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Kate Apr 2013
5 K?

more like help.
I'm training for a run at the moment :P
Kate Mar 2013
Fly back to me
Straight path to my arms

Check my arrivals
You know just where to start

Glace over my flight plan
See just where you are

Land on my runway
Climb right on board

Buckle in my dear
I'll take you anywhere you want

I promise a smooth ride
A destination in my heart
Kate May 2013
I'm fighting a constant heartache,
a virus I cant shake
there is a sickness is me
there is a sickness is me
                    a way of thinking
                    a bad way of living
Sorry that I look to you for help
but these hands shake
and they ache for you
boy they do

I never knew a cure that looked so cute
your bringing out this sickness in me
I call your name in and out of sleep
you think that i would ever be annoyed by you?
i must be more subtle than I thought
you are
a song
my friend, where I belong
swallow your fear
pour your doubts into me
ill sing you to sleep
Kate Feb 2013
Being with you
every day
always feels
Kate Apr 2013
Remember that day
My tires blew out on my new car?
That ******* truck ran me into the curb
My boyfriend was out of town
So I called you crying
I need a ride
I'm so sorry

Always it's no problem
I'll be there soon
You were my savoir that day
you hugged me
I went on about my beautiful new car
interrupting you told me the car doesn't matter at all

just me.

Any good friend would of done
said the same
but with you
its always the little ****** things.
that break my heart
Kate Feb 2013
Bubbling this energy inside of me
Sometimes I feel so light and I see
Everything good there is to me

Bubbling this anger inside of me
Sometime I feel so ****** heavy
Why can’t I just do anything?

Bubbling these words inside of me
Sometimes I say things I don’t mean
And then I never know what you really see

Bubbling this hope inside of me
Sometimes I just feel so silly
Maybe it’s all working out and I just can’t see
old poem.
Kate Feb 2013
Come here.
he said quietly
and she did just that
Kate Apr 2013
just your ******* name on a screen tears me to shreds
and it means nothing
and it consumes me
because I'm not allowed to tell you any of this.

I want everything from you
I cant be your ******* friend.
because every smile is a splinter
and your killing me
and your killing him.
so pointless
so futile
and it never ******* ends.
Kate Feb 2013
don't go
without saying goodbye
I'm here waiting
like a loyal pet at the door

don't go without telling me why
I'll wonder forever
what I could do to make you stay
Kate Feb 2013
And do you know
That every word you have ever
Spoken to me, that I can remember every one

And do you know
That every glance we have shared
Is etched in to my memory

And do you know
That every touch, every nudge
Still lingers on my skin, I can cite each one

And do you know
That every day I wish for you
I recollect a time where It came so close to being true
old poem about an old crush
Kate May 2013
witty banter
pointless flirting
long looks
racing hearts
guilty minds
Kate Feb 2013
does sharing these little small things
if I stitch them all together, the glaces and smiles
can it make the sum of it all
equal more than what it is

the shows we have watched
the eyes you make at me
does it make us a little more than friends?
feel free to give notes. I like the idea and concept but need to move things around.
Kate Apr 2013
I tell you everything
what my mother said today
and about the cat I saw on the wall
the boy I once loved
every funny story
that comes to mind.

I tell you everything
so I don't tell you whats really on my mind
Kate Apr 2013
I just can not breathe
with those eyes on me
Kate Mar 2013
In my newsfeed
you still
continue to haunt me

statuses that beg
for my comments

pictures that make
my heart drop
and messages
that leave me breathless

oh how much easier my life
would be if I was just
able to click 'block'
Kate Jun 2013
I still think about you every day
But it doesn't make me stomach twist
and my heart pound

I'm still happy when you text
but it doesn't stop the world anymore
it just makes a small sound

Is this how it fades?

-Katherine Baldwin-
Kate Feb 2013
you make me shy
and nervous
I edit myself so much
I try to give you the best me
but you make me feel so raw

you seem so wise
maybe just quiet
I spew all my thoughts
please tell me how you move with such grace
every action has such forethought

I want to take you apart to see how it all works
to see you come undone
trip up and stumble on your own words
so bring all that resolve and poise
it will make it so much sweeter
when you are falling at my knees

-Katherine Baldwin-
Kate Feb 2013
I sneak through the garden
flowers bending away from me
I hunt for the most beautiful among them

The old and dying are safe
so are the fresh young buds
oh but those beauties at their prime
are my target, my goal in sight.

I clip them at the base
fragrant and still alive in my hands
I add them to the others I have already harvested.

These will be perfect I think
Just right for their new resting place
I arrange them on my table
and smile at my conquest
and their comrades outside sigh.
Kate Mar 2013
in the right direction

side-stepping my own hearts
Kate Apr 2013
I know that I sounded
so put together
when we said goodbye

you always hug me
but you can never quite
seem to meet my eyes
Kate Feb 2013
How much do you have to miss me before
you can't wait any longer to text

how many drinks do you need to have
Before you don't care if he gets upset.
Kate Mar 2013
you grew hard in my hands

                   and I fell hard to my knees.
well then....
Kate Feb 2013
Humid, sweat
The frizzing of hair
Burning black leather
Scalding seat buckles that induce cursing
Air condition on full blast
Walk in sweating
Walk out shivering
Self made fans out of anything
Slip n slides, swimming, ice cream
Sun glasses
Soaking up the sun
Ice tea, lemonade
Aiming for that killer tan
Sunburns, aloe vera
Sticky school days
That last too long
And the savior of the south goes to
Central air
summer is coming soon.
Kate May 2013
Do you miss these hot humid streets
or do you miss walking them with me?
Kate Apr 2013
how do you not feel
my gaze
travel hot and needy down your torso

how do you not sense
my breath hitch
when you reach your arms high

how can it be
that you can't see me ******* you
as we both sit and smile
Kate May 2013
Like a child
I forget
the times you hurt me
high on the rush
wont this last

oh but those eyes I love
I have seen them turn cold
and your slight smile
has been hidden from me
I forget about your sting
the ache from not saying the right thing
Kate Feb 2013
you haven't texted me in two weeks.
I texted you once but that was such
an adventure in feeling unwanted that
I will not stick my toe in that pool ever again

I dont know what happened
maybe you found someone who is better
at listening to the events of your days
maybe your guilt caught up to you
though why now after all this time makes no sense to me

I tell myself that you are ordinary
that there is no spark
but even if I swallow that lie
I cannot ignore the pull of your eyes
and my willingness to do whatever you ask

So until you reach out
I'll have my pride to keep my company
and ill pray you hear one of my songs
or that I'll grace everyone of your dreams
but i won't give in
you have won everything from me
I can't give you this.
Kate Feb 2013
I just have to ask you this question
and I know you don't want me to.
but I just am not one to not
admit how I feel

cant you feel the tension
everything we write is so heavy
just waiting for you reply I'm on the edge of my seat.

we talk about some celebrity.
you ask if I want her.
but I really want you to ask
Kate do you want me?
Kate Feb 2013
Can you feel them?
The thoughts in my head?
Some where between then and there.
I lost it.
That feeling of ease.
This tenseness is tearing me apart.
Do know my secrets?
Have you figured it out?
My feelings for you are
No longer just self doubt

And then I look into your eyes.
And I see.
You know. You’ve caught the glances.
Those looks that have lingered to long.
And I know.
That the lightness is gone,
In its place, is this terrible Apprehension.
This feeling I can’t comprehend.
These Long silences,
That stretch forever.
The words stifled by my unease.
Only broken by our parting.
I see the relief on your face,
Glad that the awkwardness is gone.
But that awkwardness is controlling my life.
My heart is lost in the quiet,
Till nothing is left,
But mere static of what we were.
old poem about an old crush
Kate Feb 2013
Can you feel them?
The thoughts in my head?
Some where between then and there.
I lost it.
That feeling of ease.
This tenseness is tearing me apart.
Do know my secrets?
Have you figured it out?
My feelings for you are
No longer just self doubt

And then I look into your eyes.
And I see.
You know. You’ve caught the glances.
Those looks that have lingered to long.
And I know.
That the lightness is gone,
In its place, is this terrible Apprehension.
This feeling I can’t comprehend.
These Long silences,
That stretch forever.
The words stifled by my unease.
Only broken by our parting.
I see the relief on your face,
Glad that the awkwardness is gone.
But that awkwardness is controlling my life.
My heart is lost in the quiet,
Till nothing is left,
But mere static of what we were.
old poem about an old crush
Kate Mar 2013
can you read in between the lines
you should know
what I'm really saying is:

I miss you
I miss seeing your face
god what a mess
Kate Apr 2013
I wanted your innocence
as ****** up as that seems
I wanted to peel back the veil
and show you all that love could be
I wanted to have you all to myself
crisp and new and clean
Kate Feb 2013
Is there a way to say I miss you
With out it coming out so strong
a way to tell you I need you
With out making this all wrong.
Kate Feb 2013
I want you so badly
and it makes no sense

well really it makes perfect sense
I just like complaining.
I'm drunk.
Kate Jun 2013
They all say its so wrong
but I don't seem to feel bad

and sometimes you understand me so fully
and whats wrong with that?

you make me laugh
and smile more then the guilt
churns my stomach
Kate Mar 2013
Light and fluffy
melts on the tip of my tongue
I worked for hours
and now you are mine alone

I squeezed the lemons
and wiped the egg whites
measured out the sugar
checked my list twice

I cleaned up the kitchen
wiped flour off my nose
turned off the cooktop
and thought of eating you whole
ode to pie.
Kate Feb 2013
Being your friend is enough
is a small lie I tell myself constantly
Kate May 2013
I'm happy for you
No truly I am

She seems lovely
Did you meet through mutual friends?

Oh she likes that TV show as well?
how perfect, how quaint.

Look how she looks at you
I'm sure you saw this coming

I can't wait to get to know her
I'm sure we both will be really fast friends.
Kate Apr 2013
I'm fighting a constant heartache,

                 a virus I cant shake
Kate Feb 2013
my love
only you have seen me
at my barest
completely raw
and you choose to love me
a thing I cannot fathom at all
Kate Feb 2013
I tried to write a poem
but all I can really say is
I miss you
please say you miss me to
Kate Dec 2013
sigh my name
in 1000 different tongues
of men and angels

come to me lift me
words flow
I'm swept away

-Katherine Baldwin-
Kate Jun 2013
sitting outside even though its 98
drinking *****, crunching ice
and sweating

all these people were my best friends
a few still are
but mostly...we are all so distant
every hang out is a catch up
we all still hold on
try to keep it the same
but we can never go back to those golden years
this group
we will never go back
to the camps and summer days
and driving 7 hours together with
nothing to worry about but sunscreen
how each one of ya'll were my second family
I knew your flaws and traits as well as my own
(I love all the people I've come along a long the way)
but I would give most everything
to fix what the years
have done to us
Kate Feb 2013
We were together
In a white hazy room
you said please

and I
kissed your
neck, ears
lastly as you closed your bright eyes
I covered your mouth with mine.
Kate Jun 2013
we will never be just friends
there will always be this soft spot
this tender flesh you left so bruised

my head will always turn at your name
and every time that song plays
it will cut me just as deep as the first time

I will be married
you will be miles away
I'll still be blushing at the way you looked at me
Kate Mar 2013
Oh those eyes you have
tell me how do they move from
blue to green?
and for such a shy boy
how do you take the breathe right out of me
I could write line after line about that gaze
Kate Feb 2013
Sweetness to the point
Of delicacy
Hands on hips
While squeezing by
I don’t want to
Move an inch
Don’t need to
Move an inch

So touch me again
Ever so innocently
Beg me to tell you
Its you I need

For you I come to my knees
Sweetness can have
All of me

Give me rides home
Oh, I don’t mind
For you I beg on my knees
Oh, I won’t mind.
Kate Mar 2013
Sweetness to the point
Of delicacy
Hands on hips
While squeezing by

I don’t want to
Move an inch

Don’t need to
Move an inch

So touch me again
Ever so innocently
Beg me to tell you
Its you I need

For you I come to my knees
Sweetness you can have
All of me

Give me rides home
Oh, I don’t mind

For you I beg on my knees
I won’t mind.
Kate Feb 2013
It's overwhelming and it just stays.

You may get to come and go
but the feeling never seems to fade.
Kate Feb 2013
Please when I call
do not hesitate
for every moment with out you
I am truly lost.
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