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 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
Underneath the stars

A million miles from mars

The sky cracked

But with no scars

Blinded by the beauty and the twinkle

The stars in my dreams.

I wake to reality

Into the void skies

I clutch my heart

As it quickly dies

No twinkle

No little

No star

All alone

To wonder who we are

The dark sky

the lonley moon

It will come crashing down all too soon.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I  may fall to pieces soon and you wont even be there

I may shatter in sleep and you wont even care

I may get carried by the wind and never return

But the blackness of your self and whitness of mine

can never entwine

I may dine with my dolls

Form a circle,with a fake hall

play dressup one more time before i begin to break

One more lie and one more mistake

Your black desires,my pure white intentions

are destroyed like nothing else matters

the hope,the gift

its going like a life with no spirit.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
into the river of no return
the tears that shake us
the fears that break us
When you know you're nothing but a little puppet
with tangled strings
caught in the mist,of what life brings
The door shut
no way out
no scream,from your mouth
You wish it never happened
you wish you didnt see
the ending life,what could it be?
Nothing can be done
the pain has begun
You can move on
you can fake a smile
but the joy that you had last
will always last a while
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I stare into space wondering why your ribs are so hollow.Your cheeks stand out and your collarbone begs for tomorrow.Your brown eyes beg for my help and attention.Your skin has scars and marks of a nation.You think your tears make you weak,and that is why you refuse to speak.You just keep your silence and continue to draw.upon you broken and fragile wrists.And as you lay your head on my lap.I swear I heard something inside you snap.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I wake to the sounds of birds.and I can't find it beautiful.
I watch as the sun streams in.and I can't find it beautiful.
Life hustles around me and I can't find even the smell of roses beautiful.
Someone comes in,their smile fixed in place.they tell me good news.Should I find this beautiful?and yet no matter how hard I try,things that once excited me as a child only make me realise there is no positive without a negative.
And so to me,nothing is beautiful.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
It doesn't hurt any less
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I wish someone could see beyond this fragile face

I wish someone could see I am more than a disgrace.

I wish I could talk and let how I feel show

I wish my heart was simple with a subtle glow.

But if I got all my wishes how would I learn?

No harsh people and no one so stern.

My memories would be a tape on constant  repeat

But still I wish someone would see

Who it is that is really me
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
As the sun rises so do my fears
As I cower and tremble with tears
The glow of dawn has never been so polite
My need to run always hidden by the night.
But now the sun is rising its orange mask bringing the heat.
As I turn my head and rise to my feet.
I am ready to run
For my fears have come with the sun
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I trust you

I trust you

But what good is that to me?

I watch you

I watch you

Trying my hardest not to breathe

In such a such time you mean so much

Now I've lost the way,what was it I wanted to say.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Heliza Rose
I'll show you my scars I've been hiding for so long

I'll tell you of all my pain and how it stung

I'll bleed out to you and you can watch me cry

Because eternally I watch myself die

I'm afraid though of all the judging you will do

Because I can never no if ones feelings are TRUE

I'm tired and weak gazing at the stars

As I unconsciously rub my scars
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