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a sour taste, a bitter haste
begins to boil and ruminate
filling all the air i breath today.
        i wonder what is going on
        it always feels like something's wrong
        and i'm sick of everything in every way.
you call this man your friend
just to turn and stab him in the end
well maybe thats all that friends are really for.
        the circumstances may change,
        but the story's always the same
        people just aren't who they were before

and then
the Rain Comes...
        and washes it all away
it comes to cleanse my thoughts
        and save my life, every day.

and where would i be without the rain
        to clear my head, and comfort me?
and where would i be without the rain
        to wash my hands and set me free?

i sit at home every day
with nothing to do but waste away
just hoping that tomorrow won't be the same
        the pieces never fit
        but then again, i must admit
        maybe i've forgotten how to play the game
because the rules are never the same
it's like they change them every day
so how do they expect me to want to play?
        i can not bear the load
        because the mental scars alone
        are enough break my spirit every day...

but then the Rain Comes...
        and washes it all away
it comes to cleanse my thoughts
        and save my life, every day.

oh where would i be without the rain
        to clear my head, and comfort me?
oh where would i be without the rain
        to wash my hands and set me free?
the looking glass is clear
but what i see, i always fear
it looks like there's nothing out there for me
        the dirt is on my hands
        and it's foiled my future plans
        i need to wash it all away to be set free...
because the pain i feel is real
and its the only thing i feel
and i taste it in the air again today
        so now i'm laying in my bed
        with all these thoughts stuck in my head
     ...and i need the rain to come and wash it all away...
This day was an absolute Wonder for me
I saw all of my Friends i’ve been Dying to see
the Sun shined so bright, i could Hardly Believe
This place is for Me, i don’t want to leave
From the Time i layed eyes on their Smiling Faces
I couldn’t stop thinking how Perfect this place is,
The energy is Love that is floating amung Us
So small on a map, But in our Eyes, humungous
This place is My World, it is where i Belong,
These Freinds are my people, our Bonds, so strong
i’ve been around the World now, and Still do i feel
that In This place, the love that I feel, This is real..
Through sharing these Days with my Freinds, We Reveal
This Laughter, This Love, This Life...   This is Real.
i could only hope for something new
when i was loneliest is when i found you
can you tell me that there is something more?
and lift my hands and my head up off the floor?

would you say that you're sincere?
would you say you'll still be here?
would you hold my hands or would you let me drown?
would you pick me up or would you follow me down?

if i could have only heard the words you said
you could have told me i was lost inside my head
but now i see that there is something more
i lift my hands and my head up off the floor.
when the fire burns higher than the evergreens
        and the smoke rings start choking your broken dreams
when the wind pulls you in to a different scene
        still a light shines through.

the window panes fade to grey in the pouring rain
        the glass cracks and shatters inside your veins
your blood slows and flows to a different plane
        but still a light shines through.

but you pull down your shades and cloak it
        in a darkness so thick you could smoke it
the truth so cold it sent shivers through my soul
        and I watched it unfold as i spoke it

what once was a friendship is now decay
        it was painful to watch it all thrown away
but you live life in darkness now anyway
        no more light shines through

you're drowning in the waters and you can't stay dry
        your ears fallen deaf, and your eyes have gone blind
your mouth's full of lies, yet you wonder why
        no more light shines through

and you pull down your shades and cloak it
        in a darkness so thick you could smoke it
the truth, so cold it sent shivers through my soul
        and I watched it unfold as I spoke it.
where will love go when it dies?
        will the embers burn somewhere inside?
or will the ashes slowly float away? it worth me asking anyway?

because, if you look from the other side
        you'll see my eyes are open wide
my heart stops but i'm so alive!
        and I Think This Time It's Here To Stay.
Sit back. Relax. Take a breath. Take a minute. Take a hit. Take a drink. Take a sting. Take a shot. Take a line. Take a day. Take a time. Take a mental Picture. Take a pill. Take something you've always wanted. Sit back and chill..

Sit back, watch the ashes, their crumbling down.
Keep your head in the sky. Keep your feet on the ground.
Keep your buzz going. Don't ever come down.
Keep your face smiling and don't ever frown.
Keep the toxins flowing. Keep your head held high.
Keep your thoughts clear. Stop wondering why.
Keep your hopes up. Drink that whiskey and rye.
Keep moving yourself forward. Live life 'til you die.

Sit back, watch the ashes. They fall to the ground.
Take a listen to the birds, its a beautiful sound.
Take a minute, sit back, watch the world go around.
Take a look at the sky, so vast and profound.
Take a drag of your cigarette, and let yourself go.
Take notice of your freedom, and let the wind blow.
Take off your winter coat, go with the flow.
Take off your mask, let your true colors show.

Sit back, watch the ashes as they land on the earth.
Feel the rediscovery, and feel the rebirth.
Feel the wind on your fingertips, for what it is worth.
Feel the world, what it is, it's incredible girth.
Feel yourself drift away, feel the grass on your toes.
Feel the sun on your face, feel the wind as it blows.
Feel the love in this world, as it blooms, as it grows.
Feel the light on your soul, see the beauty it shows.

Sit back, watch the ashes, their coming, their due
Realize, though, that it's beautiful too.
Redo all of the things, that you love to do.
Remember there's people that truly love you.
Replay all of the memories that make you smile.
Revisit your best friends, and chill for a while.
Resign from your deviance, cunning, and guile.
Relax in recumbence, sit back, reconcile.

The ashes will soon, cover all of this land.
Theres nothing to stop it, no curing command.
Theres someone who loves you, so go hold their hand.
Theres a shortage of love in this world of demand.
Theres only one thought that comes into my mind.
Theres nothing new out there, theres nothing to find.
Theres everything I need, right here, am I blind?
Theres people who love me, people of my kind.

So the world can go ahead and crash down around me, I'll just look Away. I'll just take a look at the things I love.  I'll just take notice of the beautiful Day.
I'll just take another shot, I'll just sit in the beautiful green Grass. I'll just look up at the sky and let the ending pass.
I'll just be sitting with the people I love, and we'll be letting our true colors Show. We'll be feeling the grass on our toes, and letting the beautiful wind Blow.
Get ready to watch the rest of the world fall to pieces. To watch the ashes fall. Prepare for the Show.  But Don't worry...Just Sit back, relax, and let the last of that beautiful wind Blow.


Fall with me. Drop with me. Drop like the rain descending from the pregnant clouds overhead.  Fall like an avalanche, free and uncontrollable. Fall like the waterfall, endlessly powerful.  Fall with the world, but not in disgrace, we're falling like leaves into a beautiful place.  We're falling into eternity… discomforting but true. So enjoy the descent, it's the least you could do, for out of this fall comes a beautiful view...

Fall with the leaves. Fall peaceful and slow
Forget everything that you don't need to know
Form truces with enemies, befriend every foe
For now is the time to let everything go
Forbidden are thoughts of a peaceful demise
Forsaken, the image of peace in disguise
Forgive all the subtle and meaningless lies
Forego a renewal, re-open you're eyes

Fall with the Rain drops, now finally freed
This is the beginning of the end indeed
This peaceful decline may be just what we need
This fall from our old withered branches of greed
This pressure discharged… our old ways replaced
This wind now uplifting, this beauty embraced
This Government Tangle, this Empire, erased
This Is the End of the struggles we've faced

Fall with the Waterfall, Establish your voice
Pro-life… Pro-love… Pro-strength… Pro-choice
Protest your opinions, don't let them devoice
Progress now possible, so revel, rejoice
Provide the necessities, laughter and love
Produce something new, something unheard of
Proclaim your new freedom, and wake with the dove
Promise to fall with the rain from above.

Fall with the Avalanche, plush and severe
Don't let the ending take hold of your fear
Don't forget, there's people that still love you here
Don't let these people, your friends, disappear
Don't be afraid now…  The grass is still green
Don't take your eyes off the beautiful scene
Don't let your colors be shaded unclean
Don't let the distance grow vast in between

Fall with the ashes that cover this earth
Be Born Once Again, re-discover rebirth
Believe in true beauty, for what it is worth
Beware of this world, its incredible girth
Below you are roots from which you can grow
Beyond the Horizon is the end as we know
Belong To A Bigger Picture, go with the flow
Become something less…  Sit back… Watch the show.

Fall with the ashes, but not in disgrace. Finally we can escape from this place. The government gone, the Empires erased.  We can Fall with the raindrops, with beauty embraced.
Take off your masks, let your true colors Show. Let the sun shine bright, let the moonlight glow.  Revisit your best friends, Let yourselves go.
and let the very last of that beautiful wind blow…

— The End —