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 Apr 2014 KA
Brianna Ki
Haiku #3
 Apr 2014 KA
Brianna Ki
Don't get me to fall
When you're not there to catch me
The fall is cruel
love lost heart haiku falling loving cruel sad
 Apr 2014 KA
Elizabeth Jennings
Over the surging tides and the mountain kingdoms,
Over the pastoral valleys and the meadows,
Over the cities with their factory darkness,
Over the lands where peace is still a power,
Over all these and all this planet carries
A power broods, invisible monarch, a stranger
To some, but by many trusted. Man's a believer
Until corrupted. This huge trusted power
Is spirit. He moves in the muscle of the world,
In continual creation. He burns the tides, he shines
From the matchless skies. He is the day's surrender.
Recognize him in the eye of the angry tiger,
In the sign of a child stepping at last into sleep,
In whatever touches, graces and confesses,
In hopes fulfilled or forgotten, in promises

Kept, in the resignation of old men -
This spirit, this power, this holder together of space
Is about, is aware, is working in your breathing.
But most he is the need that shows in hunger
And in the tears shed in the lonely fastness.
And in sorrow after anger.
 Apr 2014 KA
Cliffy Buglione
Most of the people in my story
Have disappeared
into a far away mist
There are only a few I can say
I genuinely miss.
One in particular
That I wouldn't if I could
Because altho paradise has faded
She is the thing which made paradise good.

Decades have passed and I still
                                 drag my cross
                                   Thru the quicksand
Dreaming of when it was held high
                                  in the clear sky
By Wendy Ann

Too many people invited into our life
                           Took away what life is
Too many people hearing too many secrets
To socialise with
Too many displays of vulnerabilities
(Or is that too many self-protecting excuses?)

Most of my life I've pretended to accept things
\but memories hold too many tombs
                                  Of relationships blending over
                                     To loss of dreams.

I'll never return to Utopia
However, I experienced it so intimately
I can rotate fiction to fact
But I wouldn't believe that
If a miserable monument of pain
Sold me it.
 Apr 2014 KA
Amanda In Scarlet
Lioness, she
unsheaths claws
Tongue and teeth and flesh,
All yours,
Prey devoured,
 Apr 2014 KA
Elizabeth Squires
since the end of December 2013
a sad pall has engulfed out village
residents continually
have tears in their eyes
people we've respected and loved
are suddenly dying
yet another of our village folk
we laid to rest to-day
so may souls taken
in such a short period of time
all of them relatively young of age

we're shocked
we're in a state of disbelief
how can a village
bear the endless grief

of recent time
our village only hears
news of demise
we're in requirement
of brighter tidings
to lift the dolefulness
from our village skies
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