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Apr 2015 · 819
the letter i'll never send.
kara lynn bird Apr 2015
I miss you incredibly
And not the kind of miss
where I feel like
I need you right here-
right by my side,
I mean the kind of miss
where I would wake up to you-
early mornings
on my time
every weekend,
while you're still
trying to sleep
asking if I could
come into your arms...
I miss the moment when
you would hold up the blanket
letting me in-
allowing for the electricity of my body
to mesh with yours.
I miss rubbing my fingers
through the scruffiness of your beard-
however uneven the lines,
I miss twirling my fingers around
that one piece of hair-
right above your forehead.
I miss kissing you passionately
making each moment like a science-
hot like blowing glass.
I miss your laughter,
your reassuring nod,
the way your head shook
when I would say
"I'm ready for bed"
...we both know I wasn't ready for bed-
I was ready for you-
all of you;
the smell of you,
the taste of you,
the touch of you.
when I say I miss you,
I don't mean it in a selfish way...
I mean it in a way of misunderstanding.
How can it be
that the universe has agreed
to separate us-
you're there
and I am here,
waiting for you,
waiting for us....
I miss you
in all the ways I love you.
kara lynn bird Sep 2014
In the Kingdom of All Alone-
A dynasty is overlooked,
sitting upon her throne;
she ponders
"why does it feel like something's missing?"

A delicate crown she wears,
with jewels from the deepest of seas,
The Queen a visible elegance
bares it all on an open sleeve-
wearing her heart until it bleeds
Waiting for the right lover
to give her what she needs-
*"the queen of everything wants something else."
Sep 2014 · 540
kara lynn bird Sep 2014
I was more inspired without you,
your cut words like paint-
your lies like canvas
and I -  the artist of believing.
Nov 2013 · 840
reflection of winter.
kara lynn bird Nov 2013
the trees have abandoned their leaves
standing bare as they wait to be covered with the beautiful shimmer of snow.
maybe we should abandon our negatives-
the things which no longer help us grow.
together we could stand vulnerable while we wait for the shimmer of snow-
oh, it's the bright things that help us glow,
while waiting for shimmer of snow.
Oct 2013 · 611
it wasn't for you.
kara lynn bird Oct 2013
I'm not going to fit in your box-
chances are...
the edges of my smile wouldn't fit.
I'm like that piece of mail that keeps on returning,
trying to deliver the same message-
over and over again...
love me for me.
you can take your expectations
put them inside that box
and carry yourself home,
I'll wait here all alone
for someone that wants me.
Oct 2013 · 617
kara lynn bird Oct 2013
he said he burned pumpkin candles.
Oct 2013 · 523
kara lynn bird Oct 2013
breaking into form
by the palm of my hands-
two illusions.
illusions which fall through the cracks
of a grip that wasn't built to last
how many times do you out live the past?
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
It's hard to believe that forty seven years have passed since we picked our first Macintosh off that tangled orchard tree. Fall was the best time of year. We would hop into the old truck and scoot on down the road to the local farm. Together we'd place everything in order for a perfect picnic; sandwiches here, potato chips there. She'd be certain to leave the pickles in a special container cause that sour taste of dill always made me buckle. Forty seven years since we made our first fall adventure, can you believe it?

The autumn breeze always seemed to soften the light as it glowed upon her curly red hair. So young and full of life she was. It was always a sight to see her when she'd reach for an apple and a good ol' honey bee would come buzzing around. Hell, she'd start flailing her dainty fingertips and scrunch her nose, waving her scarf all around as if the bee would surrender. Those were the moments that I searched for. Those moments (I'd swear) she could stop the universe in a shade of gray. Her ability to get so **** mad made her look as cute as puppy who couldn't run as fast as it wanted. When those moments began to unfold before my eyes it appeared I had been deeply connected to the face of God. My heart would leap, Ah, I knew I'd love her forever.

There was one year which was so special to me, I've held it safe as one of my fondest memories. We had been out all night one fall evening. Our neighbors held a festive barn party complete with a hog roast with all the fixens. We danced until our feet hurt. I remember she wanted to leave early but I wasn't sure why. Being the gentleman that I was, I stayed with the one that brought me.

I popped the clutch and off we went leaving the music behind us. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary but then she reached over and gave me a little tap on the shoulder. She really had a way of getting my attention. "Pull over up here..." she said "down this gravel road!"

I shoulda known better. Shifting gears I made a careful right turn as the tires met with the thickly settled road. As soon the truck had made it fifty yards she opened that truck door and left me no choice but to stop! "What on earth are you doing?" I cried as she exited the vehicle and made her way past the headlights.

Before I could ask another question the drivers side door swung open. The moon must've been full that night cause I can recall light beams bouncing off her beautiful smile. She grabbed my hand and ran towards the forest. The trees lashed back against me as I chased her through the thick of it. I had no idea that the orchard would be on the other side.

Waiting like a tractor for an overdue oil change was a the most romantic thing I witnessed. My pretty girl sure did surprise me. I could have never guessed. Spread out right before me was a midnight picnic. We sat underneath that tree and laughed till the coyotes chased us home. That was the first night we ever made love. Real love...the lasting kind and Lord have mercy, I'll never forget it!

It's been ten years since she went up with the Angels. Every fall I can't help but reminisce of that night we left the barn dance- it's where it all began, but I have yet to return to our spot.

Every time I think about it I can smell the remnants of her homemade apple pie and it brings tears to my eyes. Today, something told me to muster up the courage and get down to the Orchard, it was as if she had tapped me on the shoulder again.

Different it was making my way down there alone. A lot of the landscape has changed and they've added a few things. I'd have to admit, the smell of the autumn breeze still rings true to my memories of my her as I approached the Apple Orchard.

Heavy hearted I headed out on the farm. It was different to see all the children with their families, that used to be us. But the sound of their laughter quickly replaced my own memories as I made my way down the hill to our very first apple picking tree.

There it stood as pretty as an apple tree could be. Her leaves appeared to blow to the sound of the wind, her branches looked like they were smiling. Glancing up I continued to walk closer and I couldn't believe what I saw. Was it true?

Slowly I made my way around the trunk of that twisted orchard tree just to be sure I wasn't imaging something, but I'll be ******, every apple on that tree was gone.

The moment I realized it was true I knelt down and dug my hands in the dirt. A blustery tear rolled on past my lips. I clenched my fist and lifted it to my heart. The moment was too much, I had taken too long to get there. Just as I turned around and decided that I should go- a busy little honey bee flew right past the tip of my eyelashes. I stumbled back and reluctantly began swatting at an almost invisible contender.

Jumping all around like a **** fool I was shoutin' and cussin' going off like a firecracker. All of a sudden the honey bee flew from sight and when I realized that I was so **** worked up, I began to laugh.

You see, it was that sweet little honey bee that made it all possible. It came buzzin' by like a heated stroke of lightening and changed everythin'! That's the moment I realized, if it weren't for the things that made us upset, the moments that brought on grief and heartbreak, perhaps we wouldn't have any reflection on the things that made us happy.

That apple tree may not have had a single Macintosh left for my pickin' but it taught me that my wife had planted enough seeds of love and hope in my heart that I didn't need no apple- just the memories that went with it.
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
light beams of faith
being stretched before my eyes-
the worlds a tough place
and there's no where to hide...
to where to run to
no way to escape,
the moment of change
i must learn to embrace-
hold still with a passion
that there is a greater reason
something with meaning-
a reason for believing.
a balancing act
what's real and what's fake
a hopeless romantic
a heart that's free to the take
i'm in between the life that I am living
the vision of who I want to be
and the life that I am given.
Sep 2013 · 595
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
words without expression
escape from mind.
we're lonely behind bars
with the  jam of a traffic scene-
rush hour cars.
from tired lips
broken conversation
with the same repetitive glitch
trying to stay focused but can't keep ground
how many times for this go around?
fall eight times
to stand up ten
Sep 2013 · 434
a season of change.
kara lynn bird Sep 2013


Sep 2013 · 675
the high tide washes us.
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
i'll meet you in the middle of my daydreams
where the current meets the tide,
where the bend meets the road...
i'll meet you in the middle where it all collides.
together we can wash away, wash away the sunrise.
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
close your eyes
draw an invisible line
breathe in the atmosphere
which surrounds you
at the end of it all
what you truly have
are the things in your immediate circle
and the ones who helped you draw it.
kara lynn bird Sep 2013
Feeling over exposed
like a roll of film to the sun
a stitch to the wound-
please don't tell me
I've gone too far
too soon.
I just wanted you to know
that i like you.
Aug 2013 · 450
it all fades to black.
kara lynn bird Aug 2013
hard to understand
the value that people place into things.
things like forgotten photographs
or worn out tattoos.
once upon a time
you lived the moment in the photograph
or picked out (first handedly)
the colors for a vibrant piece of art
to be etched onto your skin, permanently.
it's hard to believe that
we all hold value to the things we love
much different the person standing next to us.
the fact that is that it all fades to black -
I guess it's finding value in the things that don't need color. ❤
Aug 2013 · 624
kara lynn bird Aug 2013
fast paced breathing
can't keep up with my dreaming-
as long as your around
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
heart shaped box.
kara lynn bird Jul 2013
how much can you fit in a heart shaped box?
how many thoughts?
how many rocks?
how many forget-me-nots?
Jul 2013 · 871
let me unfold you.
kara lynn bird Jul 2013
i wanna unfold you
peek into the deepest parts
slipping my fingertips
into the secret spots
of your soul

i wanna unfold you
touch your body with my nose
tracing lines delicately
leaving the right path
that you want

let me unfold you
wrap myself into the heart of you
creating the softest fireworks
that can only be felt
by explosions
of your pulse and mine

oh please

let me unfold you
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
he called me crazy.
kara lynn bird Jun 2013
you're crazy
he would say
and he meant it.

crazy because
our lines didn't cross...
the intersection
that we were supposed to meet
always seemed jammed
no progress
no moving forward
the ways we were supposed to touch each other
never felt right.

two loose ends
never meeting at the same spot.
lost children
among the midst of our lives
no path to lead us back
to where we were supposed to have started.

we met eachother with anger
angry faces
misplaced traces,
lots of frusteration
and denial,
and nervousness,
instead of...

he would say,

you believe in angels,
what's wrong with you?
you'd take the whole universe
in one breath...
you're out of touch with reality...
you believe in dreams
and seach for symbols
as if some symbol
is going to give you the answer.
life has no map,
i am your compass
and there is NO direction.
you get up
and take the world
one person at a time-
bleeding out your heart for others.
you talk to strangers
and think you've been places
you've never seen.
and yet,
you get up
and you live
and you do it again
and again-
you think this is normal?
you think you have it all figured out-
you're ******* crazy.

as the clock slows down
and i catch up to the fast pace
of my beaten heart,
as the world slows to a halt
and i catch my breath
after inhaling sparks
from fallen stars and daydreams
i've never been more certain
i am indeed...

crazy for allowing him to capture
the best parts of myself
place them in a jar too tiny-
on a shelf that's too big,
and mislabel them
with a big *** sign that read

i've never been more certain
that i am indeed...

crazy for playing lifesaver
on an already sinking ship
crazy for talking to angels
in the middle of the night
crazy for grasping faith
during moments
when the whole world feels
like the collapse of
a black hole-
in the middle of spring
when everything is trying
to start over.

crazy for living
my life on the inside of his tiny jar
on a shelf that's too big
listening to him scream
getting mixed up daily,
a television broadcast
which gets inturrupted
by an emergency test


this is only a test,
and if the results show it

i'm crazy.
Jun 2013 · 602
if life were a cake.
kara lynn bird Jun 2013
on the verge of something new
on the brink of something incredible
if only it were edible-
i'd serve it all to you.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
the doorway to my future.
kara lynn bird Jun 2013
the doorway stood in front of me...

for years i observed it's color

solid white wood-

it was bright enough to shine
but pale enough to be forgotten...

a single black doorknob
was it's only fixture-
leaving enough character
that i knew the door must be named-

knock knock
who was there?
i never got an answer.

for years i stood in front of the door
allowing it's curiosity to swallow me,
creating ideas of what might happen
if i should introduce my hand
to the twisting motion
of new beliefs,
opening that door
without a key...
would it be unlocked?

one day it had opened
without a single hand to the ****
without any kind of key
it seemed it only took some patience
and believing of what could be.

the white doors solidity had folded
right before me
my future was molded
and there
waiting on the other side
was a bouquet of flowers
with a hand written note that read:
"welcome, you've finally made it"
kara lynn bird Jun 2013
i keep stumbling over my heart
i find it wrapped up in my bed sheets-
begging to stay asleep
so it can keep on dreaming.
i find it in the doorway
after a late night bath,
let's do the math
one bubble
two bubbles
a tub full of bubbles should make it happy.

it lays all over the place,
begging for more.
my heart,
it lays in the middle of the kitchen floor
like it's waiting to be quenched-
one cup
two cup
three cups and it shows me the door
and says there's a whole world out there waiting-
waiting for more.
Apr 2013 · 805
hello, bed.
kara lynn bird Apr 2013
my bed lays a vessel,
a machine -
quirked with the finest devices,
blankets upon blankets like a lost sea
a place to check in with my thoughts
and check out with my daydreams
a place
to rest
and dream of what could be
a place
to wrap my heart around
the way things should be
my bed lays a vessel
a whimsy machine
checking out with my nightmares
checking in with my daydreams
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
the importance of believing.
kara lynn bird Apr 2013
a thousand words
still remain
between me
and who I want to be.
a thousand words,
a million different phrases-
color contrasts between
black and white.
extremes written
between "A" and "Z",
too big for words.
are the words between who I am
and who I want to be-
the moments that are yet to be awakened.
despite the random design of
misplaced thoughts
and dissallusioned fears,
it's between those pages
it happens,
the moment right before
you begin your sentence with a capital
and finish with an exclamation point,
the excitement of thosemoments,
say the the most to me-
the spoke without speaking
the feel without feeling
all of this has got me believing
that all of my dreams are worth dreaming
if I believe in me.
Apr 2013 · 15.7k
kara lynn bird Apr 2013
to hell with stereotypes,
I mean,
the phrase
"a rock stuck in a hard place"
never scared me-
until I became
the rock
s t u c k
in the
hard place.
Mar 2013 · 992
for susan.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
You said your vows
It was your day of peace
Now nothing can compare
to your disparity and grief
The angels called upon him
to carry him home
They knew he'd be better-
in heaven he roams.
He always believed
in the gift of second chances
Now he looks down
from heaven he glances
He'll work hard to create miracles
for you and your sons
He'll bless you
and guide you
Until your time has come-
But one things for sure
that comes with his passing
He'll prepare your place next to him
and wait to be reunited in love everlasting.
My deepest condolences to my friend Susan as she begins a new journey without her best friend and husband. May you find peace on the days you need it and strength to carry you through.
Mar 2013 · 563
sticks and stones.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
old phone conversations
hoping that something
in the tone of your voice
would change.
it's been six years
a fist full of heartbreak-
and it still remains the same.
grasping onto hope
in order to cope
while life around me slips away
sticks and stones will always break these bones
but this life I live is for me....
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
shine brightly,
radiate through me-
punch holes through layers of darkness
like stars to a night sky.
surround me with your beauty
the invisible kind-
no wrinkled paper,
no need for time machines-
a glow so wonderful
you already understand what it means...
Mar 2013 · 477
the art of trying.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
maybe not being understood
is the reason we keep trying to understand;
after all,
we can't get back up
if we don't learn how to fall.
Mar 2013 · 790
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
dust off your shoes
lets leave this town,
holding hands-
finding ourselves
lost in these daydreams.
dust off your shoes
we're leaving this town-
they won't even notice
that we're not around.
they'll be busy looking down-
and we'll be bouncin' from cloud to cloud
celebrating our daydreams.
Mar 2013 · 455
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
on wings of light-
we fly.
without the need of getting high,
laughing at others as they float on by-
this is me-
when thinking about you-
about us,
together we can learn to trust
the new found freedom of flight
on the wings of light
and the downs that come before it.
lets fly.
Mar 2013 · 4.7k
over thinking.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
the over thinking
wanting a drink that you're already drinking
wanting to swim when you're already sinking
So easy to think the over thinking
a concoction of daydreams
you hate to be drinking
you're already busy believing your sinking
and your foots on solid ground.
So easy to think the over thinking
your future on the brink of brinking
you haven't done a thing cause
you're too busy thinking.
So easy to think the over thinking -
The only reason that your really sinking
in a world that may be okay.
Mar 2013 · 2.4k
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
The only mistake you've ever made
is thinking that one mistake
will make you.
Mar 2013 · 660
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
I'm checking out,
Checking out of this moment-
I'm packing my bags of *******,
Carefully crafting excuses,
Folding up regretful parts of my past
and running.
Mar 2013 · 634
your masterpiece.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
Let me find creativity in your finger tips,
Press them against my skin
until the inspiration we need
to create a masterpiece
is found.

It's the art of not speaking-
making ways
without the words...
getting lost in the feelings.

it's a world where people talk to much
acting careless over things that matter,
caring too much about things that don't.
but inside there's a world
waiting to be touched.

Let me master your masterpiece-
the creativity that's found in your finger tips.
Mar 2013 · 566
safe and winding roads.
kara lynn bird Mar 2013
buckle your seat belt
and I'll drive you home
down these safe and winding roads
let the wind from fallen windows
cast aside your fears
As we press down peddles
While slowly swiftly shifting gears
Bodies bumping together
heaves in the road
I'm your Designated driver
so you don't feel so alone
While driving home
down these safe and winding roads.
Feb 2013 · 2.7k
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
Remember the visions
the ones without clouds breaking
Echoing thankfulness for uninvited shimmers
to the surrendering sun.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
THIS is where Thoreau sat
after he awoke from a night of dreaming,
His smart phone screaming in his ear-
He sat right here after putting on his neoprene boots,
Poring his hot cup of coffee and allowing the dog to do its duty.
He sat right here after listening to the news,
gathering bits of worry and panic-
Thank God he didn't like to work
Or he might be late in traffic.
He sat right here
reading on his half charged nook
hoping that the batteries didn't run out
before he had a chance to get to the good part,
Realizing the irony of electronic books is that even they,
Are putting you on a time limit.
This very spot is where he stood,
Wearing his tee shirt with a large moustache printed across the front,
Replaying songs from his iPOD
"Call me maybe..."
I'm sure the beauty of Walden captured him,
so in effort to share he'd snap pictures for Instagram and hope that enough people "liked" it to send his photo viral, like the howl of the midnight owl who hangs out in his yard.
This is where he sat
after taking his ****** and securing his door from his neighbor
This is where he sat
when he returned home
from a job he didn't even want
This is where he sat
soaking up the heat flashes and solar flares
Watching comets pass by like a common sight
I'm sure that this,
Is where he'd sit-
And this,
Would be his reason to go to the woods.
I wrote this sitting at walden pond today...
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
everything false.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
The surreal pattern
of a lovesick design
That's laid with false pretending
while withering on hope
of imaginary breath
that beats off the chest
of already broken hearts.
It's a storm gathering love
in a passionate collapse.
Relished with poisoned promises
that hold onto jealous escapes
in attempt to bind wandering hearts
while trying to escape.
I wrote this using words from a 'magnetic poetry' app on my smart phone! It's 1.99 and highly inspirational! Maybe you should try it?!
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
Empty whispers
ascending destiny
leave a radient glow
on the reality
of descending lovers.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
She's more beautiful
then critics give her credit for-

She bends at the spine,
pushing forward,
building tension
with those who observe her.

Her heart,
empty pages-
empty space,
room for words still unwritten-
yet seemingly full in the right place,
The beginning.

Her skin
folds beautifully
around the verses of her body,
Leaving you wanting more.

You'll be captivated by words
while falling forward
in hopes of a ******
that will help to create the perfect end.

She's a book,
well written,
Even Heming
would have his way
between the crevice of her words.

She's a book,
gentle to hold
while holding it together,

She's a book,
A novel,
A number one best seller-
Hanging onto every adjective you give her.

Hold her,
Read her,
Love her,
And don't you dare
put her down till you're finished.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
Snow covered rooftops
rise to meet the sky this morning-
with the same grace that they always do,
But this morning,
There is no difference-
No difference of where the rooftop ends
and the sky begins,
This morning,
they are same muted shade of white...
This morning,
Those rooftops are washing out my dreams
sending them into the night.
Feb 2013 · 479
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
a little more educated,
very well deliberated,
my heart...
now hangs emancipated-
and will not go to waste.
Feb 2013 · 2.0k
homemade valentine.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
Artistically determined to create
homemade valentines
cut with precision
like your lips
meeting mine,
saturated with color-
of all things bright
wishing on stars
with each letter I write,
painting soft lines
like my fingertips
meeting your collar bones
If only I wasn't alone
We could kiss
and create
A homemade valentine of our own.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
One by one
I pluck them out
Of the rapid-
Boiling water
softening their skin
like salt water to a corpse.
Slippery little suckers
who I stab with my fork
with an excitement to eat them.
Oh, Peking ravioli-
You're delicious!

Feb 2013 · 1.8k
broken satellite.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
Your satellite couldn't save us-
the burn from the radiation
leaves us stinging
like wounded soldiers
from a world war,
a battle

A battle of miscommunication
lost in translation while hoping
for things to be right-

You're a
lost astronaut
in the night
looking for a reason
for flight
blaming things
that don't feel right
while disappearing from sight-
You're a broken satellite.
Feb 2013 · 451
love story.
kara lynn bird Feb 2013
i'm a star catcher,
and you're a star.
Jan 2013 · 415
my life as a fish.
kara lynn bird Jan 2013

Jan 2013 · 986
pitty party.
kara lynn bird Jan 2013
I'm having a pitty party
with an exclusive guest list.

Me is bringing the heartbreak,
the ******* that she can't let go of from her past...

Myself is hosting with alcoholic beverages that I is going to ignore in attempt to do the right thing.

It should be...
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
the rescuer needs rescued.
kara lynn bird Jan 2013
chasing other people's dreams
like a star catcher with a net
she holds onto hope
while deceiving devastation
reaching out her hand
for the next victim of inspiration

baring scars upon her body
like battle wounds of lifetimes before
each cut from failure of another disappointment
leaving her exhausted, bruised and sore.

she's a rescuer-
a fixer upper
new siding on an old slab house
fresh paint on horribly marked walls
fresh breath in a room of stale air.

her heart beats at the ache of another
tears ravage her own cheeks
for the sake of someone else's heartbreak
she's a rescuer
a fixer upper
for another person she will always wake-
while waiting for someone to save her.
I'm having a pitty party for me, myself and's an exclusive guest list.
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