen
old coffee spilt on my bedstand
strangers that live in me
peeling the paint
reminding me there is a big break
around the corner
coming to rescue me with giant winged teeth
swirling around my head
around the corner
& the piles of unpaid envelopes
don't mean a thing
don't let those whistlers in

my view      from the window
Brick walls
Plastic flowers
kate crash Mar 2011
The asian man
Down the street
Who tries to commit suicide
Every few weeks
Almost made it
Instead of cops
It was paramedics
His body bandaged seeping red
His family crying
The little kids
With the big yellow ball and a big red star
Lips held firm
Would never forgive him
Though he may survive

and the traffic
rush's by
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
Sweet death Sexual despair
kate crash Mar 2011
Hello ghost
Singing in my ear
Caressing my face



Free falling my heart
Free basing my hope
The tethered rope
Of love
The sand storm stealing
The image from my tongue
Though the impressions forever there
Sweet death
****** despair
Mar 2011 · 688
four walls, four walls
kate crash Mar 2011
looking out this window
makes me forgive the world for all it's evils
the swirling hunger of the clouds eating up the towering buildings
the glass and steel filled with rich mens papers
filled with broken destiknees
and crocodile teeth
family men lapping the floor for a thrill
a way out of the box
four walls, four walls
ladies that hover behind me in skirts
checking always checking
i can almost see the ocean
i can almost feel the collapse of my heart
this is not my world I think
the smell of oil on my fingers
some strangers blood seeping through the papers
a plane flying
another one
taking off
and leaving
look at these hands
in this world of machinery
the frailty
the constant quiver
the pale skin and green veins
the song in the pulse
of constant wondering
this little light
half way up a million floors
of a million rooms
in one little block
where one signature can decide whether 10 thousand people live or not
where the boss goes home and pats his dog
and the monkeys he feed
praise him a god
and me the artist
forever lost
click clack
keys that type
hoping to stop
kate crash Mar 2011
i escaped the trailer home
to the make shift rodeo
toothful gagglers &
not so pretty hollars
i rush up the bleachers
squishing cans beneath
each jump                               CRRRUNCH!
i want to go to the
find the place

an old sweaty man's hand grabs my trousers
.. i can't
his wrinkles shimmer chrome
the shiny belt buckle big n' bold
the pain of a world too ordered
to make people like me silent
he is pulling me down to sit
pulling me hard
my jeans are sliding
i wriggle
always mama tried to make me sit
the teacher
the politician
my eyes hurt from all this looking
at things not right
i wriggle
the sun is sharp
that place where the shadow meets the crawl
i wriggle
and make a straight hand
bruce lee myself free
his teeth grimace and drip
i unwriggle him from my dreams

& climb straight up the big light at the top

a stadium of nowhere

big hatted heros

the swirl of dust

the crumbs of

discount cookies
the texas sky

cries no mercy
kate crash Mar 2011
today was the day
the broken boys rolled me like dice
tumbleweeding me onto
the suburban curbs
where i cried and cry for night
a place to hide truth
knowing that i know & knew
what boys like that could do
zoo my heart
with caged rapture
spit up my skirt
with laughter
we all knew
what we were after
spilling thrills
scrawling broken
with spraypainted
walls & spread
legs   ..sea saw see saw

momentary fishbowl celebrity
look up
the sun is so bright
i hate the sun light
i hate seeing who i am
and knowing what i've done
"brrring brrring"
"look out!  SCRUB"
scowls twisted on their face
i lurch forward
tires flicker on cement
heart fries on pavement
my legs are stiff as 30 day old dog ****
neighbors bike by
swerve in butterflies around my mind
the sign on my mediocre face reads nobody
i'm picking up all the change
that flew from my pockets
when i decided to be bad
money sweaty in my palms
the teenage gutter angst song
Feb 2011 · 1.2k
broken in paradise
kate crash Feb 2011
broken in paradise
the love(r) that wears a knife
the dreams that smoke between the nights
stale in a room of wonder
glitter dancing in the gutter
I’m calling for you I’m screaming
please be nice
please love me
please please please
a broken record of a woman
alone in a ruin
of mildewed furs and bad aftertastes
it’s all the same
a waste

******* and no chase
**** **** **** **** ****
love that hits you like a truck
dying in the middle of the road
carcass picked on bones
begging for more
come home
kate crash Feb 2011
dessimating my free will
with my hand between my legs                                     sweaty n cold
and my the pinball
hungering for holes and big scores
in some beaten down alley
at the end of every road
my fathers crooked smile and a jand job
the ghost, the lover of yesterday
that american dream sinking in the credit hole
so dddeeeep it sunk beneath the bone
stings like the word no
blinding elephants
riding the tital wave
there is no captain
only karma
holding us captive
a taste of our sewers
on the sweet ladies lips
Feb 2011 · 684
wear me
kate crash Feb 2011
i wear a pretty pink bow
i'm sorry i'm broken
you're broken too
a ***** night we get lost in
playing tumbleweed to the
curbs of nowhere in neon
people trampling on people
i never said i was pretty
but i've got allure
kate crash Jan 2011

Experiments in my perversity
Yes I'm on all 4's
I know what I'm doing
But I don't know what for
A cat scratch catch
Leather and rope
A lost little girl
Strangled hold
3 boys calling me daddy
1 calls me home
Some give me money
Some play rock n roll
Some are married
Some are poor
They keep me running
But I don't know what what for
Mama says “things r harder when ur ugly
So don't bet ur chips on ur looks
U too will get old and be neglected”
But I like ugly and *****
Under the freeway score
Hurt me
take it
buy this
obsess obsess
tell me I'm the best
That I'm wanted
That this high won't die
Wilted lovers
On every road
I drift by
A million sunrise cries
Then goodbye

Experiments in my perversityExperiments in my mymymy perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversityExperiments in my perversity
Jan 2011 · 646
kate crash Jan 2011
***** dogs singing to the owls
sirens climbing up the clouds
an orange haze howls and holds the city in
the city that goes on forever
into other cities crumbling into each others arms
laughing at the scurry below
us rats riding on a borrowed fate
hoping for a day when things will slow
to catch our breath and know
what [it] is to be

Jan 2011 · 954
13 my tangle chords
kate crash Jan 2011
Burnt plastic and sweettarts
Exhaust and high stripped knee sox
The sun in the elevator sun
13 and high
Tossed to the side
Suburban lies
Nobody wants me even me
Especially me
Ill bet the gods
All odds against
This puny lie of a girl
A trashcan eulogy
Of mens greasy hands and beauty magazines I can't be
A doughnut I shouldn't eat
A home with no sweet
A school that's a street
Winding in circles
Around dogmatic beliefs
Whatever that means
I don't know who the **** I'm supposed to be
A tooth of ragged scream
Yeah 13
This is me
Yeah 13 **** me
Yeah 13
I'm done with everything
I could drive all night if I had a car
Listening to that sick rock n roll
I'd **** a girl if I only knew how
I'd go to sf and live with my party sister if only she’d let me
I can twist on my floor
Slam all the doors
Crawl to the beat
Abandoned truth un noosed in this distant melody
I roll between my ribs
It'll be ok
At least I hope I is
When I'm 18
And I I can leave
The ***** truths of parasite parenting
I will b
B free
Yeah maybe someday
And a rock band
less heartache
I can’t wait
Dec 2010 · 773
dream stumble of love
kate crash Dec 2010
there’s a broken sword and a half sung song next to my grandmothers bed

beneath the sheer white curtains that slow dance hypnotical, shadows live family photos and unfinished books

a sun that sways into the soft orange then swoops to the deep blues and vanishes behind the white walls and glass I’m staring at

while curled in a u holding a white ball of blanketed warmth that snores and radiates history, trauma, love, and strength

the ancestors breathe their fingers in a tired ocean caress down our faces

the radio news is on telling stories of victories and poverty

nana is in my arms fragile

the woman who carried six kids through the dust and desert of broken through the open battlefields to some higher plain of survival

I see her hand, beautiful in its melancholy, perfect white sand dunes of skin, the days laughter still hugging to it

Today she has realized she is powerless over time and her body
So are we all, so are we all.

copyright Kate Crash 2010
Oct 2010 · 720
9 to 5 crime
kate crash Oct 2010
I hear music. In my head. At work. To drone out the sounds of the suits and staplers the wilting plastic flower dreams of once so close possibility. A sonnet to the diminishing flame of art that I hide beneath my desk between my legs please keep it alive let me not forget who I am. I mean maybe there's still a yes somewhere down the road a someday. Sing louder. Sing louder I won't disappear today
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
kate crash Oct 2010
The suburban myths of childhood splayed on her naked chest
The stones of her mothers guilt closing her in
Her highschool cartoon bedspread beneath her back where I'm standing I don't know what she wants for me to listen or attack her jeans off to make her sing her song while I sweat on her she is shivering from heat and malfunctionous desires cracked fate
I am growing weak with boredoms temptations to have my way
My hands around her crumbling names
Swirling her skin to silence the pain
Creamy russian white and peach on display
She doesn't want to be a wife or gay but these things happen anyway
Another day in th oc
Little orange houses all in a row
Wishing with them we could play dominoes
Oct 2010 · 659
lost men lost
kate crash Oct 2010
Getting in cat fights at the ****** bars
Wearing torn dresses and too fast alarms  melody the howls and loose rhythms of heartaches sighs for lost men lost back to their valley bleached wives
Debbie slings her eyes @ detroit who stumbles through time unwanted and adored the door shakes the elevators escaped the beat drapes the gowns and nets and smokey dreams curl around everything...  Here have a drink of me
Oct 2010 · 792
lost men lost
kate crash Oct 2010
Getting in cat fights at the ****** bars
Wearing torn dresses and too fast alarms  melody the howls and loose rhythms of heartaches sighs for lost men lost back to their valley bleached wives
Debbie slings her eyes @ detroit who stumbles through time unwanted and adored the door shakes the elevators escaped the beat drapes the gowns and nets and smokey dreams curl around everything...  Here have a drink of me
kate crash Oct 2010
I'm hittin up the stereo
Marching sonogram graphic woman
***** stance
No chance
No safe
No save
What aim
Broken arrow
***** dance
***** dream
Disko life
****** into lights
******* the grime off the green
The grim off the screen
The brakes off the scream
Watch it
Oct 2010 · 1.9k
dirty mirage, glossy poster
kate crash Oct 2010
There's horns and heartache in every direction a ***** smile in the sirens that echo through the alleys bricked or stuccod into self martyrd silence at a world that is only a glossy poster of its former self an hour glass up everybodys nose some torn pantyhose hope I'm smiling in my 4x4 a beam watching the people turnstyle through despair and ecstasy I'm painted white but I'm full of termites and I love this mirage world despite all the anyways and brick roads that lead to cliffs and cliffs that lead to lovers and lovers that leave for sunrise and railroad ties  me unholy headed in every direction that leads to nowhere everywhere but like I said I love this mirage
Copyright Kate Crash 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
the sex of empty
kate crash Sep 2010
Lost between here and there
A roadless road
Some cactus whiplash sun juice dry hope heaved onto an omlette of cow brains and mothers stale toast warnings. A gingham curtain on a beat up pickup truck / home shakes its dust in the desert wind where nothing runs only lives
Sep 2010 · 790
115 degrees of mazo love
kate crash Sep 2010
Here wandering hollywood where it eternally smells of **** and velvet the sun beating out last nights confetti into a melted submission of brown goo on pavement where 2000 girls dreams got run over by wrong ways today in this all or nothing place where the shadows of the palm trees etched through midnight hours in the smoke of denial a crown and an ugly mask. Yaoooooooooo.....  Waeeeooooooo.......
copyright KATE CRASH 2010
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
drug=g=g d
kate crash Sep 2010
i walk out the door and it's a living anti drug ad---- grannies in pink with scars up and down their legs, youth with ******* glasses chewin' out their teeth chumpin' for my change to score, leathered out n' shot up tracked all all over ***** men swaying with grins beating their heads against walls calling for MORE MORE MORE...  just one more score... skeletal grave home... street sleeping slums of lonliness
Aug 2010 · 982
awky gawky
kate crash Aug 2010
Awkward n 15 year olds stroll with thrift minks and mismatched flowerd lace klunk grandma heels and a thrill in their eyes.
©kate crash 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.1k
the smell aka mouse trap
kate crash Aug 2010
Cockroaches on cracked floors
***** fuzz amps and holes in boys
Dolly strung in girls hanging from a bulb
Sways on the cement I'm a troll
Wrestling with blindfolds back knives and lost homes
I curl on the couch
Red broken leather
Fall into a mouse trap
Half smoked dreams
Curling fingernails up my thighs
Half forgotten lullabies
Reaching for the sky
Don't fetch me
I'm still alive
© katecrash 2010
Aug 2010 · 717
gets u
kate crash Aug 2010
the way that time gets you
a flash dance
a bullet serenade
a drunken butterfly chase.

i'm laughing.  we're all laughing

8/3/10 908pm
Aug 2010 · 937
clean me
kate crash Aug 2010
his rawhide leather
my death wish
burning on a guitar
screaming my mouth
black boots
sparrow lips

oil stains
his fingernails are clean
mine aren't
Jul 2010 · 729
dressed n' messed
kate crash Jul 2010
kate crash.....
is dressed as a white trash sailing new york doll in a laundry somewhere on sunset hot and bored smoking dead ends and time ... Wish u were here
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
incorrectable developement
kate crash Jul 2010
i wanna lounge with the cats as a bad boy barkin @ bricks DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO pickin' toe jam strumming guitar but here in my khaki and cubicle that all seems so far
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