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518 · Sep 2012
Constancy (10w)
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Whatever may change, my love for you remains the same.
516 · Sep 2012
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
I am so cold
My love is not here,
To comfort me,
And kiss away my fears.
So far away he's gone.
I feel as though my heart is freezing.
So cold,
My skin has lost all feeling,
Please come back and warm me my love...
Why did you have to go away?
My husband is away on business. I am so alone without him..
499 · Jul 2012
Fill Me
Kasandra Curtis Jul 2012
My heart
is a deep dark ditch,
can only be filled
with the limitless luminous earth
of your love.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Happy by your side
My heart need search no further,
It belongs to you.
467 · Jul 2012
Wimpy Kisses
Kasandra Curtis Jul 2012
When I kissed you unexpectedly today
it wasn't so you would kiss me back today.
It was so that you would gladly kiss me
unexpectedly on Tuesday.
464 · Aug 2012
Do Not Murder Me, Love
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Your love is treasure
I am infinitely rich,
Your golden kisses

heaven sent blessing
If you left my I would die,
Tell me what you wish.

My life it is yours
Forevermore yours my love,
You own all my love.

Do not turn away in anger, love.
You would ****** me if you did.
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Could ever
Love me more than you...
No One!
448 · Aug 2012
I Only Wish
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
You make me laugh,
And smile,
And feel like someone
Worth the effort,
Every single day.
You dazzle me with your wit,
And soothe me with your touch,
I don't know how I can make you understand
How much you do for me.
I never can repay your love,
And it scares me,
Because I honestly don't know what you see in me.
I have nothing to offer,
And you give me everything.
You fulfill all my wishes,
And I mess up yours.
I only wish I could be the person you deserve.
437 · Aug 2012
Matching Grooves
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
I want you to know,
I need you to know,
Please tell me you know
My love is true.

I want you to see,
I need you to see,
I beg you to see
I need only you.

What more can I do
To prove it to you?
I'll get a tattoo, if you want me to.
I + <3 + a picture of you.

Whatever it takes to prove that its true,
I wake every day with my spirit renewed,
You make a laugh from my frown, lighten my mood,
Without your love my world comes unglued.

I know that you love me, its something you've proved,
We fit together, my love, we have matching grooves.
404 · Aug 2012
Only You
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
It is you,
Only you,
That I want to die beside.
No other man
Please understand me!
Your lips are the only ones I wish to kiss.
Not his, or his or his.
Only you
Have shown me the peak of glorious ecstasy.
Thoughts of you make my breath come in gasps
I normally only emit in bed,
With you. Only you.
If I must divert my eyes from every other man,
Frown at every smile they give me,
I will, to prove I only have eyes for you,
Only you.
Every single thing you do,
Is uniquely perfect,
You touch the keys of the piano of my spirit
And draw forth my inner melody.
Only you can do this,
Only you.
Only you.
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
A warm brew
and of course,
368 · Aug 2012
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Its you, its you!
Only you!
You are the only one I want!
Come to my arms, You're tearing me apart,
What can I do, to prove
It is only you,
Only You!
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
When you
frequent a website
more than your
daughter does.
She's out eating lunch at the mall with friends, and here I am, on the computer. The irony!
336 · Aug 2012
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
Your love for me rings loudly,
Even when you say nothing.
You do so much for me,
But what I give to you, is nothing.
Endlessly you grant me gifts of your love,
But all I seem to be able to give you, is nothing.
My stumbling songs are like plastic trinkets,
Compared to the treasures you grant me, they are nothing.
When I am without your love, I am nothing.
If you asked me if there is anything I wouldn't do to prove my love to you,
I would tell you, there is nothing.
Whatever I have it is yours,
Even if it is nothing.
To me you are...
My Everything.
I can tell you are all bored with my poems about my husband, and I know they aren't every good, but I won't stop praising the one that I love.
329 · Sep 2012
All I Have
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
My kiss in the morning,
my love through the night,
these arms when you need them,
hold my body tight.
My song when you are sad,
my laughter when you're mad,
I can only offer so much,
but please
take all I have.
I wish I had more.
321 · Sep 2012
A Simple Request (10 word)
Kasandra Curtis Sep 2012
Stop being
So wonderful
My love...
I can't keep up.
264 · Aug 2012
Yet You Still Love Me
Kasandra Curtis Aug 2012
A speck of pale dust
In the universe of you,
Yet you still love me.

— The End —