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Apr 2020 · 229
karen champagne Apr 2020
In the storm of sailing uncertainty
All in our own boat
Riding our storm out
Light is in the distance
Blurred and faint light
Edging closer
Towards the shore
The end of the monstrosity
Of waves, of devastation
Light seems nearer
Then lost again in the clouds
And the fog
And the crashing waves
The wreckage on the shore
Too much to fathom
Restoration is an unseen miracle
Yet the light is near
Having faith
Gathering of souls
Celebration and gratefulness
Realization of what was lost in the wreckage
Rebuilding our boat
On to a new destination  
To better clear skies
And calm seas
Jan 2019 · 270
In the end
karen champagne Jan 2019
Like a silhouette in the distance
Smaller and smaller
Windchimes in trees with no noise
Acorns seeding new trees
And rocks in shapes of hearts
Like wings soaring with no destination Seeking peace alone but not lonely
Seeing the summer sunset with closed eyes
Painting the landscape a beautiful shade
Feeling the wind on your skin naked to the earth
Calmness takes over in the hushed shhhh of noise
The sweet taste of your own breath
Smiling within but not for the seen
No calamity in your thoughts just peace
Calmness sets in listening to your breath softer and more shallow
No tears or sadness just fulfillment
No wounds to heal
The echo of your own heart you hear inside your skin
Until silence sets in
And you stop breathing
Jan 2019 · 265
The addict
karen champagne Jan 2019
Gambling fool
The self righteous
Poisoned interior
Psychological warfare
Deal with the devil
Everyone grieves you
Yet you are alive
Living, dying, living, dying
Always searching for the neon color
Russian roulette
Bang, you're gone
Oct 2018 · 279
In her own mind
karen champagne Oct 2018
She is a prisoner in her own mind
Spinning circular
Hysteria rushes up in her
As water flows over her
Crouching fearful
**** feline
All her thoughts are a jargon
The hourglass never being turned over
Endless imprisonment in her own mind
The seductress
Her victimless crime
Cleansing her body like toxin release
Poison thoughts
Her energy is limitless yet she cannot move
Her heart her own warden
Madness in her own mind
But not visible to the outside
Hourglass still in limbo
Time is running out
In her own mind
She is a prisoner in her own body
And in her own mind
Oct 2018 · 256
Pink is her color
karen champagne Oct 2018
How clever is she
Paintdrops fall
Clothes inside out
How clever is she
Pretty scarves adorn
Scars inside out
How clever is she
Sunshine hair
Distracts her pain
How clever is she
Pretty in pink
Always the brave one
How clever is she
Smile that can stop you in your tracks
Smile inside out
How clever is she
Pink is her color of cancer
Inside out
Oct 2018 · 466
Phantom pain
karen champagne Oct 2018
Involuntary pain and sensation
The emotional suffering of its goodbye
Too chronic to articulate
Seeing is not believing they mixed up the words
Hanging on like my limb
Pain in my heart, empty of blood
I am cognitive but confused and euphoric
I feel it, yet missing
I see the hallucination of oneself
Trauma to the heart
I feel it. Yet missing
The phantom pain
You are gone but I still feel the pain
Oct 2018 · 999
Scale of justice
karen champagne Oct 2018
The rich and the poor
The innocent and the guilty
The beauty and ugliness of it
When light becomes darkness
The smooth and the pitted
When lovers become repulsed
When summer sun becomes autumn death
I tiptoe into loud stomps
Excitement becomes disappointment
Sweetness becomes sour and ****
Gladness shifts to sadness
Like the scales of justice
One has no control
Oct 2018 · 648
Her depression
karen champagne Oct 2018
On the edge of the bed she sits
Catatonic in state
Feeling of brick on her chest
One foot in front of the other
One foot in front of the other
Fear of existing
The plus and the minus
Positive and negative
Darkness impending
Doom of it all
Seek the light
One foot in front of the other
See the light
Oct 2018 · 173
Our rain
karen champagne Oct 2018
In a pool of water we wade
Sun on our shoulders
Trickling through our fingers
Gracing our cheeks
Feeling devine
From our heaven above
Yet we fear the rain
Oct 2018 · 2.4k
karen champagne Oct 2018
I'm just a silly girl
Daisies in my hair
Nails of pink
Sunkissed cheeks
***** feet
I open my eyes
Quick glance
I am an old woman
With pearls..
Sep 2018 · 365
First date
karen champagne Sep 2018
Concocted in my mind
Excitement or disappointment
Doe eyed and coy
**** and enticement
Heart a beating
And abeating
And abeating
A calmness
Sly smiles not a facade
Lackadaisical in emotion
Tethered doll am I
Seduction unnecessary
Unknown to our pairing
Anxiety unknown
What does it hold
All or nothing
The curiosity
Endless chatter
tastes so good
Sep 2018 · 188
White noise
karen champagne Sep 2018
No sound
Color of white
Invisible spectrum of light
Unseen but heard
Whiring in my head
Like a clear, muted dream
Pastels of white
My thoughts are fading
No ethereal presence
Simple white noise
No interruption of dreams
The universe getting smaller and smaller
Slumber is near
No sound
Just white noise
Sep 2018 · 672
the amazing poet
karen champagne Sep 2018
Ink in hand.
Circling, circling, circling
Blank mind but so many thoughts
Remember the past
Faith for the future
Joyous words
But sad underneath
Write what you feel
No editing
Like a paintbrush in your hand
With only one color
Color of white
No words to write
Wring your hands
Dry as sandpaper
Thoughts roll in and roll out
Yet my paper is blank
Mar 2018 · 232
Barnyard girl
karen champagne Mar 2018
Flowing skirt around and around
All the boys are looking
Her long red hair
Freckled face all aglowing
A ponytail girl all grown up
All the boys are looking
Pretty little barefoot girl
Little ponytail girl
All grown up
The boys are looking
Ponytail girl all grown up
Long red haired girl became a woman
Mar 2018 · 179
karen champagne Mar 2018
Sometimes I wake up
Crying out your name
No happy ever after
Please tell me you're not real
Sometimes i wake up screaming out your name
Do I adore you
Sometimes I wake up
Crying out your name
I remember when you were mine
Mar 2018 · 168
karen champagne Mar 2018
River rising waterbound,
Plains afield on the other side,
Mountains wild,
Hysteria on a winters field,
Rusty water on a cold cold night,
Waterbound can't beholden,
Rising sun on the rivers edge
Rolling water arising,
In fields a rolling,
Might as well be dreaming,
Mar 2018 · 158
Tell me truly
karen champagne Mar 2018
Do you think of me,
Tell me truly,
Do you dance with me,
Are the violins playing in the air,  
Do you think of me,
Do you dance with me everywhere,  
Are the the flurries falling,
Field of white,
This is the sound of voices,
Do you think of me,
This is the sound of all your love,
Do you think of me,
Song for all to hear,
Dance with me in the wind,
Just pretend that you are here,
Visions of you,
Do you think of me.
Restless thoughts tonight ,
Footprints on my mind,
Morning light see so clearly,
Within my soul,
Tell me truly,
Do you think of me..
Jan 2018 · 251
karen champagne Jan 2018
Revolving door of in and out
Elevator up with no top floor
Madness and chaos neverending
Cinnamon swirls in my head
Sweet and yet unfulfilled
Cycle of wash always on spin mode
Monotonous of the day into night
Inevitable door opening
Yet never closing
Seeing no light at the end of the tunnel
Just need a glimmer
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
You are the one
karen champagne Mar 2016
In a sea of people I search for you.
I have seen you in so many ways and have loved you in all of them.
I have stepped on pebbles and rocks to reach you.
You are the reason I breath, until I am breathless.
I reach out my finger to the universe and you are within my reach.
My finger ripples the universe piercing the surface of this reality.
Not my imagination this feeling.
Time makes no disappearance of my emotion.
I have said aloud you are my soul mate.
Put it to words on paper.
Endless semicolons.
My past is a whirlwind of pain, and regrets.
Yet the present has come.
My search is no longer in continuum.
All my doubts have come to fruition.
My epiphany has blinded me.
Mar 2016 · 671
Present in my meditation
karen champagne Mar 2016
My watercolor dreams,
azurean sky
On golden shores
Celurean rolling waters
Sound soothes my soul
No place I'd rather be
Thoughts roll with the waves
An endless tide
Remnants of thoughts on the shore
Shallow breath
Takes over
Keep your eyes closed
Opening would be reality
Sep 2015 · 476
Shades of a season
karen champagne Sep 2015
What a sad feeling,
Of summer days passed,
Breath on the windows now,
Winds blowing and unraveling of the leaves,
Shades of orange,
Chilliness in the air,
Breathing in the scent of autumn's time,
And remembering summer days passed.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
I have forgiven
karen champagne Dec 2014
End has come.
End of the dark road.
The wretched twisting of my heart.
Heart drained of blood.
Wringing of wet cloth ****** dry.
So much darkness.
Be at peace, the forgiven one.
Turned to ash.
I will grieve you.
For them.
Put you to rest in my head.
Be at peace, the forgiven one.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
All about you
karen champagne Nov 2014
my quantum of love for you,
in space, time and continuum,
until all the seas run dry,
mountains erode flat,
so powerful a distance,
limitless dimension,
contemplating forever,
I love you to the moon and back.
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
karen champagne Nov 2014
I feel isolated and alone,
removed from myself,
like being in an empty box with no door,
like a cage with no bars,
under lock and key,
my own prison in my head,
im in survivor mode
Nov 2014 · 547
mad love
karen champagne Nov 2014
There is a thunder in my brain,
rush of adrenaline,
my secret addiction,
better than chocolate,
all consuming my body and mind,
extraordinary love,
nothing mediocre about you,
sweet tenderness,
inspiring my ingenuity,
making love not war with each other,
your face tatooed on my heart,
love to us is a verb,
this is mad love.
Nov 2014 · 494
old woman
karen champagne Nov 2014
I am a work of art,
A colorful canvas now shaded gray,
I am suddenly clueless in my own dementia,
Wrinkled paper mache,
Stories to tell but long forgotten,
Faded memories make me smile,
My complex concentration so frustrating,
Everything should be a no brainer but it's not,
Peace of mind is a struggle inside my head,
My visual perception is altered and is watercolored and muted,
Youth was a blunder to me,
I have more wrinkles but fewer doubts,
My fear is my vanity,
Growing old is a privilege, denied by many.
Not I.  
I am a classic beauty.
Nov 2014 · 869
follow me
karen champagne Nov 2014
stepping stones over water,
do not falter my steps,
I move clumsily and lumber,
easily trudging here and yonder,
checking out my swagger,
I saunter and I strut,
strolling no apparent aim,
walk a mile in my shoes,
you shall surely stumble.
Nov 2014 · 745
karen champagne Nov 2014
of its white calamity,
its devine mercy,
wind kissed cheek,
my hyperborean dream,
aggregations of ice,
cold sprectrums of light,
my snow angel
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
yin and yang of us
karen champagne Nov 2014
dynamic balance in our lives,
chilliness from the heavens,
and warmth from the earth,
the harmony and the beat,
familiar similarities but somehow different,
you receive my creativity,  nonconformed
the seasonal solctice and the equinox,
you see me as black but I am monochromatic white.
karen champagne Nov 2014
oh forget me nots in my shaded woodland garden,
hibiscus of rememberance,
violet of the lavendars of my faithfullness,
iris of his wisdom and valour,
daisys of my white imagination,
heathers of my heart,
roses of his desire,
sweet pea of delicasies,
ivy of my eternal fidelity,
posies I desire,
he loves me, he loves me not.
Nov 2014 · 429
land of the living
karen champagne Nov 2014
I have no love of a funeral,
women in their black watercolor faces,
pink and white roses, worthy of monet,
so much weeping,
avoidance of the loved ones,
so as not to have their face etched in our mind,
all are in perpetual slow motion,
endless parade of mourners,
so much grieving,
let us all rejoice for the living and not those passed,
so much easier in the land of the living.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
almost there.
karen champagne Nov 2014
I am running.
Out of breath.
Like running in sllooooowww motion.
I can make it.
Running in flip flops.
To my destination.
Nov 2014 · 565
karen champagne Nov 2014
The wind blows my hair,
blows through my soul,
blows my worries, sorrows and fears for that moment.
I close my eyes and feel tranquil.
It is peaceful the wind, in its own loudness.
The wind gales come and stop abrubtly,
like taking a short nap.
Winds come again like whispers from angels,
air from their wings.
Angels are amongst me,
I cannot see them,
I cannot feel them,
yet I know they are there.
It is my escape to nature.
I open my eyes to the rippling of water.
Pure peace, unthreatening.
Sun shines on the water like stained glass,
dangling crystals over the water.
I feel an inner peace I could not achieve in my own mind.
I am one soul.
A lost soul.
Searching for a place of peace within myself.
If only to feel this peace for eternity I would find my soul.
One of purpose, of meaning, of desire, of true happiness, fullfilment and hope.
Nov 2014 · 609
karen champagne Nov 2014
twenty wiggley toes,
twenty mischievious fingers,
four active legs,
four swinging arms,
four wandering eyes,
four listening ears,
two perky noses,
two pouty lips,
two hungry stomachs,
two learning brains,
two loving hearts that beat to my own,
two loving souls that could have been one,
two beautiful children that I love a ton.
Nov 2014 · 349
karen champagne Nov 2014
I look in the mirror and see not myself but the person I once knew.
I have become old.
Like a piece of driftwood someone picks up on the shore of the ocean and throws back into the sea.
Nov 2014 · 411
Random boredom
karen champagne Nov 2014
I have sometimes been
acutely, miserable.
But through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.
Nov 2014 · 432
our purpose
karen champagne Nov 2014
Tears are remnants of our emotions.
Our tears are from our sadness or perhaps our gladness.
The bitter saltiness of our tears sting our face and remind us of our pain.
The pain is inflicted upon us by ourselves or by others.
Some leaves scars, some do not.
Some scars diminish, and some stay for eternity.
Our scars are our constant reminder of our suffering.
The pain in our heart is that which noone sees, but it nonetheless
leaves scar tissue.
Scar tissue builds up like brick and mortar, layers upon layers,
until we uncover the true meaning of our source of pain and suffering.
This leads to our true meaning of truth and our belief of why we are here.
Some never believe their purpose and their scars begin to show to the outside world.
They do not uncover their purpose, their hurt, their pain, their sorrow, their suffering, their grief.
Their true path to their happiness is just beyond the gate.
Yet it is clouded with obstacles.
They say they are happy, but they hide behind their false beliefs.
They fail to stop and and smell the roses and just love one another.
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
life is a juggling act
karen champagne Nov 2014
Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five *****.
These ***** are work, family, health, friends and integrity.
And you're juggling them in the air.
But one day you finally come to an understanding that work is a rubber ball.
It you drop it, it will bounce back.
The other four ***** are family, health, friends and integrity.
If you drop one of these four ***** it will be irrevocably broken, scuffed, even shattered.
Once you truly understand the lesson of the five *****, you will have the beginning of balance in your life.
Not sure who the author is of this. But I have had it in a journal for years. Can't take the credit, just like the content
Nov 2014 · 414
ode to my friend
karen champagne Nov 2014
So many years were upon us.
childhood memories of laughter.
Sun on our face, leaving sunburned bodies.
White shirts showing our tans.
Whispering our dreams to each other,
Looking up in the sky,
Sharing the covers like noone else was on earth
Curly hair, sweet smile, feeding my ego
couldnt imagine my life without you.
So many years have passed.
We still whisper our dreams to each other.
Only now they are of regret.
Things we promised, yet still undone.
Time is running out.
Our lines on our face we cant hide now.
Age has taken over,
But has not robbed us of our friendship.
Couldnt have imagined my life without you.
Sweet friend of mine.
Nov 2014 · 344
the sea of tears
karen champagne Nov 2014
Waves rolling like tears.
Reaching the shore and flooding me.
Tides in and out.
Like emotions in my heart.
Stay here with me sweet sea.
So I may feel the cleansing of your beauty
on my feet.
Washing away the hurt.
But seeing the clearness of your water.
Salt of your water, like salt of my tears.
Nov 2014 · 387
karen champagne Nov 2014
I am blinded by water
So many words I cannot see.
I keep writing.
Like water.
Stings, not from salt.
But from pain.
Flowing all the pain out.
Stayed there forever it seems.
I dont need to see to know what is there.
I am blinded by my tears.
Nov 2014 · 368
my release
karen champagne Nov 2014
You are dying, she tells me.
Should I care.
Should I forgive you.
Or spit on your grave.
Battle in my head.
Everyone deserves to die in peace.
With a piece of love.
With forgiveness.
With a prayer.
Where do you think you are going.
Its not about you.
Its never been.
I need peace.
Peace to go on.
I waited for this day.
Now it is almost here.
Are you deserving of your life?
Let me see your remorse.
Not what the ear hears, the lies.
Such fake tears.
Your trickery.
Such an evil task.
Your plan.
I do this for me, not for you.
The squeezing of my gut.
I want to release the pain.
Of so many years.
Feel the calm.
Lay here  flat with my arms outstretched.
Feel peace for myself.
A freedom.
From you.
Where do you think you are going.
Release me from your hell.
So I can finally have peace.
Nov 2014 · 423
leaves of death
karen champagne Nov 2014
That smell of crisp leaves.
Blowing, what a nuisance.
Reminders of death for me.
It is everywhere.
Beauty is there, but not to me.
I fake my amazement of the season.
Too much sadness, I tell myself.
Every year it is back.
Like a circle.
Then the cold.
Like a cold body in the ground.
Nov 2014 · 312
karen champagne Nov 2014
Who are you?
That demon in my head.
Fear always there.
That dresser in front of my door.
Locking you out.
What a waste.
You took so much.
Gave back so little.
You say you are forgiven.
By whom may I ask.
Nov 2014 · 395
Write about me
karen champagne Nov 2014
That girl you never forget.
Smile that could pause a room.
So simple yet not plain.
She laughs with her head back.
Laughter is easy.
But alone is the time she fears.
So lucky is she.
To be liked.
Taking for granted her face.
Her admiration.
Wrapped in self pity.
Asking what is her purpose.
Shame on you.
Having so much.
Effortless beauty.
Selfless love.
Genorous spirit of time and effort.
Write about me she asks.
Not enough lines on a page.
Nov 2014 · 466
karen champagne Nov 2014
Listen to me.
So much to say.
Covers her ears.
Like autism.
Pretending to shut everyone out.
Truths to be heard.
But I keep yelling.
Dying to be heard.
What will you do when you hear no more yelling.
Nov 2014 · 371
karen champagne Nov 2014
Time too short for the living.  Too long for the dying.
Time heals all pain, they say. But never really goes away.
Time changes with the seasons.  A season of intervals.
Time is dark to light.
Time is a mystery.
Time is somewhere you have to be.
Time is a second, a minute, an hour.
Time is infinity.  The duration.  An instant.
A time warp in the matrix.
Time is a phase in your life.
Time cannot be measured.
Too much time on your hands.
And in the end, there is never enough time.
Nov 2014 · 322
karen champagne Nov 2014
What goes on in that pretty little head.
Teetering back and forth.
Whispering and hearing voices.
Battling insanity.
Sometimes crystal clear.
Inside that box in your head.
Four sides with no key.
Seem so innocent.
Yet all the rage and fury ready to escape.
In time your wrath will be known.
Only you know.
Our nasty little experiment.
There is no remedy.
For your diagnosis.
Nov 2014 · 336
karen champagne Nov 2014
Battling this whirlwind of emotions.
Of a madness of so many years.
So much pain.
Such remembrance.
A smile turns quick into anguish.
So much strength pulling me forward.
Yet I am so weak.
So worn.
It is time.
To see the light
Free my self from the brick wall.
See that light beyond it.
Gentle persuasion pushes me there.
Fear is still there.
I push through it.
I choose to be free now.
I have chosen forgiveness.
This poem sets me free from many years of tragedy. Forgiveness is a powerful force.
Nov 2014 · 494
black heart
karen champagne Nov 2014
Tiny hole inside my heart.
Feels so black.
Not pure and red.
Once was gaping.
So hard to hide.
To mend.
Overflowing with tears.
So hard to comprehend.
Tried to mend.
Layer after layer.
Becoming tattered.
It's closing now.
Time healing all wounds.
Black hole so old and faded.
Once large and gaping.
Memories fade inside our heart.
All that's left is a tiny black hole.
And scar tissue.
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