The object of love.
Is to keep the one you love.
If it takes working more or harder to do it.
The object of the heart.
Is to keep impressing upon your love.
That if you could you move heaven and hell.
In ways to prove you care.
Yes, frankly my dear.
I give a ****.
Rhett proved his heart and desires to her.
While she over looked what she had before her.
But as soon as reality stepped in before her to see.
He was heading into the wind.
Yes, frankly my love.
I care.
I sincerely give a ****.
Too much is invested into this relationship.
That a simple affair couldn't have.
Notice, the many of folks that feels the hurt.
Once that hunt has been accomplished.
You my stock.
You my bond.
You the person I'll forever want upon my arms.