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Oct 2015 · 10.9k
One Year Six Months
Just Me Oct 2015
One year and six moths ago she was a different person.
One who never believed.
One who never lived.

She was a shell of a human
Breathing and blinking
Never once was there happiness in her blinking eyes or excitement in her breath.

One year and six months ago
She never even saw herself living that long.
Her life was suppose to end that fateful cold March night.

But one year and six months ago she found a small glimmer of hope
She can't remember where or who
She can't remember anything really.

One year and six months ago, she chose life.
Jul 2015 · 11.0k
Just Me Jul 2015
It has been a while
It has been too long

I am at a loss for words

Remember me when I am gone.
Mar 2015 · 9.7k
Just Me Mar 2015
Gemma~: Autres Temps,  Autres Vertus~~

A young girl, so innocent, so new,
Cheerful and happy in any place,
Sat alone in her room, beneath the argent glow of the moon
And whispered to the jewels that glittered the sky
        “I am beautiful, I am me.”

Now that she's older, the world around her has become colder.
As she sits in her bed, beneath the lunar glare,
Silver turns to red,
While she whispers to her familiar jewels
        “Am I beautiful, am I me?”

The moons go by, and her jewels remain ever changeless.
This time she stands on a chair, illuminated by the metallic gleam of the moon she held so dear
With one last breath and one last glance, arms wide open, she whispers
        “I want to be beautiful, I want to be you,”
And welcomes death.

The moon continued through its phases, and the stars stayed their course.
He sits alone in her room, in the argent glow of the moon
And whispers to her jewels that glitter the sky
        *“To me, you were always beautiful, to me you were always you.
        There is no one to blame, but the world who ought to hang her head in shame.”
~Gem or jewel. On a dark night, this star lives up to its name, sparkling at the forefront of the semi-circle of stars that make up the constellation Corona Borealis. Commonly known as the Northern Crown, it once belonged to Ariadne, princess of Crete and wife of Dionysus.  
~~ “Other times, other values.”

I wrote this for a contest for school. The original idea came from a poem I wrote a while back and never published. The parameters for the contest where (for those who are interested): A conversation in the dark, a constellation, start and end in the same place/way, and a phrase in a different language. Hope you all enjoy it, and this is dedicated to all those lives lost. May you rest in peace.
Dec 2014 · 9.2k
Just Me Dec 2014
The snow glimmers like diamonds, each falling flake sparkling in its own array of prismatic colors. The sky, clear and blue, is sprinkled with these small gems.
breathe in.
      The air is cool and crisp, stinging her nose on every intake, but filling her lungs with clean fresh air.
breathe out.
      Little puffs of steam flow from her mouth and into the world, each little droplet tumbling over another as they scramble to explore this new universe, until they vanish completely from sight.
breathe in.
      The soft breeze drifts carelessly over the snow, leaving an icy touch in its wake.
breathe out.
      The thumps of her heart increase and fill her ears as she approaches the gate.
breathe in.
      The thumps become steady, a rhythmic beat to keep the time.
breathe out.
      Three. The hand goes up.
breathe in.
      One. It drops.
breathe out
      She is gone.
Something I wrote for a college app that I really liked and decided to post it here. The prompt was get us hooked in 150 words. Hope you all like it :D I don't know what to call it either. Any suggestions?? Comment below :D
Nov 2014 · 11.2k
Just Me Nov 2014
Something happened
Maybe it was the distance
Maybe it was the time
All I know is that we aren't the same

Everything we were
Memories we created
All have faded from your mind

You said always and forever
I don’t want to give up on you
But it looks like you have already *given up on me.
This was inspired by a change in a friend I have seen. This is NOT a poem about a breakup or heart ache. However you can read it that way, but that is not it's original intent.
Jun 2014 · 9.0k
Just Me Jun 2014
She sits next to him
Head on his shoulder, head on hers
Sitting in blissful happiness
The music bringing them closer and closer

The notes fill her head
Singing to her
The lyrics imprint themselves on her soul
Never letting her forget

A year ago
He remembered what she showed him a year ago
The song the lyrics the band

As she sits next to him, head on his shoulder
Doubt fills her mind
Second guessing her choice
Was it a mistake?

The longer she sits the more she doubts
Was it a mistake?
What would have happened if she had said yes?
Happiness or a beautiful disaster

Would she be happy with him?

He makes her feel things
Good and bad
He makes her laugh and hate him at the same time

But that doesn't matter
What matters is that he makes her happy
A small smiles stretches across her lips as she sits there next to him
Memories flooding her mind

But the smile slowly fades, replaced by an... emptiness
Because he's leaving next year
She'll never see him again

Was it a mistake turning him down? What would have happened had she said yes?
Happiness or a beautiful disaster

She'll never know though and it is slowly killing her
But for now she'll sit, content to be next to him and almost happy
Feb 2014 · 7.5k
Why (Part II)
Just Me Feb 2014
You say you hate me
    You say it because I haven't been a good friend lately
    but you don't understand Why
Why I'm the way I am
   Why I've become who I am.

You'll never understand
    You'll say you do if I tell you
    but you'll never understand
You wouldn't be able to understand because you don't know what's happening
    You've never lived in my hell.

So before you say: "I thought you where my ******* friend."
    Try living my hell, see how long you can survive before you crumble
    We're all in the same game
We're just on different levels of hell
    So keep that in mind before you speak.
Jan 2014 · 6.9k
Just Me Jan 2014
If I asked you what you loved
what would you say?

Can I guess?

Your mother, father, brother, sister
Reading, writing, singing
Music, friends

The list could go on and on
am I right?

I think I am.


How long would it take you to say
the most important one


Would you be able to say it
Could you even say it

How long would it take you
to say
I love myself

For some  
It never happens

Why you ask?

How could someone not love themselves?

I think you know.
But you just don't want too.
You don't want to see it, hear it.

But I'm going to tell you.

Whether you like it or not.

So Why?

Why is because when she looks in the mirror
All she sees is an ugly face
An ugly body
And ugly soul
How could she love such an ugly being?

Why is because when she lies awake at 3 in the morning
All her insecurities attack her
All her doubts, her worries
Flood her every thought, drowning everything else out
How could she love such a weak pathetic being?

So you ask why some will never be able to say "I love myself"
This is Why
These are the thoughts going through their heads
The thoughts that never leave them alone
How long would it take you to say 'myself' Minutes, Hours, Days, Years, Ever
Jan 2014 · 6.9k
Artist's Addiction
Just Me Jan 2014
Just once* I whisper
so I pick up the silver and watch as it turns to red
its easy

First it was anger
next it was the voices

Before I know it
the silver gets bigger
and the red gets deeper
The red fades
and I

Its the only thing that keeps me alive now
without it I don't know what to do
how to function
how to make it all go away
Its my Artist's Addiction

So the now blades are bigger
the cuts are deeper
the sleeves
and the scars last forever.

When everything feels like the movies
You bleed just to know you're alive

I can paint prettier pictures now
pictures I like
pictures I can't live without
but there's a twist

The paintbrush, its my razor
screaming at me
use me I can take it all away

The canvas, its my wrist
that screams out to me
I know you want to

Even when I'm at my best
they both scream out at me

*Its my Artist's Addiction
We are each addicted to something that takes the pain away...
Dec 2013 · 4.8k
Just Me Dec 2013
Reach for the blade. Its the only thing that can make you feel anything now.
        Now that everyone has destroyed what's left of you...
             How you will ever be the same again...

Draw it across and watch as the red flows behind it
         Again and again, again and again, again and again
             Till there is nothing but red

At first its anger, hatred, betrayal
    Then it becomes less and less
         More of a habit
              Till you feel nothing at all
                       And all you want are the scars and to try to feel, try to be in control of something

It is always  easier to start than it is to stop
Dec 2013 · 4.8k
Break Me
Just Me Dec 2013
Do you want to know what I’m ******* sick of…
Probably not… It’s not like you’d give a **** anyways.
Because the moment you give a ****…you **** up your life.
It’s better to not feel anything than to feel and have it be ripped away from you.
The moment you trust in some…ha they're a fake. They don’t give a ******* **** about you or your problems…
Maybe it seems like they do…but they don’t care. They NEVER do.
I thought maybe he might have cared. After all he noticed.
**** it. It was a ******* lie.
Sure he noticed but that was all. He didn’t care…
He makes you feel again and then takes it all away… I forgot “the higher you go, the harder you fall” and that’s just what I did.
I was being stupid, naive, and idiot, to think for just a second he would understand or even care what I was going through.
Ha now I’m back to square one. Back to being just me.
Haha life is a cruel ******* game.
My demons know how to swim, they know everything about me. They aren’t under my bed they are in my head.
Now I’m back to the way it was before he came in. Before he tried to fix me. If anything he broke me even more…
Dec 2013 · 4.7k
Just Me
Just Me Dec 2013
      Silent on the outside,
      Screaming on the inside
      Bleeding from my wrists
All in all I'm more ****** up then you can ever fathom
Dec 2013 · 4.5k
Just Me Dec 2013
breath in

Nobody gives a ****.

They can’t see the *tears
through the smile I’m faking. They can’t hear me scream through the laughter I’m faking.
      I want nothing more than to stand in a room and scream my ******* lungs out and cry a ******* river and watch as you all ******* walk by like nothing is ******* happening.

breath out

        Because your all to ******* blind to see anything. You know what?
Open your ******* eyes for once in your **** life!!

breath in

     Look around you and notice the broken people. And for ONCE!! Stop thinking about yourself!!
           Think about the people around you and the fact that they aren’t as whole as you think they are!!
                In fact they are screaming, kicking, crying at you for you to notice TO CARE TO DO SOMETHING!!

breath out

Ha but you never notice!
       Nobody ever does!
And when you think that maybe just maybe they might have noticed it all comes crashing down on you when you realize they were just FAKING IT!
God I hate people I hate life I hate EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!!

breath in

I’m just gonna go now…it’s not like anyone’s gonna notice anyway…

Dec 2013 · 4.7k
Can You See Me?
Just Me Dec 2013
I'm sick of being alone
Tired of fighting my demons
Ready to be done...
I just want someone to notice
see through my mask
Someone to love me
Someone to tell me everything is going to be ok and hold onto me and never let me go...

But those are just silly dreams for a silly stupid ****** up girl, me
A girl with too many secrets
Secrets that eat at me and destroy me
And before you know it
     I will be gone
But its not like you care anyway
Because you don't notice anything...
You don't open your eyes to the world around you
    To see beneath the masks, the lies...
You can't see

But maybe you'll see when I'm *gone

    but you won't give a ****
       you never do...

I'm gone
And you can't even see me.
Dec 2013 · 7.6k
Just Me Dec 2013
How do I make you understand
     Understand what you mean to me
          How your words cut me
How do I make you understand
      Understand that I don't know what I would do without you
           Even though your words cut me
How do I make you understand
      Understand that I love you
            Even though I know you don't love *me
Dec 2013 · 4.5k
Just Me Dec 2013
She stands gazing out at the lake
         the waves chase each other across its surface.
Beside her, a fire
         connected to her, it burns softly and warmly in the dark of the night.
She can feel her city miles behind her
         its walls shifting, changing, throbbing with her every emotion.

The waves crash against the shore
         pounding the sand as hard as it can.
         a silver chain, half buried reveals itself as a wave retreats
She reaches down and grabs it before the waves reclaim it into the black abyss
                  the loop dangles from the silver chain blazing in the light of the fire.

A scream claws its way up her throat
         blood-curdling, loathing, filled with hatred.
Beside her, her fire leaps
         its flames raging, burning brighter, hotter, higher, faster
The chain falls from her shaking hands
         the light illuminating the chain as the waters reclaim it, bringing it back into the black abyss.

It was a cruel joke
         after everything?
Now they were just mocking her
         breaking their promise and throwing it back in her face.

Hatred fills her veins
         for what the silver chain means
She can feel Him waking
         He can feel her rage, her anger, her hatred.
Slowly everything around her begins to fade
         the lake, her fire, her city.

He begins to wake
         filled with longing to be unleashed upon them
                  to make them pay for what they did.
He begins to consume her
         taking over her till nothing is left
She is on her knees, panting, fighting to control Him, to keep Him subdued
         but its too late
                  He is too strong and she is to weak.

He enters the world
         and she is no more
He wants blood, pain, chaos
         He wants to make them suffer
He has no reasoning, no cares, nothing
         only the urge to ****
                  destroy, pain.

He is the Beast
         and nothing can stop him.
Her city can do nothing
         only watch and wait
Watch has the Beast destroys the world
         consuming it till it is no more...
a poem/short story take off on The Beast poem for a school comp. i have entered. The things we had to have in it: in the future, someone who does not TALK, a lake, a fire, something that washes ashore and sticks in the sand. So hope you all enjoy. Like comment follow do whatever :D hope you all like it
Oct 2013 · 3.0k
Just Me Oct 2013
Sorry* you say when you are little
And then everything is back to normal
         Back to the ways things were before
                       happy and innocent

Sorry you say when you are older
And then most things go back to normal
          Almost back to the way things were before
                        almost happy and innocent

Sorry you said as you fell to the floor cold and lifeless
And then nothing is back to normal
          Nothing is back to the way things were before
                         no longer happy and innocent

But how can things go back to normal?
     How can you say 'sorry' as you are on the floor cold and lifeless
             How do you expect me to go back to normal, to the way things were before?

Sorry is all I see, all I hear
Sorry is never 'back to normal'
Sep 2013 · 7.5k
Fucked Up
Just Me Sep 2013
****** Up

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Not seen not heard not wanted
But that's just life isnt it?
People not caring

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Alone abused abandoned
Friends aren't there
Parents don't care

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Dejected deserted neglected
Living a lie
Begging to die

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Shattered crushed broken
Vitals failing
Everyone's bailing

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Exhausted ruined drained
Hopelessness surrounds her
Life is a blur

Just a ****** up girl with a ****** up life
Not seen not heard not wanted
But that's what life is isnt it?
People not caring
Sep 2013 · 3.8k
Just Me Sep 2013
A disappointment

Their words rage all around her
Mocking her

Not worth my time
Can't wait till she leaves

She's sick of it all
Sick of their words

Inside she is screaming, kicking, fighting
Outside she is silent, still, dead

Home is suppose to be a sanctuary

Home is Hell
And they are the Devil

But there's no one there to save her
No one to get her out of Hell

No one can hear as she screams Get me out of this ******* Hell
No one can see her pain


Because they belive the smiles she's faking
The laughter that comes from her mouth

No one stops for a moment to see behind her facade
No one comes to her rescue

Forever she is trapped in Hell
Forever she will yell
Jul 2013 · 3.3k
Forever In Our Heart
Just Me Jul 2013
Forever In Our Heart:

That fateful night when everything as We know it changed
The call late in the night
The weeping that followed
The lives that were forever changed

That was the night He passed
It was the night We lost a class mate, a friend, a brother, a son
That was the night We lost a young man so full of life
A young man who sought only the truth

We miss His bright happy smiles
We miss His care free attitude
We miss His presence
But most of all We miss Him

However life must continue
We must continue
But even as We continue
A part of us will never forget Him

He will always remain in that part
Never to be forgotten
Always to be rembered
May You Rest In Peace Dear Friend
In memory of a friend to us all who passed 3 years ago on July 4th in a car accident. . Forever  are you in our hearts. Rest in Peace Alex.
Jul 2013 · 2.9k
For Her
Just Me Jul 2013
For Her

The call came late that night. The voice on the other end asks for him; he answers in the affirmative. It then proceeds to deliver the dreadful news.

At first he does not believe the voice. He asks it to repeat it self. It does, this time offering words or sympathy and comfort.

But it's to late. She is gone. There are no words of comfort, no spells, no nothing that can bring her back to him.

The phone falls to the floor with a sharp clatter; he with a soft thump. He stares blankly ahead as his brain works to understand, comprehend, believe what has happened.


The Word rings through his mind, his body, his soul. It consumes him. He understands nothing else. It traps him in its hold till he is numb, then it releases him.

First comes the grief and the tears. It washes over him crippling him once more. The tears stain his cheeks forcing him to remember.

Then the rage. Rage so red, so hot, it burns the Word out. He begins to blame everyone and everything. How could this happen? How could Fate be so cold? He blames and blames till there is nothing left to blame.

The rage passes as the guilt begins to seep in. It starts at the skin and slowly makes its way to his core. She had done nothing to deserve this! It should have been him, not Her! She had been innocent!

As the guilt reaches his core, his thoughts take a deadly turn. He could step off a chair, pull a trigger, take pills. Anything to end this pain and join Her. He could flood the tube, cut till he bleeds out...

Suddenly a cool calming sensation washes over him. His thoughts begin to clear, his emotions begin to calm. Her voice whispers in his ear, soothing him, begging him not to join Her.

For Me. She whispers then fades.

Her words strength him. They lead him away from the Darkness and Guilt and Rage. For Her. For Her, he must continue.

Day after day he gets stronger. For Her. He tells himself. For Her. Week after week. For Her. Month after month. For Her. Year after year. For Her, he whispers.

Till one day he sees her. she looks the same as Her, walks and talks the same. But as he begins to learn about her, he realizes she is not Her. she is like Her but not Her.

Month after month and year after year. Finally he has a reason to live, a reason to fight.

He realizes that She was right all along. Her words were right, for time had passed and he had healed. However he would never forget her. Every now and then he whispers softly to the sky For Her, Thank You.

High above She gazes down at the small family. The family she could have had. But She has no regrets. He his happy and that is all that matters.

A smile tugs at Her lips as She watches him. Finally he had found peace. Finally he had found love. Finally he had healed.

She would forever gaze down to watch and protect for though he was happy She knew She would be *forever in his heart
Note the capitalized Her and She verses the lower case her and she. They are two different characters.
Her/She= one character
her/she=another character
Hope this makes sense. It should within the poem but if it doesn't feel free to comment the questions below or message me. Hope you enjoy.
Jul 2013 · 2.7k
Just Me Jul 2013

She sits alone out in the pouring rain
It falls in sheets
Drenching everything

She is broken
Her body, her mind, her soul
She is but a shell

She remembers that night
The night he broke her
She remembers the warmth, then the icy plunge

Now whenever she tries to remember the warmth, the happiness she can't
All there is cold and Darkness
Darkness is the only thing

She has succumbed to its dark embrace
She sits alone not caring
Darkness has won
Not my best one but hope it is somewhat enjoyable
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
30 Days
Just Me Jun 2013
30 Days:
30 days...
The memories are the only thing she can see
The blood is all she can feel
The screams are all she can hear
30 days since her reason to live was torn away from her

30 days...
The bullet ripping through his body
The warm blood oozing from the wound
His breathe growing weaker and weaker
30 days since she lost the one she ever loved

30 days...
She has not moved an inch  
She has not spoken a word
She just stares off into the abyss
30 days she has been lost

30 days...
The voices have been calling to her
They whisper into her ear
Words of poison, words of venom
30 days ends now.
Jun 2013 · 2.6k
The Wolves
Just Me Jun 2013
The Wolves:
I stand then collapse
My legs are not strong enough to hold me anymore
My body is weak
Slowly dying

I laid there and watched you
Watched you pledge your love to another victim
You say the same words to her like you said to me
You say that you love her just like you told me

I watch the girl
Her face lights up
She is happy and in love
But you are not, to you she is another victim

Soon she will no longer please you just as I have
You will cast her aside, grow tired of her
Throw her to the wolves
Watch as she slowly dies with no pity

You will do the same thing to her that you did to me
You swear you will always be there for her
But you won't
You will leave once you no longer want her, just like you left me
Left me to the Wolves

You will always be cold hearted
Not capable of love
Not capable of emotions
*You will always feed us to the Wolves
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
The Destroyer
Just Me Jun 2013
The Destroyer:
He met her
His one and only
Or so he thought
His heart told him wrong

He told her everything
He told her of his love for her
He told her what he would do for her
He told her he would wait

She did nothing
She ignored what he had to say
She took what he was offering and spit it back in his face
She destroyed him

Now he is an empty shell
He finds no reason to continue
But he must
He made a promise to her, a promise he no longer wants to keep

The girl realizes the pain she has caused
She asks him to forgive
She begs him to forgive what happened
She is sorry

But he doesn't
Why should he
She ruined him
She deserves nothing from him
*She destroyed him
Jun 2013 · 2.5k
Just Me Jun 2013
It began when she moved to a small town. She was not the town's normal girl. She was different. Her skin tone, her voice, her eyes. She played suddenly, walked differently. She could and would never fit in.

She went to the school where she was made fun of. It was tolerable at first when she was younger. Buy as she got older it got worse. The one person who would stand up for her left. He left her to the torments and the teasing.

Soon all they did was relentlessly make fun of her. Push her buttons. They could not see what they were doing to her. They were destroying her. Her love for school turned dread. She would have to face their voices as they called out hatred, mock and scorn. She would dread seeing or talking to them.

The little things grew as she kept them to herself. They started small, inconspicuous. Then the grew. They grew bigger and bigger. Deeper and deeper till they became the center of her universe.

She would put on a fake smile everyday the real on had been gone for some time. Her love of school had faded some time ago, but now her love of life was like the faint flickering of a dying candle. She would talk to no one unless talked to. She ignored their looks and comments, but their whispers were heard like shouts to her.

Finally one day they pushed her over the edge. Three simple words. Three words that don't mean much to anyone else but to her, those where the words that finally broke her.

She went home that night knowing it would be her last. She was done with life. She had played their game and she was tired now. She was tired and she wanted out. She left no expiation. Just a short note saying that she was sorry.

A single gun shot rang out into the quiet night. Her patents came home later that night calling to her. She gave no answer because she was gone. Rushing upstairs her parents found her body.

Her mother collapsed. Her father broke. Her family that loved her mourned for her. Those who taunted her and teased her finally realized their wrong but it was to late. The damage was done. She was gone.
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
Gone II
Just Me Jun 2013
Gone II: by me
You are alone
You have hit the end
You don't care
You can no longer mend

It's easy now
Step off or pull the trigger
Step out with a bow
But what you leave behind is bigger

The world... Life
What about the others
How do they cope
How about the mothers

When you are gone you are gone
There is no going back
You shall not see another dawn
You are gone
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Just Me Jun 2013
You are alone
You are by yourself
You are who you are
But who are you

You feel as if the world is crashing in on you
The little things in life are no longer little
They are the center of your world
They are as big as the sun

You hold them in you
They start small but get bigger
The longer you keep them inside the bigger they get
They consume you till nothing is left

You want to end it
It's easy
Just step or pull and it's done
You're gone

But what about the rest of the world
How does your mother cope with the pain
How does your father be the strong daddy he needs to be when he has lost is baby
How does the world continue when you did not

When you took the easy way out
When you decided to play god
When you decided it was time
When you ended yourself
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
The Pain
Just Me Jun 2013
The Pain:

You don't know what it is like
To lose the one you held so dearly
To lose the one you loved with all your heart
You cannot fathom the pain.

The pain that cuts into you
It starts on the surface
A tiny *****
One you barely notice.

It gets deeper
Cutting deeper and deeper into you
You can feel it now
It is more than just a *****.

It is an excruciating pain
A pain you feel deep in your bones
A pain you feel deep in your soul
A pain you can do nothing about.

The pain becomes part of you
It lives within you like a beast that will not flee
It takes hold of you and controls you
It destroys you.

Yet you bear it every day
You bear it with a fake smile
And the world believes you
They know nothing of your pain.

They believe your lies
The smiles you're faking
But they will never know your pain
They will never be able to fathom it.
Jun 2013 · 2.5k
Just Me Jun 2013
She is broken
Her heart is shattered to millions of pieces.
She will never be the same
Thanks to him

She remembers the first day she met him
She felt happy
As happy has she has ever been
She was walking in sunshine

She loved the color of his eyes
His laugh, his smile
She loved the way he treated her
With kindness and love

But it was all just an act
He never loved her
His words of kindness and love were lies
He was a lie

He took her heart and shattered it
Broke it into a million prices
Turned it to stone and steel
Hard and impenetrable

But a small sliver of her heart still feels for him
A small sliver still hopes that there can be what was
But she knows it can never be
*He has shattered her beyond repair
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
His Eyes
Just Me Jun 2013
His Eyes:

I lay gazing at his face
His eyes are a green
So very bright green
They are like the grass of spring

They hold my gaze
They are filled with so much life
They sparkle in the light
I can see laughter dancing inside them

His eyes hold many secrets
Many memories of things he as seen
Some good some sad
Those beautiful eyes never leave mine

His eyes are all I see
I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame
They speak the unspoken words
They watch and remember everything
Those eyes are his beautiful green eyes
Jun 2013 · 3.8k
Just Me Jun 2013
I remember everything that night
It is engraved into my mind
I remember what true happiness felt like
I remember

The night was cool
But you were warm
Hand in hand
They fit together like a puzzle piece

I remember the music
Loud and fun but clear and calming
The notes sang a beautiful melody
One I will never forget

I remember your eyes crystal blue
They were full of life
I remember you laugh
It was music to my ears

It was the best day of my life
The dance, the night
But it ended too soon
I can feel the absence

I can feel the cold again
The emptiness of life
The absence of your hand
The absence of happiness

To this day I miss your laughter, the sparkle in your eye
I miss the warmth, the dance
I miss that memory
*But most of all I miss you
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Heart Stealer II
Just Me Jun 2013
Heart Stealer:
My deep soul
Beats to yours
When I see you
It stops
The silence
You surround it

The love breaks
I am breathless
As your demons take over
You're a liar
Stood cold
Water falls from the stars
Covering my tears

Written by a friend
Jun 2013 · 2.2k
Heart Stealer
Just Me Jun 2013
Heart Stealer:

I sit there

I feel this emptiness
This emptiness in my chest
Right where my heart should be
Right where I should feel a thump

But its not there
It's not there because you have stolen it
You have ripped it out of my chest
Out of the spot where it should be beating

The moment I saw you I knew
I knew you were mine
I could feel it in my core
My heart told me 'he's the one'

But my heart was wrong
You were not the one for me
You took my love and spat it in my face
I gave you my love and you gave me nothing but false hope

Now I am an empty shell
Never will I be able to love again
Never will I look at a boy the same way
You stole my heart and kept it for yourself never bothering to give it back
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
The Boy Who Stole My Heart
Just Me Jun 2013
The Boy Who Stole My Heart:

I saw you in school
I saw you in town
I saw you and I saw no more

You are the boy who has captured my world
You are the boy whose name I draw in hearts
You are the boy I can't get out of my head
You are the boy I want to live my life with

As I sit in class I think about you
Everything is crystal clear
I remember everything
The way your hair shines in the light
Your brown eyes never cease to intrigue me
They are full of beauty deep and thoughtful

Your laugh brings a smile to my face
Your jokes never fail to brighten my day
Slowly I find myself falling for you
I find myself falling
Falling faster and faster
There is nothing that can stop my fall
Only you
Only you can put an end to this Fall

The funny thing is that you think that I am joking
But I am not
You are the boy who has stolen my heart....
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
The Beast
Just Me Jun 2013
The Beast:

She stands
Looking down, she curses the world
How could they do this to her
After everything, everything she has done for them

A scream rises from her throat
It is blood-curling, filled with hatred
Hatred for the world
The people in it

She can no longer see
Her vision is tinged with red
Shapes become meaningless
People become nothing to her

She can feel the Beast within her
It wants out
It wants to make them pay
It wants to cause pain and destruction

She is on her knees now
Panting trying to keep the Beast in
But it is to strong and she is too weak
It enters the world and the girl is no more

The Beast wants blood, pain and chaos
It has no reasoning
The girl's essence is buried deep
What remains is only the beast

It makes ready to destroy
But it can't
There is a boy in its way
A boy the girl knew

The boy stands in its way
A boy who will not let the Beast get what it wants
His piercing green eyes never leaving
Nor his body

The Beast leaps at the boy
But he is ready
His strong arms hold the Beast close to him
He holds it tightly and whispers to it

There is a calming sensation that washes over the Beast
The anger fades
Soon followed by the Beast

She collapses in his arms, to weak to stand
The sobs come in waves as her small frame shakes
Only his presence can calm the Beast
Only he is able to tame it
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
His Arms
Just Me Jun 2013
His Arms:

As I lay there I can feel him
I feel his soft skin on my back
His arm is draped over my waste
The heat seeping through the thin layer of my shirt

I turn slowly as if not to wake him
I gaze upon his face
His beautiful face, the face I love
I find my hand moving towards his face

Quickly I pull it back
But not quick enough for I notice his arm is no longer in my waist
His arm now holds my hand
Slowly he brings it to his lips as he whispers "I love you"

I hear those words come forth from my own lips
Right then I know that he is the one
He is for me

I notice his arms are no longer on my hand
They are back around my waist
His arms are my fortress
They are my shield
His arms keep me safe
His arms are mine
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
The Death
Just Me Jun 2013
The Death:

She stands in the rain
With nothing but an umbrella to protect her
To protect her from the rain
But also the pain of the death....

The death of her husband
The man she loved whole heartily
The man who protected her
Loved her
The man whose smile brightened any day

Now that smile is gone
Gone with the man
No longer will she see him
Nor feel the warmth of his embrace
Nor see his smile
No longer will he be the one to

As this dawns
She is struck with grief
Grief soo deep that she will never love again
She bears a deep lack hole in her heart
One question torments her day and night
Where is my love?

She stands in the rain
With nothing but an umbrella to protect her
To protect her from the rain
But also the pain.....
Jun 2013 · 2.1k
Just Me Jun 2013

She stands alone
Abandoned by those she called friends
Left behind by those she thought were her family
Left behinds
But not....

Embraced in a world of unseen white
Her guardian
Her angel
Wings smooth as silk
Soft as a feather
White as pure snow
Strong as steel

They surround her
Protect her from the harshness of the world
Her guardian angel
Never leaving
Always staying
Never seen
Always being

She stands alone, head bowed
Abandoned by those she called friends
Left behind by those she thought were family
Left behind
But not...
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Just Me Jun 2013

She stands at the edge
It's as close as she can get
Her wings are broken
Tattered and torn
Feathers have thinned out
Lost their luminous shine
She has fallen.....

Rain falls
She has lost her rank in Heaven's Army
The rain splashes her
Covering her in the tears that Heaven cry's for her

She is forced to crawl among the humans
Never to fly again
Never to know the glory of the wind teasing her hair
Never to feel the air raise under her wings

She bears the Mark of Satan
She has fallen....
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Just Me Jun 2013

A young girl
Sits high above
About what only she knows

Her past
Her decisions
They  swarm her
Voices whisper
Plaguing her

She could end this now
The voices that haunt her
She could let go
She should let go
Let her life end
Nobody would miss her

The city lights bellow call to her
Telling her to jump
To let go
But she doesn't
The wind tells her otherwise
It plays with her hair
Kisses her skin
Telling her not to jump
Not to give up on life

A young girl
Sits high above
About what only she knows

— The End —