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 Mar 2012 Karen Hancock
Cockerel sunshine slips between the curtains
Energising dust to dance in beams
Lifting lethargy as I do the duvet
A good day I think.
This is not a poem / its a rambling / a tangle / a hurricane of all emotions / correction! / heartbreaks /  u have inflicted. / It might have been okay / if / you were sorry / instead of laughing as the pieces of my heart / shattered to the ground / like crystals / casting not a rainbow / but a shadow / on my bedroom wall. / Is there a happy ending? / Only time will tell / you will know when the grass turns blue / the sky turns green / and this becomes a poem.
 Feb 2012 Karen Hancock
I have a scalpel in my hand
     Placed just below my neck.
Sliding slowly down the center
     In between each breast.

Tightly grasping my new split chest
     I Pull wide for all to see.
Exposing with no shame
     The Heart that beats inside me.

Now Folding my hands together
     I Bring them up to a bowed head.
I'm Praying to the Lord above
     For strength. I'm wanting to be led.

For I am open in a cruel harsh world
     A defenseless sitting prey.
I have Chosen to reveal myself
     And face all the scrutiny.

My feet are firmly planted
     Standing strong in who I am.
Knowing any confrontation
     I surely can withstand.

Raising my bare fists before me
     Waging war on fear within.
With might and determination
     Each battle I will win.

My hand now stretches outward
     To another friend nearby.
One wanting to open up as well
     And no longer hide inside.

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2012 Karen Hancock
Jae Elle
stay away from the computer
clean the apartment
remove toddler from dangerous objects
stay away from the computer
clean the apartment
**** myself
clean the apartment
stay away from the computer
remove toddler from dangerous objects
look for a job
before my husband throws me out
clean the apartment

 Feb 2012 Karen Hancock
he'll try hard to not
            just to prove
                        he can
Physical or spiritual or the same in different means
I ask
How can you rock me in the cradle of your arms
With your touch unseen?
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
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