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3.8k · Aug 2012
Hopeless Romantic
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Contrary to popular belief
Nothing romantic is ever hopeless.

Although some things are
So improbable, that they remain dreams.

But, our dreams never die,
They live until we pass.

Until then I will dream,
Of my own private island.

With an oceanfront mansion,
That is filled with love and song.

With white sand beaches,
For midnight strolls, and moonlit kisses.

I'll always be romantic,
But I'll never be hopeless.

How can I be hopeless,
While I still know love.
3.6k · Oct 2012
My Treasure
Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012
You love, are a multifaceted gemstone.
If I gaze at one facet too long
I miss the shine of the whole.
But I can't stop focusing on
The brilliant cut of your crown facet,
The glimmering sapphire stare,
And the smooth, slick shine
Of your pink opal lips.
You dazzle me in so many ways,
I am rich with love, when you are my treasure.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
I'm a wreck,
Torn apart by irrational emotions.
Longing for something
I thought I once had.
Living in a handful of past days
And dragging my feet into the future.
And petty.
Why must you be so wonderful?
You never run out of magnificence,
And I can't seem to keep up.
And yet, you never leave me behind,
And it hurts to know,
That I am so plain, and boring,
And I just can't compete.
I love you even more,
Because you love me...
Even though
You deserve so much better than me.
Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012
A multicolored paradise. My world turns brown when you frown.
2.5k · Sep 2012
Belovedly Loveable
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Loving you is easy,
because you are belovedly lovable.
You have love handles,
and I never fear falling out
of love with you.
You have loving arms
that you lovingly embrace with.
You are double the lovable
of any other lover.
Many can claim
that love is hard,
but while life is hard,
and we have hit our rough roads
while traveling together,
it has always been easy loving you.
Anyone who doesn't love you
needs a copy of love for dummies...
Because only a dummy would not be able to see,
just how lovable you are.
I could compare you to a nursery full of newborns,
crossed with a gaggle of puppies and kittens,
a playlist of my favorite songs,
a cocktail of aphrodisiacs,
mixed with every memory
of every night spent with good friends,
the laughter of children,
and the Beatles in their prime,
and it wouldn't come close to describing,
just how belovedly lovable you are.
1.9k · Sep 2012
Enthusiastic Love
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Two ardent arms wrapped around me,
Two fervent lips on my neck like.
Two zealous hands rub my chest and back,
Two passionate eyes set fire to my desire.
Two fervid lovers, absorbed
in the adoration of each other.
1.7k · Sep 2012
Hot Cocoa Days
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
The hot cocoa days are here again.
No more the solo mornings, each sitting miles apart.
Now there are shared blankets at the breakfast table.
Pajamas and sweat pants, and less quick kissing
And more deep hugging,
Loving becomes more than just our desire.
The warmth of those we love,
Becomes necessity.
Hold me, kiss me, share this blanket with me.
Hot cocoa and Lucky charms marshmallows,
Something sugary sweet to flavor our lips.
I love this time of year,
Warm hands warming warm bodies,
Heat, and togetherness and blankets,
And best of all
Drinking hot cocoa for breakfast
With you.
I think I'll put a hot plate and a jug of water near the bed, for cocoa in bed.
I didn't even want to get up and go to the kitchen. Chilly!
1.6k · Sep 2012
Black And White
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
To all the lovers of the world
Lucky enough to unite,
Pull your loved one close
And hold them tight.
As long as you have love
Everything will be alright.
To all who have a warm body
To lay beside them through the night,
Know that you are lucky beyond compare
To have someone to share the fight.
If you are blessed to find this kind of love
Make sure you treat them right.
Just remember that in matters of love
Things are seldom black and white.
1.6k · Sep 2012
Flood Of Love (420)
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
I love you always,
but when I see you
A flood of endless affection bursts forth,
Deluging my entire world.
1.6k · Oct 2012
Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012
Somebody will always be sad.
Somebody will always be mad.

Somebody will always be hopeful.
Somebody will always be happy.

Somebody will always love you.
That somebody is **me!
Its a Really goofy love poem, I know, but I'm tired today. Three lessons already today and plus its really overcast and gray today. The first four somebodies, change all the time, but the fifth somebody won't change. My love is lasting.
1.5k · Sep 2012
Either Way
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Tell me about all the bad things that happened today,
The way your coworker acted like a grumpy ***,
And brought everyone's mood down,
how you couldn't wait to clock out.
Or you can pull me close in your embrace
And kiss me passionately
Until you forget about your bad day.
Let me **** the worry from out of your mouth,
And take you by the hand,
And lay you in our bed.
Either way
I am here for you
My love.
1.5k · Sep 2012
Hot Rod
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
If you were an automobile,
You would be out of my price range,
Yet here you are, parked in my bed,
Complete with all available luxuries.
Your revving engine, sends a thrill through me,
When I'm sad, your wipers clear my tears.
When the night is cold, your heat keeps me warm.
I love to run my hands along your sleek chassis.
Polish up all my favorite bits.
I love you more than a vato loves his low rider.
I love you more than a redneck loves his pickup.
I love you more than speed racer loves his Mach five.
I love you more than Barbie loves her pink convertible.
You're my Hot Rod,
You take me places, nobody else can.
You and I will be riding of into the sunset,
Until the wheels fall off.
1.4k · Sep 2012
The Soundtrack Of My Life
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
In a house of love,
Sweet sounds ring out constantly,
The soundtrack is warm and energetic,
In the movie of my life.
Countless kisses, and close embraces,
Hugs and playful wrestling.
The booming laugh, and
Giddy giggle of my loved ones.
The occasional squawks or yips.
Just add to the beauty of our melody.
It is our love that fills the air with song.
It is your love that sustains me,
My beloved composer of bliss.
1.2k · Aug 2012
My Earth My Water My Light
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Like the mighty redwood
My love for you
Is massive, indomitable, and lasting.
With roots sinking deep into my soul.
Long after the hate and wickedness of others fades,
Even after we too, are laid in the grave
My love for you, shall grow stronger everyday.
The axes and saws of the skeptics,
All break on my trunk,
The saw teeth shear off, and dull,
And the axe haft snaps,
Not making so much as a dent.
High into the sky
My love rises,
To bask in the rays of your love.
The fires of those who scorn love
Lick at the base
But they cannot so much as singe my love.
You are the nutrient rich soil,
The life giving waters,
And the solar brilliance shining down.
Your love wards off all blight,
You are my earth, my water, my light.
1.2k · Aug 2012
His Love Sustains Me
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
His love is sustenance,
His lips, delicacies from far off lands,
Sweet treat touches
He delivers with his hands.
He fills me,
And I consume him, whole.
I cannot get enough,
Of his savory skin,
The tantalizing scents
Rising up,
From his stove,
I touch it, knowing it is hot,
I am willing to scald my soul,
Over his flames.
His love sustains.
1.1k · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
I am overcome by so many doubts daily.
I cannot discern much of anything for certain.
But the only thing I don't doubt, is my love for you.
And the only thing that is doubtful about that,
is that I will ever stop loving you.
1.1k · Sep 2012
You Are So Beautiful
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
In high school,
Everyone used to compliment me
On my smile, and good looks,
But, you possess a beauty that surpasses all others.
I stand in awe at the beauty of
Your mind, and body,
But more so than these insignificant things
I see your beauty
In your actions.
I want this to be clear,
So there is no doubt,
From here on out.
I love you, in all your magnificent beauty,
And I need you to know
You are the only one for me.
I could find fortune,
And a life of luxury, and ease
If I had chosen differently.
But, then I would lose your beauty,
And no riches on this earth
Would be worth losing a spirit
As beautiful as yours.
I know a woman shouldn't call a man beautiful, but the things you do for me...Beautiful is the only word that fits.
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Your kiss before bed
The foundation for sweet dreams,
Soft down quilt, and you.
A silly poem, thinking about bed time, and bed in general.
1.0k · Sep 2012
Saturday Morning Glory
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
In the pre dawn dark
I inhale the fragrant aroma
Of the fresh brewing coffee.
You walk up behind me
And hug me from behind,
I am so lost in the smell of the coffee,
And you, I give praise for all I have.
Your love,
On this early Saturday morning,
Is a blessed miracle.
You sit next to me,
And we share the first cup together,
Looking into each others eyes
Through the slow rising steam vapor,
Inhaling the particles of roasted beans,
And fragrant oils.
Together, with you
I cannot express the contentment I feel,
Just having you near.
It's clear, you mean the earth to me.
Every Saturday morning shared with you,
Is a sneak peak of heaven.
And as the sun rises, we will bask together in its glory.
989 · Aug 2012
These Five Things
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
My love for you,
Slips beyond the bounds of this earth,
Coating every inch, of every acre of land
Your feet might tread,
Before ascending to the heavens
To merge with your love
Amidst the wonders of the kosmos.

We dance upon the moon,
Bouncing and twirling,
But we don't tarry.
We blast off
And crash down on Mars.
And we lie together
Upon the cold red sands,
Let the wind whip past,
Spraying us with tiny particles.
Then we will smash right through the asteroid belt,
Bashing through anything that crosses our path.
We will watch the billion year storms of Jupiter,
Roiling and churning in magnificent patterns,
As we hold hands, and ice skate, on the surface of Europa,
Gliding together, in the kaleidoscopic light.
Off to Enceladus we will fly,
To witness the boiling geysers,
And watch as the scalding fluid turns to snow,
Adding a shower of sparkling crystals
To Saturn's brilliant rings.
We'll Swim in the methane sea's of Titan,
And kiss in the clouds, as we ride the storm currents.
Then we'll end our evening
On the surface of Triton,
And make love beneath the planetary glow,
Of the blue and white marble of Neptune,
Lighting our passionate embrace,
With a dim azure radiance.
The red of our lust combines,
And a purple luminescence releases from the surface,
As pulsing rhythm increases,
And we explode into one billion beams of light.

Reforming as we hurtle back
To earth, to our bodies,
To our bed, to our love, to us.

Earth, Bodies, Bed, Love, Us...

All the wondrous sights and sensations of the universe,
Are but minor miracles, compared to these five things.
981 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Thinking about you,
As I play the piano,
Waiting for you to get back from the bagel store,
I grin like a satisfied cat,
Full of sweet cream, lovingly provided.
Our church is being fumigated,
And today will truly be a day of rejuvenation.
The dog is yipping,
The bird squawking,
Alice is singing,
I'm playing,
All this is a mere pin drop
Compared to the choral ensemble
That sings your praises
Whenever I whisper your name.
Knowing your love shall return,
With a bag full of bagels,
And your singular spirit of loving,
Is what makes my play,
Makes Alice sing,
Makes the bird squawk,
Makes the dog yip,
Makes me grin like a satisfied cat.
That knows that it is loved.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Your wildflower kiss, is all I crave,
I cave, and you unbury me, with honeysuckle lips.
You wield bliss in your fingertips,
I cannot resist.
Your love alone
is all I seek every morning.
Your the only sure thing
in a world of maybes.
I dive into the deep end of life,
never fearing drowning,
I know you will save me.
Your love is the sun
that sustains the bloodred rose
that shines from the ***** vacant lot of my soul.
I tell everyone,
but everyone knows,
the raging sea of my heart is under your control.
966 · Aug 2012
Your Pain Is My Pain
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Every wound I have inflicted,
Every slight my foolish hands have committed,
Brings me double the pain to know I failed you.
Please love, I beg you, forgive me,
Take your disappointment out on me
If need be,
But please forgive me.
Your tears tear the will to go on from my soul.
I cannot control this feeling of sinking,
Yet I gladly shall sink,
If it brings you solace.
Your joy is my joy.
Your pain is my pain.
My love is all yours.
945 · Aug 2012
Such Wonders
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Such wonders you deliver
And spread before my path,
Like undying rose petals,
Formed of the words and images
Of our life.

Such wonders you provide me,
When I thought I was worthless,
You proved to me I was special,
Worthy of the love you bring to me
All my life.

Every moment of our lives together
You remember, everything,
You remember.
The silly things I said.
All the songs we used to sing.
That night we drank blueberry wino-wine,
And howled like wolves in the night.
Every place I have been,
That we have been,
You remember it
Every bit.

Even if you never say, you love me again,
It will not matter, for you have shown me,
That you love me so much more
Than any one woman deserves.

All my dreams, of stars and rolling meadows,
You have saved them all, you've taken notes,
Of every dream, that has ever been mine.

How you fashion such joy,
You intoxicate me with you dedication,
And you must know, I will love you forever,
Regardless of how fleeting some think the word to be.
Forever I will love you,
You are the whole world to me.

Why you chose me, I still don't know,
But you did, and you've proven,
Day after day,
That you love me,
Though you seldom say those words...

But the  wonders you provide me
Prove your love for me,
Far better, than any words
Could ever do.
For our anniversary, my husband put together a photo collage, of every significant event, not only of our lives together, but also all the stories I shared with him. I spent the entire night, laughing and crying tears of joy. If this isn't love, then it doesn't exist.
942 · Oct 2012
Chain Reaction (10 w)
Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012
When you're certain of love,
All doubts die swift deaths.
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Would that I could craft beautiful Shakespearean sonnets,
Brilliant ballads professing my love,
You must know I would write of you endlessly,
Until every word of praise I know
Was placed beside your name on the page.
You do oh so much for me,
I wake every morning
To your loving embrace
You grace me with more kisses
Than any one woman deserves.
Know that, while my words may leave me,
My talents fade, and my fingers fail to strike the right keys,
My love for you will never leave,
Never fade,
Our love will never fail.
Even after our bodies fall
And crumble into earth
My love for you will not fade.
Until the earth is consumed
In the brutal inferno of the sun.
I shall love you,
Even when this universe is dark and dying
After every star has burned out,
And light itself no longer exists,
As wandering blackholes consume all matter,
As this universe dies a bleak black death
My love for you will not fade.
895 · Aug 2012
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
You make me so giggly
with the things you do.
Like a child receiving an unexpected
Christmas wish,
you make me grin till it hurts,
and paint smiley faces on my eyes.
Everything about you makes me giggly,
you make my breath come in gasps,
Your Quagmire impersonation
makes me laugh out loud
and the little things you leave lying around
always catch me off guard.
When the dark days arrive,
it always you my love, that revives me
and makes me fall in love with life again.
856 · Aug 2012
Equality In Love
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Love is all I have
but to you I give my all,
all I want's your love.
It would be equal. If my love was as valuable as his.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
When I am gone, for hours at a time,
Shopping for my next decorative fix,
You never once ask me, "Where have you been",
You simply kiss me, and say "I'm glad you are back"
If I loved you any more, I'd probably have a heart attack...
But I am not afraid...I know your love would resuscitate me.
For the kisses you grant me, they elevate me.
I float on a cloud of your love, never fearing falling...
Because the safety net of your love, protects me...
I plummet into your arms, and your kisses always save me.
827 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Your eyes are cools springs, bursting from the dry rocks,
Your arms are a Mylar blanket, keeping my warm and safe.
Your lips are wild berries, and pine nuts, and healing herbs.

Your love is a roaring flame,
That fends of the wild beasts of my mind,
A ring of acacia trees, that keeps the lion of doubt at bay.

Your smile is a shade tree in the desert,
Your heart, a noble pine, that shields me from sleet.
Your soul is a cooling wind, in a sweltering jungle.

In this wilderness of life,
You help me to survive,
And lovingly thrive,
No matter what weather life sends our way.
811 · Aug 2012
Smile Again
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Please don't weep darling,
Please understand,
My love for you is as strong as ever.
Please let me wash way your sickness,
Turn and face me my love,
Let me kiss away the pain,
Let me caress away my mistakes,
You who are my everything,
Forgive me of my careless ways.
I don't deserve it,
But you don't deserve to suffer,
Why, why can't I ever love you the way you deserve?
I am a worthless failure,
I serve no greater purpose than proving your patience and kindness.
Forget every unkind word I have spoken.
To see you sad, is to witness the death of my world,
Replayed over and over again,
In each and every sigh you release.
Perhaps, this is all I deserve...
Give your pain to me, and please my love, smile again.
807 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Love should never be a competition,
It is something that either is or it isn't.
It's something that should only be given freely.
To ******* love, is an abomination of the feeling.
The light of love is water to the parched soul,
It shouldn't be a tool for extracting a toll.
Put your wallet away my beloved,
My love is gratis.
793 · Oct 2012
Energy Crisis Solved
Kasandra Curtis Oct 2012
If they could harness the energy of our love
They could power the whole planet.
This electric affection
Coursing between us,
Is the single most powerful force known.
Scientists wish to fashion it into a weapon.
But the only thing it is good at killing
Is my pain and my sorrow.
You energize me my darling.
Let's light the whole world with our love!
774 · Sep 2012
One Track Mind
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
I want to kiss you so badly
I'm fumbling everything I touch,
So long and so deep,
until you are as fumbly, and giddy, as I am,
Thinking about kissing you,
that's all I can think to do,
I have a one track mind right now,
Its all your lips
My lips,
It driving me rabid.
In an hour
I'll crave chocolate,
Or my favorite Chopin record.
But for now, all I can think of is kissing you,
Nothing more,
Just kissing you
Until our lips fall off,
And we take a monks vow against kissing,
Which of course we would break,
Once the stitches healed.
756 · Sep 2012
When You Return
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
When you once again return to my arms
I will bathe you in a sea of my charms.
Massage your shoulders, and kiss away your tension
Any favor you ask, any whim you may mention.
With my tongue and my lips I will roll your eyes back in your head,
Leave you sweaty and glistening, then bring you breakfast in bed.
I'll go down between your legs,
While you eat your bacon and eggs.
All the things I want to do to you, I'm too shy to list them all here.
The sea or pleasure I will drown you in, when you finally appear.
I think of you right now, and my hands involuntarily reach for my chest,
Between my legs, I touch myself, but your touch is the best.
For you I'd debase myself, let you film it and show it to your friends,
Wave after wave of wantoness, grinding, longing I hope never ends,
But we will pass out exhausted, wake up, and do it all again.
Oh, the things I'll do to you, and let you do to me when
You once again return to these arms.
This is a little bit more risque' then I am used to, but thinking of my husband brings this side out of me.
728 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Floating like an astronaut
I bound across the rug, a smiling spirit
I sing unconsciously.
Tomorrow is Saturday,
And we will be together.
Hot coffee and cold ice cream sensations
Overtake me,
I squeal, like a giddy child,
Thoughts of you do this to me.
You satisfy like the lunch special at an old school Greek diner.
But you make better coffee than them.
I always make it too weak or too strong,
Even when we are too old to do anything other than sit and wait to die,
I will still need you,
To hold my hand, look into my eyes,
And of course
To make the coffee.
But, I'd love you still, even if you made horrible coffee.
I'd still want to hold
Your hand,
And look into your eyes,
And when we're that old
We can always go to the diner,
And eat ice cream.
The coffee's pretty good there too,
And when your with me, I don't even need to put sugar in it.
Just some silliness, floating around in my head.
724 · Aug 2012
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
It is you I kiss in my dreams.
I hold a memory in my vault.
Introduction to poetry writing.
I was such a terrible poet.
You were the only one
that understood my Ode.
You complimented me,
several simple poem..
Your words are forever engraved on my brain.
That glorious day, in the last full week of May,
you were the first to make me blush.
Each touch, kiss, caress...I carried with me into my dreams,
was yours, my love.
That is why I kissed you,
right before I laid my head down.
718 · Sep 2012
The Best Part Of Waking Up
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
I don't know what warms my face,
And invigorates me more.
What makes me glad to wake up,
And crawling out of bed, to feed Alice,
And our other animals.
Is it, your kiss, your smile, your warm embrace,
Or this hot first cup of the morning...
I'd say its a four way tie...
Although, while I do like my coffee,
I love you!
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
All through the night,
And through the dawn
Your light illuminated my garden.
You are a beacon through the darkest hours,
And the soul warming sun that rises each day,
Revitalizing me, and restoring my will.
Without your light, my garden would wither,
The song birds that line the limbs
Singing choruses of your praise
Would all fly away,
The metal wall
Would rust, crumble and fall,
And interlopers would invade,
Trampling the few flowers clinging to life.
Without you,
My garden would certainly die.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
If you honestly think
That I have no concern about your feelings,
And I don't love you true,
And desire to please you,
With my words, your words
And any words that I would like for you to hear,
But my feeble talents prevent me from saying...
If you honestly believe that,
Then I have no idea what to tell you...
Say I'm at fault,
but I don't even know which accusation is which anymore.
No ones voice sounds the same anymore.
If you honestly believe I don't love you true...
Then I quit, because I will never get through to you.
Believe what you will.
681 · Aug 2012
All Of Me
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Every cell, every atom, every electron
They are all yours.
You've touched me to the core,
Placed this tremor in my breast
That leaves when you leave,
And returns at first sight of you.
And increases with proximity.
All of me, my self, my art,
Has felt your touch,
Every cell sings your song,
And weeps when you are gone.
660 · Aug 2012
Take This Kiss From Me
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Such gifts I have been blessed with,
To have you by my side,
Together we never break our stride,
Your love is the greatest gift.

Through the tribulations of marriage
You have always been kind to me,
Always quick to forgive.
While I acted spiteful, and selfish.

You cannot begin to know the pain I felt,
Seeing you unhappy.
Your love is my strength,
And I am a feeble automaton without it.

Take this kiss from me,
It is all I have to offer,
But it belongs to you more than me,
It would be useless without you.
652 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
My words are meaningless.
My love carries a meaning beyond words.
I may not have the knowledge and experience,
And careless I may stumble and bumble,
But my feeling for you is deeper than all of my words put together.
I keep trying to find the right metaphor,
Decipher the right message, that will make it clear.
More than anything, I want you to be happy,
So if you ever think leaving me would make you happier.
If you think living the night into the day would be better,
I would understand...
But don't ask me to stop loving you.
I don't have much to offer. I try to get better each day.
643 · Jul 2012
Your Touch Alone
Kasandra Curtis Jul 2012
Weak and sick I sigh,
all I want to do is cry,
no matter the years that go by,
you never fail to save me.
When I was low and sobbing,
you placed your loving hand on my cheek,
and I knew beyond a doubt
that we would never part.
Your voice makes me quiver,
your glance makes me blush,
but I only knew for sure I loved you,
when I felt your touch.
Hold me tonight my darling,
I care not to be alone.
Don't speak,
close your pale grey eyes,
and wrap your arms around me,
you are all I need,
all I want,
my love till end of time.
Your touch alone
can save me,
without it I would die.
643 · Aug 2012
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
With all my convoluted quirks, and concrete flaws,
I still can't understand what you see in me,
But what I see in you, is everything I need.

You make me feel like a glorious gift
From a gracious God,
Glittering gold
And powder white clouds.
You let me know that I am cherished,
And I shall be cherished,
For as long as you live,
And as long as I live,
And long after I have blown away
In my spirit, you shall stay
Until the end of days.

I glide through the air,
On gentle currents of your affection,
Whichever direction our love goes.

If adoration were the fountain of youth,
You and I would be immortal
for as long as our eyes did meet.

You are the piece that makes my puzzle complete,
The cornerstone of my tower,
I would surely collapse without you.
635 · Aug 2012
In Your Heart
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
There is an endless well,
Filled with your strength,
And a love which is pure.
No matter what may seem to be,
You are the only one for me.
Though geysers of fire light the sky,
And the moon crumbles into the sea,
I will love you from my core,
Because, you are light and air to me..
Don't confuse the rambling of my words
With the spirit of my love,
Which no longer roams.
With you my spirit finally found a home.
In your heart it dwells,
Until my heart beats no more.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
If I could pluck my music out of the air
And fashion you a coat out of notes,
Sing sweetly to your soul, and soothe you throughout the long hours of the night,
And summon angels to attend to you
Bearing intoxicating nectar and fragrant incense,
It would in no way compare
To the delightful wonders your love grants me.
I smile throughout the day, at the loveliness of our world,
Throughout our home, are the beautiful things you and I created together.
But I smile to the point of levitating with glee,
Whenever you are alone with me.
Such hilarity you deliver, you make me laugh so regularly
My laugh comes easy, but when your jests are for me
I laugh continuously, you know exactly how to shatter my frown, each time.
God called me, and said "Enough already. I know he's special"
Because I thank him constantly for letting me find you,
And the love I share with you,
My Beloved.
But I will not stop singing your praises,
You and your love, are the only music I need,
Every note I play, I play for you.
580 · Sep 2012
You Help Me Get Through
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
As ever
Your love is the goal
Of my endeavors,
I often wonder why I work so hard,
When you already love me more
Than my silly heart can stand.
But, still,
As ever,
I endeavor for your love.
If you look down deep enough
Beneath the blood and diversionary fluff,
All any of us here wants
Is a little love,
From someone as special as you.
The things that you do...
They help me get through.
564 · Aug 2012
To Whom I'm Tethered
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
One I adore,
You must know the truth,
I am tethered to you.

Many nights I slept like a woman
Awaiting execution at dawn,
I wondered if you'd stay my execution,
waiting for the wall phone to ring,
And my pardon to arrive.

To know that you felt alone, neglected,
This was never my intention,
If you feel all alone in my prescence
I'd rather disolve like a salt pillar
In a torrential rain,
Than take the chance of hurting you again.

But if you are alone in my abscence,
Then I know, for certain, you love me,
And forgiveness, and acceptance,
Will come in time. For, I love you.
The fruits of a writing exercise, at a couples retreat. I don't believe my husband would ever leave me, but written affirmations strengthen relationships. I wanted to post his letter in response, but he made me promise not to.
559 · Aug 2012
Until My Hearts Demise
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
My smile is wide and bright,
Whenever you are in my sight.
My cares evaporate,
In the joyous clouds that you create.
Your smile is milk chocolate,
And mulled wine.
You hide cinnamon and sugar
behind your eyes.
My love for you is something,
I cannot disguise.
If you ever hear I don't love you,
You know that its lies.
I will hold you in my heart,
Until my hearts demise.
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