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 Jan 2013 kara lynn bird
I am giving you
The entire thing,
The whole mystery,
The myriad of doors
And windows
And hidden rooms
And mouse holes.
It's my present to
Lovingly passed
Mother to
Sister to
Friend to
Earned by
Those who
Walked through
To deliver you to
I am giving
You an
Tomorrow belongs to
The leech, he slithers in hot blood, unnoticed, ***** thoughts washed
Up in waves of serotonin, lust, licking his sickly sweet fingers allllll over you.
Love-struck, heart-throb cupid mask, pouring honey over gall, lipstick on a pig, love sows flower words,
Rose-petal roads to your heart (bed). Slick trickster, hid even from me, creeped
In through our first hug, but quick to gain momentum, take the wheel. Feed my starving eyes,
My fingers, skin, flesh (***), a little step here, a little there, shuffling stealthily to home.
Engorged now, oozing, perusing, the feast is all empty plates and ***** knives
Looking up, eyes burning, through calm-surfaced quicksand,
from now-plumbed black, brackish depths. He casts aside your husk, your syrupy soul slurped,
even the joke of flowers wilts now. The core's poison, the cake is a lie, his bulge
my curved stomach is bloated with wriggling maggots, protruding, exuding slime, rot.
And I'm still hungry.
utatane ni
koFisiki Fito wo
mitesi yori
yume teFu mono Fa

As I dozed
The man I love
Appeared, so
It is dreams that
Have begun to comfort me.
Hey, remember that time at the dock?
The jellyfish floating serenely beneath our feet,
Their pinkish hue, transparent in the black water.
My feet dangled off the edge, yours dangled further,
But the gentle waves caressed the jellies below us still.

They drifted by, not knowing nor caring of us,
Yet we watched their careless path.
The cool night's wind ushering them along their way.
Hundreds of blush-colored jellyfish just out of reach,
Sliding silently out to sea.
I want to show you the magic in love

Lay in the grass on hot summer days
In shorts and tank tops
Picking out the shapes in the sky
Waiting for the winds to carve a heart
The way you'll carve mine

Let's bundle up on cold winter nights
Pajamas and blankets
Our bodies pretzeled together
Waiting for my lips to be cold
To warm them again on your cheek

Fall asleep together every night
Waking up a few moments before the sun rises
To watch the rays fall on your skin
You glow like fireflies

Watch terrible movies together
Making fun of the acting
Then each other
Laughing uncontrollably
I'll tickle you
In that one spot that no one else knows about
Just to watch your nostrils flare

Argue about the senseless things
We'll make up later
Saying that you were right
You're always right

You'll be asleep on the way to a picnic
I'll pull over to pick you daisies
They're your favorite
They remind you of the summer home your grandparents once owned
No one else knows that about you

I want to taste the goosebumps right behind your left ear
Showing you *** isn't about getting off
It's about those little twitches your hips make when you're kissed just below your belly-button
Letting you know I pay attention

I want us to grow old together
Looking out over the mountain tops of our retirement home
Waiting for time to stop
Your wrinkles will change the landscape of my imagination

I want to show you the magic in love
My poems
My children
They are one and the same
I name my poems as if they are alive
For if I expect others to care for them like I do
They deserve to be declared pronouns
By their creators
My children
My poems
 Jan 2013 kara lynn bird
I Love You
my friend..
because you are
closest to me..
in the morning
you wake me up,
in the day
you are with me,
in the night
you sleep with me..
the deepest thoughts
of my heart,
i share with you..
I remember the times
when they scolded me..
when my Love
broke up with me..
when her smile
turned scary..
when i found
no one beside..
that was You
who was with me,
with your musical hand..
Oh.. my Cellphone..
You are my best friend....
You are for me,
a magic wand..
I must say
you are a part,
of my heart...
I Love You..
My Cellphone..
A true friendship..
it is
the parking
lots and the
schools are
empty today
and tomorrow.
we decided we
didn't care
about it,
at some
point. we will
all wait here.
it is
and it feels
like spring
before the chill
of god's wrath
sneaks up on
you. whenever
the weather
suddenly changed,
my mother swore
up and down that
the world was
going to end.
i wanted
nothing to do
with it. but this
is where it's
come: the empty
spaces in our
when we run
out of ways to
tell people that
we love them,
when their eyes
lose the thing that
made your stomach
turn, when they get
bored with you and
throw you away.
it is
nothing. the day
is someone's or
no one's at all.
i, myself, will
wait out
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