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Who do we run too?
When we hurt our knee.
Who do we call out to?
When we truly in pain.
Who are we quick to protect?
When we feel them being disrespected.

Mothers of the world deserves the love given.
Not that dad is bad.
But he's a man.
Mom just badder.
They overrule decisions that makes no sense.
And stand their ground in a minute.

Many has the power to make a child cry.
With good advice.
And tell you why?
As they dry your eyes.

Women , mothers can instantly connect.
When the subject concerns children.
Who deserves the title Queen?
Besides a good mother.

Love yours.
As I loved mine.
She's one of the reason we are alive.
One, who will stick by your side?

Who give you candy and ice cream?
When you sick.
But when you're healthy.
You have to wait until after dinner.

Sometimes you question's this.
Just don't question them.
You might have to face him.
After all dad is the enforcer.
 Aug 2012 Kasandra Curtis
That Kiss

That kiss that makes your knee's weak
That kiss that makes you want to freak
That kiss which no one could regret

have you ever had that feeling where you
don't know if that girl is the one until
you had that kiss?

That kiss that makes you miss her already
That kiss that no matter what you do,
you can't feel steady.
That kiss that just isn't kidding
That is the kiss my heart is feeding

Have you ever felt that feeling
of compassionate, soft lips touching you
gently and it all just feels right

That kiss of Continuance
That kiss of Love
That kiss of a princess
That kiss of affection
You wrote a poem.
And I could tell it were filled with love.
And I instantly knew warmth was there.

You took the time to be creative.
With every words.
Creating a few.
I never heard.
But I knew each one was sincere.

You wrote a poem.
Expressing your feeling.
Which I thought was very appealing.

You stated your case with all honesty.
And with each read of those words.
I knew that you loved me.
he'd left her lips
pulsing red
at the very thought of him
sharing his

all was left unsaid
she took her pills
& sought solace in her

there is nothing in the
more difficult to wake
than the dead
aside from
the ghost in her
& the sorrow she

nothing more to dread

but the road she has not yet
the courage to
You the  only one I see.
This you must believe.
When I'm daydreaming.
It's of you.
When my mind seems distracted.
It's on you.

Don't have any insecurities about my love.
Nothing on my part will destroy us.
I'm in this love too deep.
And have gave too much to let it end now.

My eyes stares at you.
All because you're the one I see.
Believe you me.
You the only one I need.
Please believe.
Others might go through severals to get pleased.
In my heart and mind.
You're the only one I see.
I want
To know
You better
Let me see you
A little closer
I know you are there
Hiding in the dark
I can see your light
Shining inside
Even when things
Seem dark
When it feels like
You are hiding
Like you have
Gone away
You always
Let me know
In your own way
You are still there
What happens when the light goes out
When the world goes dark
What happens when you feel the cold
Settling in your heart
When the sun goes down
When the door slams shut
When that darkness
Begins to creep in
What do you say
When you have given
All you have
When you feel like
Is never enough
How do you recoup
When your world falls apart
When your skies turn grey
Burns through
The darkest nights
And the greyest storms
Have faith things will get better
Hope for a better tomorrow
Let the love
Start to pour through you
Igniting that inner spark
That was inside of you all along
i love you when we're together
i love you when we're apart
together or not i want you to know you'll always be in my heart
Hers was the first face I found
freshman year at FSU.
I'll always remember that garish orange and green gator shirt,
and pin with the picture of a bulldog,
hanging from a noose.
I thought, oh Jeez, she's got school spirit,
and I shuddered at the image,
of cheerleaders, and sports stars, recieving preferential treatment,
but my first impression was far from the mark.

She had a smile for miles and eyes to match.
And a laugh that could shatter a frown.
And she laughed any chance she got.
The few pictures I have left of her,
she is laughing and smiling in each...
That big toothy smile,
and that magical laugh...

I remember the first time she kissed me.
I was playing my guitar on campus,
back when everybody did it,
not just pretentious *******
trying to show off.
She came up behind me,
and did the old hands over the eyes routine,
and of course I knew her voice immediately.
She turned my head and kissed me,
for the first time,
and I could hear the whispering,
and feel everyone's eyes on me,
and it felt pretty **** good.
How I wished someone had snapped a picture,
for the FSView, with the caption
" Future valedictorian kisses scruffy hippy freshman.
Entire student body baffled."

I was baffled.

She was the talk of the campus,
she spoke her mind always,
and she was active all over the campus,
doing this and that.
I asked her one day,
"Why do you make your life so complex,
when do you rest?"
and she said
"My life used to be complex, because I made it that way.
But believe it or not, with all I do around campus,
really my life is simple and fun. If I didn't love what I am doing
I would stop Will. Life is too short for complexity."

I laughed, and I thought to myself,
this woman is more complex than she lets on.

We went out for my entire freshman year,
but she graduated my sophmore year,
and she got a job in London, and she moved away that summer.
I said I would visit...I never did..
She said she would write...she did, once,
to tell me she was getting married,
she even invited me, but of course I didn't go..
She enclosed a photo of her and her fiance,
and it was clear what she saw in him..
he had a smile almost as big as hers,
and of course she was smiling too..
Of all the images burned into my memory
that picture is the one that hurts me most.

I wrote back, wishing her luck, and I told her I couldn't come,
I never heard from her again, but I prayed that night,
that he would treat her right, and if he took away her smile,
I prayed he would suffer, until he put it back.

Every time I close my eyes, I see that picture...
that smile...
I hope she's smiling, even as I write these words.
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