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It seems as if every time my lips get used to being alone,

your lips get lonely.

And every time my arms return to my sides,

your arms start reaching out.

And, every time I give up on love,

you become a romantic.
the cloud yearned to sweetly kiss the sea
for he reflected the colored sky  in his crashing waves
so the cloud could see her mirrored image was beautiful.

the cloud lived in eternal sadness
willing herself to sob salty tears
a sacrifice to save the sea from emptiness.

the cloud fell in love with the sea
because no matter how her shape or size changed
his waves formed a curved smile of affection.
I killed another one this week
in front of everybody
her beauty gradually faded
as I starved her
and watched her wither
at one point I regretted it
and tried to revive her
I gave her plenty
but she drowned
and left a foul smell
of decay
A widow bird sate mourning for her Love
Upon a wintry bough;
The frozen wind crept on above,
The freezing stream below.

There was no leaf upon the forest bare,
No flower upon the ground,
And little motion in the air
Except the mill-wheel’s sound.
for a single day my heart

beat in time with yours,

its rhythm so familiar transformed

by the sweetness of your counterpoint

into a current electric

that arced between the nearness of our bodies,

delivering us unconsumed

though indelibly marked,

with the taste of salt lingering

on our tongues.
When I flitted with the fall
I could feel the cool imprint of fingers,
The pounding of veins, Adam's fright,
Twisted, in the effulgence of the night.

My axis span by this faint touch of hand
And I dreamt of some respite
In spring's ethereal step
To blink beyond this cusp of night.

I fled; too fast to grasp — that I was broken,
For ash cities and burnt leaves,
Cool waves and barren trees.
This — a token, to the months I left unspoken.
Wolves in the sky are chasing
Sun and moon.
Winter is cold and cruel;
There is a great deal
Of fear and foreboding
In our stories.
In our lives
Light is dimmer,
Hell is nearer,
Brother slays brother in dark places.
The dark places are growing.

In a once great city I watched a man
Be eaten by shadows.

When fire and hail have scoured the earth,
And the riders of Muspelheim have trod bones and blood,
When the sun and the moon are gone,
And humankind has given out its last collective wail,
Will you be there,
Waiting for me beneath the branches of Yggdrasil?
Will you be there?
Alone in this world?

Faceted with double edged


Whispering solemn chords

to muted minds
Warm whisp'ring through the slender olive leaves
Came to me a gentle sound,
Whis'pring of a secret found
In the clear sunshine 'mid the golden sheaves:

Said it was sleeping for me in the morn,
Called it gladness, called it joy,
Drew me on 'Come hither, boy.'
To where the blue wings rested on the corn.

I thought the gentle sound had whispered true
Thought the little heaven mine,
Leaned to clutch the thing divine,
And saw the blue wings melt within the blue!
 Dec 2012 Justyna Grela
Tear laden pool,
filled with secret betrayals,
that float endlessly,
on the still water.

Smoke fades,
oh so slowly,
just like your eyes,
that now drift endlessly,
into a daydream.

Soft clouds,
roll across the blue sky,
never stopping,
on their long path.

A pebble is thrown,
into the pool,
and it ripples,
shattering the calm image,
that sits in the mind.

Laden with grief,
a leaf floats,
to the bottom,
touching the sand,
that rests beneath.

Looking up,
through the now still water,
the light is blurred,
and the leaf is weighed

Not wanting,
to return,
to the surface,
because its vision,
is drowned.
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